Main / LongLiveTheKing-Searching

Long Live the King - Searching

2/1/14 (After the events of Jan3114)

QuiFon and Brother Foto look at each other with a secret smile as if to say to each other "and they call it a mine".

QuiFon gets a little more serious as he speaks to the group. "While there have been bumps in the road, it is clear we are on the right path. When ever two forces are at work, for the same or opposite goals, their paths are bound to cross. The true victory goes to whom ever can stay true to their path. I am quite certain a trip to the mines is along our true path.

2/3 Shurkural looks up and around at the giant tree before them. "Apparently you're seeing something I ain't, sugar. What'd I miss?"

Note: These next discussions are happening as the group spends the day at Primsen.


2/9 after Feb0814

QuiFon eventually get back to his discussion. "I believe it was when we got back out of the hills, I said there would be a path to the temple, no matter how hidden. It is peculiar how the farmers knew of it but sometime the most direct path should not be taken. some may find the Tree and the town a distraction, but to others, we are just throwing others off our sent.

Indigo slid back over to the table and eyed a boiled potato still sitting on the platter. “Can I have this last one?” he looked around and hearing no overly loud protests, stabbed it with a fork. “So, the dangerous quest has nothing to do with what we’re doing, and the lady wouldn’t even tell me what it is until I bring Branwyn here.”

Indigo took a large bite of potato and paused to swallow and then take a drink. “But you should go see Miss Rondelle,” he lowered his voice a bit. “She’s … got a real wooden leg! She knocked on it and everything. She’s not even a pirate.” Taking another big swallow, he continued, “She’s also a lady dwarf. I’ve never seen a lady dwarf before, much less one with a wooden leg. But it was really strange. She kept insisting that dwarves didn’t exist. I told her she didn’t need to do that but she just ignored me. Ummm …. Do you mind if I go to that back table for a minute? You can find a lot of information over a game of dice.”

Meanwhile, Miranda fins herself alone shopping with Shur. sidebar1

QuiFon looked over at Miss Rondelle, but then gently took Indigo’s arm to make sure he didn’t scramble off too soon. “But Indigo, what about the path?”

“Oh, yes. You were right all along. We need to take the old mining road,“ he said looking at QuiFon seriously, “which means we have to go by the tree and the werewolves again. I guess I’m not used to finding my inner Procog and I know now I should have listened to yours. But Qui, I’m not like Hoffman, who is the master of the labyrinth and knows each turn to take. And I worry about everyone. If we take a path into the hills, we need to commit to it and I just wanted to see if we could be sure of which one if we could. Taking the wrong path could mean losing our chance at getting what we were sent for.”

Indigo poured himself another mug of ale. “Where we slept last night? That goes to some man Archibald’s End who was not loyal to the Duke. So that’s not right. But the mining road goes back not only to an old dwarven mine, but to the old temple too. I asked her about a lake so we could go fishing and then she talked about the lake and the rabbit’s head. Just like the magic scrolls told us about! So if we can find that, we should be able to find the bird’s beak opening with the eggs in front of it. And then we’ll be set.”

Qui tries not to look past Indigo as he speaks. We are all good, do you think I would be pushing our luck if I go talk to her? I was thinking just being friendly and asking about the mythical dwarven mine. That not blowing our cover any more is it? Oh and would it be wrong to cast Know Age, just so I don't insult her?

“Go! You should talk to her. I think she needs it and maybe she will talk to you better than me.” Indigo shook his head a little. “Sometimes I couldn’t understand her very well. She seemed to know what we were doing, but then she didn’t. But I trust her, I think.”

He turned and looked back at Rondelle’s table and quickly back at QuiFon. “Can you cast it from here without her seeing? I don’t think it’s nice to do that to ladies and let them know about it.”

{you can cast as you wish John - Casting Subtlety}

(I know)

QuiFon walks over to Rondelle and asks to sit while starting a conversation. "My friend could not help but tell me of another that says Dwarfs do not exist. I may not be your typical dwarf but for sure I am. And as such, I would like to here more stories of this Dwarven mine that does not exist, as I feel it may feel as rejected as me. Do you mind, I'll buy the next round?

Feel free to buy a round stranger. I rarely turn down a free ale.

There is an old dwarven mine out in the hills that was abandoned hundreds of years ago. That is why, 'looking at Qui pointedly' there are no more dwarves. They are a myth. Did you see anyone react differently to you? Like you were special? Like how they treated Sir Halfling Knight of the Realm? No you are not a dwarf. You are just someone that looks a little different than the rest of us but is not really any different at all. If you were a dwarf you would be eating rocks or some such nonsense like that wouldn't you?

She takes a long pull on her ale.

Qui motions for more drinks and sit. In a charming voice, he tries to be coy. For some reason I thought you were a story teller. I can tell you stories of who I am and why I am special, but it has little to do with the FACT that I am a "DWARF". Maybe some "people" are afraid to be different. Maybe there is more to the story of why the mine was abandoned. Would there be some where we, or I could go to find out more to this story.

Rondelle looks at Qui while taking the new tankard. She looks him in the eye and then drains it in one long gulp. PLONK the empty tankard on the table. "Dwarves are a myth for a good reason. There are no dwarves because they all fled. There is a mine in the southern edge of the Central Mountains. There the dwarves of old mined and dug deep. What they unearthed I do not have proof of. My business is in facts not in myth. The facts are there is a mine that was abandoned hundreds of years ago. If your companion is who I believe he is you are searching for a lost temple that is not part of that old mine of legend. If you are his true companion you will be able to help him convince Branwyn the Mysterious to come visit me for a task that I have. I think she will be most interested in it. Much more so than an abandoned mine by a mythical race."

She picks up a small knife and cleans her nails.

2/21 Qui takes a drink and finds the courage to dig a little deeper. "It seems you know more than you are saying and you certainly seem to have reason to be so biter. But I would dare say, I'd like to help you with your .... situation (gesturing to the wooden leg) but I am not sure that will fix or otherwise change who you are. If you know more, I'd like to take this conversation somewhere private. At least away from stranger ears, some of my friends may want to be a part of the conversation, but I would not mind being all alone with you.

"There is nothing wrong with my leg to fix." Rondelle scowled. "No need for your fancy priestly healing. I made the mistake and I am willing to pay the price. I got a little too close to a blue dragon and she got a quick bite. I can get around well enough on this one that I carved my self. I had a gnome once try to get in my bed by promising to make a metal one for me that would bend and be all mechanical like. Turned him down too." She takes a good long drink of ale.

"We are private enough here for what ever you want to say."

Qui looks back at the group to see if he can signal anyone for back up, takes a drink and tries again, with a smile "Wel I was not trying to negotiate for sex, I am not a gnome and a lack of reaction is a good thing. it implies I am normal, which I am and proves I exist. The fact that you think I should be treated diffrent tells me you know I am a dwarf, which also tells me you are trying to hide your true nature. I just wonder why."

With a full belly and a feeling of contentment, Indigo stepped away from the table, determined to see if he could pay for their meal with winnings from the dice game. As he started to make his way to the back of the room, he glanced over at QuiFon and Rondelle talking at the corner table. He hoped that Qui had made a new friend and that the two of them were talking dwarf to dwarf. He smiled at the pair as he was passing, but then caught a look and a slight gesture from Qui as if he was trying to catch Indigo’s eye and bring him over. For a split second he glanced to the dice game and then back at Qui and headed over to the table.

“Hello again! I hope you are having a good talk. I know Qui wanted to hear all about the old mine,” he said.

Qui didn’t exactly look like they were having the most pleasant of chats, in fact, he looked a little frustrated. This was probably how Indigo had looked when he had tried to talk to Miss Rondelle, Indigo thought to himself. But Qui repeated what Rondelle had just told him about the mine and Indigo listened carefully.

“They must have dug up something really, really awful for all the dwarves to give up on their mine and run away from it. Maybe they found a bunch of demon eggs and when they dug them up they all hatched and then there were dozens of demons running around breathing fire and cursing all the dwarves! Is that what happened, Miss Rondelle? Demons come in eggs, don’t they?”

Qui shakes his head. "That not something we want to press the lady about. I do think there are much more interesting topics we all could discuss. How often do a Halfling, a dwarf, and a gnome walk into a tavern. Rondelle has been around, has this ever happened to you before.

"You know if I did not know better I would think you might actually be a dwarf because you are so afraid of talking about that mine.", as she looks at Qui. Turning to Indigo, "There are worse things than demon eggs to find in the roots of the mountains. Far more intelligent things than demons that take their privacy very seriously. "

Watching Indigo ponder that idea Rondelle smiled. "I prefer dragons, they are more straight forward. When you get home I am hopeful that Branwyn the Mysterious will be interested in tackling this mission for me. If she can come before fall sets in. It might be too late then."

Taking a final drink from her tankard she looked at the two of them, "My mug is empty. Are we finished? Or are you buying another round?"

“Worse than demons!” Indigo exclaimed, shaking his head. “Don’t know what’s worse than that. But I didn’t mean to keep you. I was heading back to see if I could join the dice game. But I was thinking, if all the dwarves ran away, where did they run to? There must be a dwarf city somewhere then.”

"Good luck with your dice Sir Indigo. If you do find a city of dwarves I think your friend here will be very interested in visiting. If he wants to be a dwarf that is." Rondelle smiled at Qui.

Qui looks at Indigo curiously, "Game of chance you say? Seems like a perfect chance to practice my ability to predict the future. I think I'll join you." He gets up and nods to Rondelle "Perhaps we will meet again."

{Continued after a successful game of cards}

As Indigo and Qui made their way back to the front of the inn, Indigo stopped by the table and told Jilly, Imari, Leatherus, Sarengar, and Brother Foto of their next stop. “Time to go see if we can buy our wagon and horses again. If you want to come, you can see how much we’ll be able to get back.”

With that he headed out to look for the stables with most of the group in tow. Stepping out into the main square, Indigo spotted what looked like a livery and started in that direction. Across the square, he spotted Miranda and Shurkural, her arms filled with parcels. He waved at them and pointed as he continued on into the wooden structure.

“Hello? Mister Bert? Can I talk with you for a minute?” Indigo called. “I heard you bought a wagon and some horses. We need to take a look at them.”

Why hello there little man. Well I uh, Sir? Are you really a knight? or are you wearing your father's tabard?"

"Oh and my name is Ben, the sign up there, {points up at a sign above the door} was supposed to say Ben. Does it say Bert?"

“Hello Ben. My name is Indigo and these are my clothes. My father isn’t a knight so he wouldn’t have a tabard,” he looks up at the sign and then down again. “I’m sorry but I can’t read the sign either. The guard at the city gate said your name was Bert. That’s not very nice if someone made you a sign and didn’t get your name right. Maybe one of my friends can help with that?” he said looking back that the group.

"OH well that explains it. The guards at the gate told you to go to old Bert's place? He was here a while back, then Bill took over. I am Ben. I think the sign says Ben now but if one of your friends knows better that would be a nice thing." He wipes his face with a cloth.

"So you want to buy a wagon and some horses? I can get you the wagon depending on what you are looking for. What are you planning on moving around?"

“Well nothing yet. See, we had a wagon and horses and they were all stolen a couple of nights ago. We were told that a group just sold our wagon and horses to you. So we need to get them back. But then, we need to leave them here while we go into the hills because the wagon will get stuck. So can we get our things back and then pay you to keep them here until we get back please?” Indigo asked.

Well now, Indigo is it? well I cannot answer to anyone stealing your things you understand. You could talk to someone about that but honestly I am not sure that would matter much these days. The guards are all worried about the people milling about from down south and the lizard men from the east you see.

But you look like a good, ummm man? to me. Tell you what I can sell you a wagon. Give you a good price on it but why do you want to buy it then not take it with you? I mean there ain't nothing in those hills worth taking unless you have some pack mules or something to bring what ever you are looking for back down towards town. Do you want to buy some mules? Horses are a bit harder to come by. I sold my last pair this morning. I can try to find you a pair if you want to pull the wagon but oxen do better on the side of the roads. Not that you want to be taking them into the hills, so again you want to pick up some nice mules to handle that.

Just how much are you looking for in a wagon? You look sort of small to me, begging your pardon, so are you sure you need a whole wagon?

Shurkural takes the end of her braid in her hands and starts twisting it around her fingers. "Um, Stablemaster Ben, could you describe the men who sold you this wagon? And do you know where they went after?"

Ben smiled at Shur, "There were two rough looking men who came in with this wagon and two horses. They took the horses over to the Major Domo's offices rather than sell them here. I think they took the money I gave them for the wagon with them in the hopes of getting a position with him. Horses can be expensive to keep in these parts. From what I gathered this morning the Major Domo is out in the countryside with his guards today.

I still have the wagon they sold me if you want to look at that. "

“If it’s our wagon, I want it back, but it doesn’t seem to make sense to have a wagon and nothing to pull it. We had seven horses with saddles and a wagon that were stolen by a group of men led by a man in a Red Cloak. And you say only two men came with only two horses? Where did you get the horses you said you sold this morning?” Indigo asked, worried about everyone having to walk all the way back to Jistelle and having to explain to Branwyn how he had lost over a dozen horses, gear and a wagon that she had gotten for all of them.

"I am sorry there, but I only saw two men with horses. Neither of them had a red cloak on that I saw. I understand you are worried about the team for the wagon but I do have oxen I can sell you. I can't answer about anything be stolen but I will give you a good price on a wagon so you can go do what you need. But you said you wanted to leave it here anyway after you buy it? How long do you plan on leaving it here?"

"Well until we get back. I don't know long that will be, but I hope it won't be longer than a week or so," Indigo answered. "And I don't know about oxen instead of horses. They move slow and have big horns and scare people. But you didn't answer my question. Where did you get the horses you sold this morning and who did you sell them to and where can I find Major Domo's offices?"

"Well horns are easy to cut off so that is not a problem. Horses don't move any faster with the wagon than oxen do. So you will be ok with traveling. I suppose I can hold the wagon and two oxen for you for a week as long as you pay for the feed. Otherwise if I get an offer on them I might sell them before you get back."

Mops his face with a cloth again. Looks around the square for a moment.

"I do not know where the Major Domo is right now, he took those two men I told you about earlier out this morning. The horses I sold this morning came from a local farmer. He said he found them in his field with no one else around. He wanted to make a few coins quickly before anyone noticed. I sent them along with those men for a bit more than I paid so I figure I am good."

Glancing around again

"You really sure you want to talk to the Major Domo? I mean you say you are a knight and you have the clothes but if you are not he could throw you in chains or something worse. Maybe just do what you were planning on doing and leave him alone?"

"So how about two oxen to pull the wagon, the wagon and feed and upkeep for a week? Does that sound reasonable? I can give the oxen at 16 gold each, another gold each for the week of upkeep, and the wagon for 125 gold. That would be a total of ... " scribbles in his palm with his finger, "159 gold. That is a fair market value for you Sir."

"159 gp! I don't have 159 gp!" Indigo exclaimed, starting to panic a bit. "We are travelling and don't carry hundreds and hundreds of gold pieces with us. Who in this town other than the Duke would ever be able to give you 159 gold pieces anyway? Sounds like you would never sell this wagon. And the horses the farmers found in the field were probably our horses! I need to go to the Major office. Can you tell me where it is?"

Ben sighs, "The Major Domo's office is over there" points across the square at a small stone building with iron bars on the windows. "Like I said before He is not there now, but you are welcome to wait I guess. I understand you don't have that sort of money right now but perhaps when you get back from where ever you are searching? If you were a local farmer I would know where the wagon is and take it back if you do not pay off the money each month. You seem to be on your way someplace else."

After a short pause, "Do you have something you could trade? Anything that is valuable enough that I might sell it to someone else to make a profit?"

"Not now we don't, but we might soon enough. We have some gold and gems but not enough to get the wagon and our horses back too. But if the men that stole our horses and wagon are with the Major, maybe Miranda can identify them as the people that stole from us and we can get the money back and put the bad people in jail and then we can pay you back and get at least some of our horses back. But we really need to see this Major Domo," Indigo spluttered, really hoping that Miranda saw their faces and could help get their things returned to them.

"If you do not have the money perhaps you would like to explore other options? Rather than picking out an expensive wagon like this you could get a smaller cart. If you, looking at all the women, well you mister Indigo perhaps you could pull a large cart. You can put quite a bit in there, and then you do not even need oxen for that. If you do find something in the hills that brings you into a bit of more money I would be glad to take back the cart and have you trade up to your wagon you want. Plus you could drag a cart along a lot of the trails and paths if you are exploring in the hills.

Indigo pictures himself with a yoke around his neck pulling the wagon all the way back to Jistelle and shakes his head. "A knight doesn't pull carts and wagons. No, I don't think I can make a decision until we talk to Major Domo. Maybe he has an assistant in his office we can talk to while we wait."

Shurkural leans in. "What about a mule to pull the cart? You got any mules or donkeys? They're strong enough for a cart that ain't overloaded, and pretty calm animals in case we run into any lizardmen along the way."

{The above line of conversation with Ben concluded in the chat log for March 7 2014}

Conversation between Ben (Mar 07 14) and Indigo concluded, Indigo informs Jilly that she will be staying behind.

"Indigo are you really sure that you do not need me to come with you? Who is going to do your cooking? I even went and got some new pots to cook in after those thieves took our other ones in the wagon. Did you get your shovels back yet? I bet I could find some for us before we leave. We still have an hour or two right? OH and by the way this is Hrathgin and Wapit. I hired them to come with us. Wapit here is a thief. At least he used to be a thief but the Major Domo put that brand on his forehead and now everyone knows that he is a thief so he does not steal from anyone anymore. That would be silly wouldn't it? To be a thief and to steal from people? But he needs a good job and I figured that we might need someone who could find traps and stuff like Ilero does. Not that Ilero is a thief but you know how he finds things that sometimes stab at you when you open a door? That is the sort of thing that I think Wapit would be really good at. And Hrathgin here really wants to be a knight one day. He is a little young but when I told him that I serve both a Lady and a Knight he was very happy to try and see if there is anything he can do for us. So I told him he would get free food if he comes with us and works hard. If he works really hard that you Indigo might even take him as a squire when we get back home. You know you really need a squire Indigo, all knights have squires to carry their things and cook for them and I do not want to be your squire but I have been doing that for you you know. So Hrathgin is going to come with us and be your squire if he does a good job. If he does a really super job maybe even Branwyn will let him stay when we get home do you think?"

She smiles, 'So when do we leave?"

Indigo felt like his head was spinning, but this was not an unusual feeling when Jilly decided to speak her mind. He looked at the newcomers nervously and nodded at the two men.

But to Jilly he said, “I told you! You must stay here. We can’t wait here for days for the Major to get back. And if we all leave, we’ll never have any chance at getting our horses and wagon back. We don’t have the gold to buy back everything at regular prices. So we need you Jilly to take a really important role. You must be our representative with the Major and make sure that the men who stole our property are brought to justice and we get it all back. You will recognize the Jistelle Estates brand on the horses and you can convince them to make things right. You can do this …. Mistress Jilly!” he finished grinning at her.

Indigo lowered his voice and continued, “Are you sure these men can be trusted? We are on a secret mission you know. You didn’t tell them anything did you?”

"Of course I did silly! How else would I convince them to come with you? They both know that you," points a finger at Indigo's chest, "Are a Queen's Knight and you are out on a secret mission for her and that they must defend you for the Queen's honor. It is a very important thing you know. To protect you. First you go off without Branwyn and now you want to try and leave me behind too! You need someone to help you. Shur is too pretty and Miranda gets distracted by things all the time. And now we have found out that Qui is not really a dwarf so who knows what will happen with him. Can you imagine traveling with us all this time and not telling us that he is really not a dwarf? I think that is really not very nice at all."

"Oh and I already told you I talked to the Major Domo. He is out searching for our horses now. I told him that the Queen would be very upset if some farmers took her horses. He left right away to go race off after them. Do you really think I need to stay here to wait for him to return?"

“So … you told them our mission is a secret, but you didn’t tell them what the secret is. I guess that’s okay then,” Indigo said, waving at the two new members, who for themselves were watching the ensuing conversation with a mixture of confusion, and what looked to Indigo, was a bit of amusement.

“But you do need to stay here and make sure everything goes as planned and you can make sure the horses are taken care of. I’m sorry, Jilly. I’d take you with us if I could. And when we come back, you can tell me all the stories of the town. But, Jilly? Don’t say QuiFon isn’t a dwarf any more. He is. And it isn’t nice to say people aren’t dwarves when they are.”

The group humbly resumes travelling back towards the old mining road on foot with a small cart and a mule, while Mistress Jilly stays in town to await Major Domo's return so she may represent Sir Indigo's interests in their stolen property.

After the events mar1414 QuiFon Ruminell talks to the group as they walk. "Maybe it's The Mist but I have a sudden bad feeling. I fear something terrible has already happened to our friends to the north. Maybe because things have gone so smooth for us here, even picking up new recruits, I feel Karma has taken something from them. I fear they are disfigured, or worse. Sorry it just had to be said."

Indigo’s face scrunched up a bit as he thought about this, then he said, “But when we were at Skull Church the last time, it was the man in the red cloak who cast the spell and disfigured Branwyn. Not any Greeks or anyone named Karma. And we know that Red Cloak is down here with us. So everyone back at Skull Church should be just fine!” Indigo finished cheerily.

Karma is yet another God. Some confuse with Fate or Procog. Simple people often think what has been is ment to be, just because it happened. Some feel with all the Gods, they have no real choice in life. As with nature, we advanced thinkers work with and around nature understand we also can work with greater forces. I would have like to cast a spell on Hoffman to know for sure, but I am not sure it was my place. Not that we could do anything about their situation.

After the events mar2814

QuiFon Ruminell mumbles outside while the others are inside. "They don't even know what I am? It must have been a long long time ago that the dwarfs really left. I do not know why I thought otherwise.

{Continuing the conversation with Lord Myltar from end of chat log on mar2814 All characters can be here to join in}

“Ohhhh … I thought you must be a mage because you live in a tower. And then when we saw the talking pony, I figured you had to be. But, was he a regular pony and the mage made him talk or was he a man that the mage turned into a pony?” Indigo asked. “I think it would be better if I was a pony and then a mage let me talk. So if I wanted an apple or a carrot I could just ask for one instead of hoping someone brings me one. It wouldn’t be so good to be a regular person and get turned into a pony though.”

Lord Myltar looks at Indigo. "Not all mages live in towers do they? So someone else must have to live in the rest of them. Jonny was a regular pony as far as I know. He was part of an adventuring group that was came through town a year or two ago. They were out looking for a hidden temple. They never found anything. At least Jonny never said anything about them finding anything. He came back to town a week or so after they left which is when I found out he could talk. He is willing to help out where people need him to so we allowed him to stay."

"Why are you here in such an out of the way place? "

“Well … we were looking for the lake around here, but then we heard that lizardmen were marauding in the area so we are sort of looking for them too. It’s not good to have lizardmen running around. Major Domo in Primsen had to run some off as well. Is the lake close by?” Indigo asked, thinking they really needed to talk to this pony.

(after Apr0414

QuiFon tries to shake his blues by joining the group by the pony. After hearing some of the conversation, he decides to join in. "It surprises me sometime how some seem to accept their situation so well. Have you considered that someone might be able to turn you human again? It might not be as easy as healing the mark of a thief, but it certainly seems worth trying?

Jonny looks at Qui. "You are a dwarf right? No one believes in you around these parts. Do you want to be changed into something that people believe in?"


"No I did not think so. So why would I want to be changed into a person?"

note: there is a slight misunderstanding here the line from the chat log last night was [Jonny (Master)] there were rays of magic all around [Jonny (Master)] one hit me and turned me into a horse" and that should have said turned me into a talking horse. The intent is that he was a horse, now can talk after that encounter.

Qui quickly apologizes "I am sorry, I understand you more than ever. I have been dealing with people thinking I am not real and here I doubt you. You are truly one of a kind, I pray you never get lonely.

SNORTS How can I not be lonely? I now am the only talking horse that I know of. Do you know of anyone else out there that would be interested in a talking horse for anything but amusement or experimentation?"

It takes Qui a second. "Sorry. ... Wait, sorry. you know I am. Dwarf, you have seen Dwarfs? Arround here? When? Where? Were you near their mine?

SNORTS again, "You are not a human, you do not smell like a human. You smell like those mountain men that say they are men but do not smell like them. You don't smell the difference? You really are limited. Maybe he,' nodding his head at Foto, " He has a bigger better nose than you maybe he can tell the difference? Can you smell those wolves that followed you here? Or are you really blind that way?"

“Really, Brother Foto? Do we all smell different?” Indigo asked, lifting his shirt to his face giving it a couple of sniffs. “I don’t smell anything. Well, not anything different than usual. Maybe we could do with a bath, though,” he gave a sheepish grin. “Do you mean we smell like wolves or can you really smell wolves coming after us?”

He paused for a second and continued before Jonny could answer. “But what you say is really sad. I think there would be a lot of people who would be friends with you! Like, well, if you were my pony, then we could ride and you could tell me all of your stories and I could tell you all of my stories and then we would go on adventures and have our own stories, Just like regular friends,” Indigo finished.

Jonny looks down at Indigo and blinks his eyes. "Yes I can smell the wolves over on the other side of the stream. They are in the woods somewhere. Maybe two or three of them I think. You folk really do not smell that?"

Jonny takes a bite of grass and chews as he looks Indigo up and down, maybe imagining how much he weighs.

Miranda speaks up "I would never ride you, just ask you to carry a book or two. But you probably would be more comfortable here, but if you want adventure and see the world, you just might want to come with us. And thanks for the heads up on the wolves. Can I get you anything, do you need a brushing?

Jonny shakes his head, "I could use a brushing I suppose. It has been a while. Do you have a good stiff brush?"

Miranda smiles. All our supplies were stolen, but I would think there is one in the village. I'll find one.

After the events of Apr2514

QuiFon Ruminell looks around and starts to grin. "Is there any doubt, in anyone's mind that Procog and Indigo have us on the right path? Not always the easiest path, but the right one.

Miranda , with her head still pounding stares for a moment. Could you ask that he not make it quite so clear that we are on "this" path?