Main / LegB-CorneliaToDryadsLair

A River Runs Through It - Session Summaries - Leg B

Key Points:

Notes for All:

Leg A - Dryads Lair to Cornelia

Leg B - Cornelia to Dryads Lair

Leg C - Dryads Lair to Jistille Estates

Session: Nov1017

I have no idea what I'm doing.
We have reached a kairos in sessions where the old way of summary writing is up for change, for this summary, at least. In order to understand what is said and what is meant, a new format is needed. Unfortunately, the question of what type of format is left unanswered. In this summary, and perhaps others to follow, is an experiment in writing, a hybrid of elements without committing fully to one method. If you read on without expectations, you will not be disappointed. With that said, let the summary commence!
And yes, the use of the word kairos was intentional.

Before we continue on to the next scene, it is highly recommended you read Branwyn and Tiberius Wedding to familiarize yourself with where we are to begin, who the players are, and what will possibly happen.

We begin at the reception, with the happy tense bride and happy clueless groom. Their friends are gathered, enjoying cakes and drinks, but with at least one concerned suspicious individual.

I would do anything for both of you. In life and in death. Is there any immediate assistance you need. For you of course. Any action I can do for either of you?
Seriously, guys, have you seen the Queen's eyes? They're really suspicious...
Have you had anything to drink yet Hugh?
I love my mother who is definitely not a vampire, but thank you, Hugh. Go drink.
Thank you Lord D'Ambray. I am glad you could make it to see how happy Branwyn and Tiberius are.
Back off, kid. I can kill a man 481967 ways. Watch your back.
Yes. I am sure they are most happy. There is nothing I wouldn't do for them. Even in death.
Need I repeat myself? Even in death. Just try me, lady.

We learn that Jilly set the kitchen workers to work and made the delicious food at the reception. Jilly remains still long enough to congratulate and hug Branwyn before running off to fix the birds that were messed up: they should have been more grey, not smoky. Tiberius Branadarus (since there are now two, first names need apply) promised Master Cook that they would, in fact, be taking Jilly back with them (and Master Cook would prefer that even if she was a good task maker who made the best of his employees).

Meanwhile, Miranda tries to encourage Hugh to relax. He is reminded by Miranda that the only thing worse than messing with the bride on her wedding day is to mess with a mother on her son's wedding day. Tiberius makes his way over and discusses with Hoffman what their next adventure might be including his interest in the Mist. As he talks with the group, Branwyn sets off to talk to the Queen and creates the pivotal, change-summary-format moment. She begins her greeting by giving the Queen a blood red ruby brooch as a thank you.

It is too small a thing, but everything has been quite unexpected.
I didn't exactly plan to be blackmailed and threatened, but who does expect it?
It was very kind of you to think of this. Yes, Tiberius is quite unexpected. It is one of the things that I cherish about him.
Your obligatory gift pleases me as it reminds me of the spilled blood of my enemies. I will ignore your implication of the unexpected and switch to my son. The only son I care about. Don't forget I'm going to kill my other sons soon so you better keep to our very one-sided deal.
As I said when we met, Tiberius thinks the world of you. And so pleasing you is very important.
Must I emphasize again how sad Tiberius will be when he's not allowed to return? Don't make me lie to him. And I'm only pleasing you because I have no choice except death, and even that choice you'll likely take away and kill whoever you please.
It is more important to me that you please him. I have fought with daughters before. It is always much more enjoyable to let you spend time with those you love. That will please me, that the two of you spend time with each other.
No, he won't be allowed back now stop asking me. Should I remind you I'm about to kill all my children, including my daughter? Do you want to be included in this pile of upcoming death? Take him away and never, ever return. Got it?
That you may rest easy about. I do not wish to do anything to dampen his bright spirit that I have been lucky enough to have near me. I only hope that we may be able to get to our honeymoon in short order.
Yeah, yeah, I hear you already. I hate you, not just for making me lie to him, but especially because you're going to break his heart. We're leaving as soon as you'll let us.
I am certain you will go soon.
We must keep up appearances, darling, remember?
You know how travel is. The best of intentions and all.
I remember your threats and deadline. Can you blame me for wanting to be gone now?
He will be wanting to travel with you again, and I am not the person to stop him.
I don't stop people. I kill them. But I put all that burden to keep him from death on you, now, didn't I. Oh how much fun this is!
Oh yes, but sometimes travel is slower than one would like. I might just have to whisk Tiberius away myself.
You seriously only gave us six days. I'm still upset by that. You think it takes only six days to get to the Mist? You're going to force me to teleport him there.
Spoken like an eager bride. His rooms are in the western tower.
For once, I mean what I say. You play this game well.
I am sure that the others that I travel with would be perfectly safe if I did that. Would you agree?
And when I do teleport him away, you'll leave my friends alone, won't you? They are not involved, are clueless, and innocent in this matter. You agree, don't you?
Feel free to whisk him away as soon as you can manage it. Who could possibly wish to harm anyone who travels with you?
So I actually pointed out his rooms to imply you can take him as soon as you head upstairs. As for your friends? Are you insinuating that I might hurt them? Well, I can't exactly give you a straight answer on if I would or not so best of luck!
Other than the stray band of orcs? They should hopefully not run into any troubles, I would hope.
Come on, lady, don't hurt my friends. You have no logical reason to hurt them.
Orcs are a bother in the winter, too many garrisons allow patrols to go lax. Swift travel can help avoid that sort of problem.
I make no promises if they linger behind. Get them gone, too.
That is our plan. Thank you for the advice.
That is our plan. I really hate you.
Thank goodness that my own guards keep a tight rein on Cornelia. They rarely let things get out of hand. Beyond our borders, however, I wish I had more control that I could influence what happens there.
I want to rule the world.
Life is change. Wishes may become reality.
And you're going to use Sam to get your wish. I know, but I did not specify whose wishes may become reality, did I?
I do hope that you enjoy a long and happy life.
When we duel, I want it to actually be a challenge so do try to live a little longer, will you? It will make it all the more satisfying to kill you.
Thank you, Your Majesty. And you and your family as well.
I know you're going to kill them. I know you want me dead. You know I want you dead. I wish your family luck, but I'm fine if you die.

So who needs some cake now? Anyone? Everyone? Cake is delicious. Miranda agrees and eats more cake after accidentally implying to Sam that Marisu is simply a dog who needs training. At least Sam seems to get along with the nobles. He's surprised Princess Grace from Terrabink came on such short notice, and he thinks the Queen is nice enough for a witch. He also thinks her daughters and sons are pleasant. It is good to see Branwyn and the Queen getting along so well, isn't it? Somehow Marisu's situation about her rebellious family and the civil war come up, but that's not wedding talk, is it now? Er, or maybe it is. Anyways, we then move on to the lovely, unexpected speech by Jennevive.

Prince Samuel Hightower. This morning is when we part ways. You have a great and glorious future ahead of you and your new patron will take good care of you as you explore your options and your new paths. Of course, you friends will be watching eagerly to see what becomes of your choices. This is a (wooden) ring from the Elves of the Wildlands. Your friends are most eager to see what your future brings. If you need anything, simply give this ring to a bird and it will take it to Shi and Kel's home for you. They will know what to do there if they find it. From my own small give I give you this (quill). This is from a hippogriff that was in the city you might recall. It shall help you write powerful letters. And this is from Branwyn. She would hate for you to feel that you have no resources at hand. This is the treasury from Drillian, the remaining of the 100,000 allowance. We are happy to give it to you for you to spend as you wish so that you know you have your own resources. I do hope that Queen Cinna's choices for you will meet with your approval and we look forward to hearing from you for many years to come.
Here you go, kid. Now you won't rely on the Queen, and we'll keep her on her toes. Keep us informed and updated because we really, really don't trust her. Got it?

The Queen barely gets in a few words about helping Sam find a glorious future before a toast to Sam overrides anything else she might have wanted to say. Jennevive has one last gift for the Queen in the form of Sam's family tree to show he is in line for the Kingdom of Jarvis.

I must say that you have not stayed here long enough Aunt Jennevive. It is too bad that you cannot stay longer.
What else have you got up your sleeve, witch?
Oh I have so many more interesting ideas with Branwyn and your son. I cannot wait to see what happens.
(Nothing to add. She probably actually means that)

Once more, the Queen is interrupt before she can reply by Jennevive declaring it time for a dance. She dances with Hugh, Sam with Marisu, and the others couple off as expected. The elves are confused by the ring, Jennevive kisses Hugh, Neith slaps Hugh, and now it's a party! Eventually the groom sweeps the bride off her feet and carries her like a sack of potatoes up to his tower. Not long after, Marisu pulls Sam aside, casts a spell to prevent eavesdropping, and tells him to not only write often, but write in code.

What I wanted to say to you in private, when you write to any of us, and please do so often, make sure the first letters of your first few sentences spells any one of our names. So long as you do that, we'll know you're okay. If we ever get a letter without that code, we'll know you're in trouble. So long as you vary it up, it shouldn't be an obvious code.
See what I mean? Actually, this isn't too hard. Maybe you agree with me?
Thank you. Keep Everyone Loose please for me Branwyn.
Maybe another repeated instruction showing understanding?

Before the night ends, Shi'Nynze and Kel head back across the river and to the inn as Shi hates to leave her wolves alone for so long. It surprises Shi that this is viewed as strange. She is also unsure if it means something different to be an elf than a woman.

In the morning, the group says their farewells to Sam. Although tempted implied, Marisu did not, in fact, sleep with Sam. We also settle on the title of Marquessa Branwyn Branadarus the Mysterious of Drillian, Princess of Cornelia. Sam is given parting words to remind him that Prince Loplin must have his reasons for keeping so much from him.

Please consider staying in touch with your guardian. Prince Loplin loves you very much. I know he hid these things. Sometimes...sometimes when you love someone you try to do what is best to keep them safe. He thought he was doing what he could to keep you safe. Politics is dangerous and no matter if he was misguided, he did it out of love for his adopted son. Not to manipulate you.
Are you listening to me, Tiberius? This could be very, very important later. I promise I'm doing my best, and though you think my actions misguided later, I have my reasons and love for you guiding me.

After a bit of out of character talking, we move back to the group on the road out of Cornelia. Branwyn gives Jennevive her appreciation and asks how she obtains the treasury money. Shi'Nynze asks about the wooden ring, isn't give much information, told it will keep the Queen on her toes, and is then warned by Marisu (who uses her whispering spell) that there is a very good chance Queen Cinna is scrying on them.

Er, wait. Now I remember what my Father once told me about such a ring. Ah, he'll know if he sees it.
Oh, haha, silly me. You mean that ring with the thing and stuff and that meaning and all that? THAT ring? Of course, of course. I definitely believe the Queen is scrying and somehow that has made me remember a thing I don't know.

Branwyn is reminded that she'd like Jennevive to cast divination things on her as she's been told some strange stuff. Oh and the Queen did intimate that the journey home should be safe (again, keyword: should). Of course, Jennevive still believes they'll be followed once things happen to the sons and daughter of the Queen.

This opens up discussion to the clueless group. They hear the Queen has chosen a new husband, but he was not at the feast. When asked why they might be followed, they are indirectly told that it may simply be because Branwyn has a true tendency to bring danger. Marisu asks for what she may expect when she returns. They affirm they'll do what they can to protect her. Vilmar is mentioned as well as the likely inevitability of civil war.

We leave it here, everyone still alive and relatively happy. What will happen next? Hopefully normal stuff and back to normal summary writing, but who knows? Good night!

And feel free to edit in your own double-meaning conversations or fix them. Perhaps my interpretation isn't quite to your liking, and perhaps I missed a conversation you want added. I promise not to be offended by edits!

Quotes of the Night:

[mharm-15549] You could use the gate scroll couldn't you? But, that's selfish of me to say. You may have a higher purpose for using it. I just thought I would remind you that it's an option. I'm just tying to talk our way though them
[Master] Gates work by opening for X amount of time to allow people to go through
[mharm-15549] I don't know much about them in BOB's world
[Lisa] the gate scroll is to go return that overdue library book
[Lisa] the fines are enormous!

Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549) Approach politely with a nod to both Brandarus and Branwyn
[Master] grins they are both Branadarus now

[Jilly (Master)] Princess
[Jilly (Master)] LAUGHS
[Jilly (Master)] and runs away

Queen Cinna (Master) standing with her daughter and sons
Hoffman (John A)] (quick take a picture, see what develops)
[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] LOL

Miranda Paige (John A)] first impression are important
Miranda Paige (John A)] kind of like when I am looking for a dog to train, the first few steps set up the rest of the relationship
Sam (Master) raises an eyebrow
[Miranda Paige]] (John A) shrugs
[Sam (Master)] I do not think that Marisu is ready to be trained
Miranda Paige (John A)] there I go again, sorry Prince, maybe i do need some cake
[Miranda Paige]] (John A) takes foot out of mouth and inserts cake

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (now all we need is Carissa)
[Branwyn (Lisa)] (Carissa, Carissa, Carissa - works like betelgeuse?)
Carissa has joined the game on Fri Nov 10 20:52:34 EST 2017
Hoffman (John A)] (two for two)
Marisu (TMO)] (late, but the 3 calls worked)

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] I do believe we are missing a dance?
[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] Who is ready for me?
Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549) Hugh steps forward
[Branwyn (Lisa)] You are a brave man, Hugh D'Ambray
Aunt Jennevive (Master) slids over and takes Hugh's hand
[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] gracefully sliding him out to the floor
Aunt Jennevive (Master) a hand on Hugh's lower back
[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] it is all about who is in charge
[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] Who leads
[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] and who follows
[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] No lower darling. Netih might have to have a word with you
Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549) Twirls Jennevieve
Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549) Neith silently fuming
Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549) Eyes Neith. Turns Red. "I do believe that we have enjoyed this dance. Perhaps a little too long." Politely ends the waltz, kisses Jennevieves Hand and Bows Deep.
Aunt Jennevive (Master) bows
Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549) "My friend would like a turn I'm afraid."
[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] and grabs Hugh by the back of the head
[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] KISSES him deeply
[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] TUGS on his hair
[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] and then walks away
Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549) Hugh's eyes turn glassy and turns bright red.
[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] Walks to Neith
[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] "Um"
Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549) Whips hand back and SLAPS Hugh
[Sam (Master)] pauses and glances over at Neith
Shurkural (TMO)] NOW it's a party!
[Sam (Master)] Well I suppose now it is a party

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (E) But would the clan be willing to help a Farthorn?
Marisu (TMO)] (I know that's supposed to be Far-Thorn, but I only see Fart-Horn)

[Lord Branadarus (Master)] Princess Marquessa Branwyn the Mysterious of Cornelia
[Branwyn (Lisa)] It is quite a mouthful
[Lord Branadarus (Master)] or Princess Marquessa Branwyn the Mysterious of Drillian and Cornelia
[Branwyn (Lisa)] But you forgot the Branadarus part
Marisu (TMO)] (at a guess, two separate titles, one for Cornelia, one for Drillian, not mixed.)
[Lord Branadarus (Master)] Princess Marquess Branwyn the Mysterious Branadarus of Drillian and Cornelia
Marisu (TMO)] (Marquessa Branwyn Branadarus the Mysterious of Drillian, Princess of Cornelia. And vice-versa)
[Branwyn (Lisa)] I think we should just stick with Branwyn except in formal occasions
[Lord Branadarus (Master)] (grins see that is why Marisu is a trained diplomat)

Hoffman (John A)] (some phrases ahve more than one meaning)
Hoffman (John A)] (summary will be fun)

Session: Nov1717

Quotes of the Night:

[MarioCS] We elves should be home by next summer
[Carissa] The elves better find a reason to go back home. We worked damn hard on their home.
[MarioCS] lol, exactly!
(Note: because we did, see? Here, and here plus the stuff not posted? Yes: shameless plugs!)

[Master] if you make your save versus spell you can tell if someone is listening in on you
[Master] if someone actually is listening in
[Master] if you fail, or if no one is listening, then no one is listening to you

[Master] and so that would be a yes Shur points to a kestrel sitting on a dead tree
[MarioCS] The elves mourn the dead tree

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Okay no more distractions. New friend is named Fete)
[TMO] (Stinky Fete?)
[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (...supposed to mean fire and now I'm reconsidering...)
[John A] Boba fete?
[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Okay that's better)
[John A] kestrel run in two 15 parsecs?
[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Fete it is now based on that comment alone!)

Miranda Paige (John A)] It is a girl or a boy?
[Kel (MarioCS)] I think it’s a boy since it will be used as a Mail bird
[Kel (MarioCS)] (see what I did there??)
[TMO] we is on a roll tonight
[TMO] ba dum pish

[Master] and yes to the women all understanding the process and how to prevent if wanted
[Branwyn (Lisa)] (I am sure that accidents still happen - we shall see)
Hoffman (John A)] (would it be up to the roll of the dice?)
[Master] roll 1d10,000 to see which swimmers hit their mark

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Bad plan to egg her on, I know, I know)
[Kel (MarioCS)] (dont get her egg cited)
[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Or she'll "crack" this mystery?)
Miranda Paige (John A)] (OUCH)
[Kel (MarioCS)] (ya, but the yolk's on us)
[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] (maybe Shi will be over easy?)
[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (HAHA)
Miranda Paige (John A)] ( I am walking away now)
[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (I'm laughing too hard now. You both win this round)
[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] (don't let it scramble your thoughts)
[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Just feeling a bit poached)
[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Omelet it go, though)
[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] So we should be getting back to a hard boiled mystery then
[Kel (MarioCS)] (bob on fire)
Miranda Paige (John A)] (he pulled that out of someones A$)
[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] which? the chicken?
[Kel (MarioCS)] (Shi over easy, nice)
Miranda Paige (John A)] (I know what you want to do with that chicken)
[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (He hashes these out without a problem)
[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] boil softly and carry a wire whisk
[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Better stop now before we go huevos our heads)
[Kel (MarioCS)] (ONG!! foriegn laguage pun!!!))
[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (:D)
Miranda Paige (John A)] (but can you do than in Elven)
[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] (LOL)
Shurkural (TMO)] (I'm apparently not punny tonight. but I'm enjoying reading yours)
[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Sadly not)

Session: Nov2417

Quotes of the Night:

[Kel (MarioCS)] ididnt want to be fighter, i wanted to be a
[Kel (MarioCS)] have a pair of snow dogs
Ilero (TMO)] (Herbie the elf is part of our group?)

Miranda Paige (JohnA)] We are just passing thought, came though a few days ago woth Lorad Brandarus and now we are just traveling back
Old Bald Man (Master) squints
[Old Bald Man (Master)] Ya I kin see Prince Branadarus havin ya
[Marisu]] (TMO) glances aside at Miranda.
[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] (did he just say something really rude?)
Marisu (TMO)] (yes)
[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] (asshat)
[Kel (MarioCS)] (wow! lol)
[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] (hehehe i don't get to say that out loud about real people. NPCs are fair game)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (What goodberries did Jilly have then?)
[Tore Henrick (Master)] (any she could find)
[Lisa] (she is also a pickpocket?)
[Tore Henrick (Master)] (no need to pickpocket, just rummage through everyone's things like she does when she does laundry, etc.)

Shurkural (TMO)] Hey, sorry to bother you. I'm trying to find someone who can tell me who this is. *shows symbols on sword*
[Tore Henrick (Lisa)] Don’t' wave that thing too close. I can see just fine.
[Tore Henrick (Lisa)] Don't know why people think they need swords as big as they are
[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (E) Most swords would be bigger than him...
[Kel (MarioCS)] (E) we have little room to judge. Doesn’t mean it isn’t true,..or funny

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] I think [Kel] is quite willing to follow his nose
[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] to be lead astray
[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (He was a toucan this whole time?!)

Marisu (TMO)] (talk to each other! skip the rolls!)
[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Exactly! Talk talk talk!)
Marisu (TMO)] (at last! we've solved the nighttime encounter problem!)
[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (This whole time Jilly was trying to convey this to us)
[Master] at least in places that talking does not attract attention from other things

Session: Dec0117

Quotes of the Night:

Shi'Nynze (Carissa) points toward where Jilly is heading
Hoffman (JohnA)] (why s everyone so worried about Jilly)
Hoffman (JohnA)] (she will out live us all)

Hoffman (JohnA)] (Wearbird/wollf?)
[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (A word?)
[Galad (Master)] WOFF
[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Heh. Wolf/Bird...word...)
Marisu (TMO)] bilf
[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (But the bird is the word)

[Master] you attacked twice
[Master] missed a lot
[Master] so far have fired 4 arrows
[Master] see what battle lust does to you?

[Kel (MarioCS)] ..and thats how you take out the kneee of an orc
[Kel (MarioCS)] drops them straight away
[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] With an arrow?
[Kel (MarioCS)] takes the fight out of them
[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] to the Knee?

[Kel (MarioCS)] not their kids_ daughter's otter slaughter
[Kel (MarioCS)] in the river? water daughter otter slaughter
[Kel (MarioCS)] and the dad? father daughter water otter slaughter
[Master] The father daught water otter slaughter outa notta occura
Ilero (TMO3)] (oughtta notta matta)

Session: Dec0817

Quotes of the Night:

[Jilly (Master)] he saw you and thought it was you talking as Teb
[Kel (MarioCS)] and you do too?
[Jilly (Master)] oh no
[Jilly (Master)] Teb is smart

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] A new forest? It could be a fun visit.
[mharm-15549] I like Forests
[Kel (MarioCS)] RUn to the Forest!, Run!

[Tore Henrick (Lisa)] Humpf! Probably could have made it to the river then if we'd a tried
[Kel (MarioCS)] we could have been on the boat by now
[Tore Henrick (Lisa)] You all are the slowest people in a hurry I've ever seen

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] I didn't want to startle you and have you whack me with a frying pan
[Jilly (Master)] I would not use a frying pan on you Neith
[Jilly (Master)] that might hurt you
[Jilly (Master)] I would only use my spoon
[Jilly (Master)] that lets you still walk ok in the morning

[Master] you should make it to the river next week
[Carissa] I mean I thought we would tonight, but...
[Lisa] next week in game years or real life next week?

Session: Dec1517

Isha'len na melana sahlin.
Son your time is come.
Emma ir abelas, souver'inan isala hamin.
Now I am filled with sorrow, weary eyes need resting.
Vhenan him dan'felas. In Arvanaith na revas.
My heart has become grieved and slow. In Arvanaith is your freedom.
Vir sulahn'nehn. Vir dirthera.
We sing, rejoice. We tell the tales.
Vir samahl la numin. Vir latha sa'vunin.
We laugh and cry. We love one more day.
(an edited rendition of this song)

Quotes of the Night:

[Master] who wants to make that encounter check?
[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (d20) [1d20=1] 1
[Master] Hmmm that is not fair
[Master] need a d12
[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (d12) [1d12=12] 12
[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] ....
[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] ...
[Master] OK......
[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] oh god
[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Uhh...
[Lisa] (you got the dreaded all caps OK)
[Master] thinking
[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (plus the "....." and thinking. Sorry if we all die!)
[Master] what you rolled was an orc encounter, with 1d12 * 8 orcs
[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Oucchhh)
[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] Holy shit bob. I don't think I can do that.... :)
[Master] I do not think so either

Tore Henrick (Lisa)] (okay - crazy game premise of the day - you play as a Roomba like character)
[Tore Henrick (Lisa)] (When something draws you away from your home maintenance duties and into the hidden passageways and long forgotten rooms of the house, you’ll be faced with challenging moral dilemmas forcing you beyond your programming to uncover the truth about the love and loss of your elusive family.)
[mharm-15549] LOL
[Master] WOW to Lisa
[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Hahaha!)
[Tore Henrick (Lisa)] (called Rumu)
[Master] so Lisa will be our Guest DM in January with a fun new adventure

[Tore Henrick (Lisa)] No one's paid me anything yet.
[Jilly (Master)] I thought someone paid him
[Jilly (Master)] what?
[Jilly (Master)] WHAT!!!
Jilly (Master) takes out her spoon
[Jilly (Master)] Who did not pay Tore
Shi'Nynze (Carissa) points towards wherever Ilero is.
[Jilly (Master)] (LOL)
[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Tossing him under the bus. Best done while he's not here! ;) )
Mario Laptop has joined the game on Fri Dec 15 20:49:06 EST 2017
[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Oh perfect! The other fellow who didn't pay you is here!)
[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] LOL
[Jilly (Master)] LOL

[Mario Laptop] so what did i mess?
[Mario Laptop] miss?
[Master] mess is more like it

[Jilly (Master)] the other elf? She is a he
[Kel (Mario Laptop)] who? Me?
[Jilly (Master)] well and a sword
[Jilly (Master)] a he and a sword
[Kel (Mario Laptop)] we are both HE, thasnk you Jilly
[Jilly (Master)] is Teb a he?
[Kel (Mario Laptop)] He is

[Kel (Mario Laptop)] (he's the founding member of a Cutlery Choir)
[Kel (Mario Laptop)] their favorite key? anything SHARP
[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (You just cut right to it, didn't you?)
[Kel (Mario Laptop)] im def in tune to the needs of us
Ilero (TMO)] (wit as sharp as a tack)
[Kel (Mario Laptop)] try to keep us out of treble
[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Served on a silver platter)
[Indigo (Lisa)] (don't spoon feed him any lines)
[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Stick a fork in it and call it done)
[Kel (Mario Laptop)] ( i went astray, music themed, sorry)
[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Fork in the road. You went cleft. I went....right?)
[Kel (Mario Laptop)] (mic drop. WOW!!)
[Indigo (Lisa)] (lol! nice!)

[Master] one more roll before night
[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (d20) [1d20=4] 4
[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Only 88 orcs this time)
[Master] um
[Master] let us see
[Master] need a d12 again please
[Indigo (Lisa)] (you are trying very hard for an encounter)
[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (d12) [1d12=1] 1
[Master] Indigo spots a set of three ships following behind you
[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Each filled with 32 orcs)
[Master] they are sailing south
[Master] raisign sails
[Indigo (Lisa)] Uh-oh. Three ships from upstream
Indigo (Lisa) looks through spyglass at them
[Master] they look like orcs
[Indigo (Lisa)] Looks like orcs
[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (That 32 orc thing was supposed to be a joke...)
TMO looks at Carissa.
[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Why does he take us literally sometimes??)

[Master] have I told you all how much I love you all and how wonderful this makes me feel
[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] Aw, we love you too BOB :)
[Kel (Mario Laptop)] (meh,...he's alright)
(Leaving this here as a remind that he loves us for when we encounter the untold number of orcs next week!)

Session: Dec2217

BOB's perspective

"It's not crazy! It's perfectly valid if the ship is capable of doing that! Ships are harder to see if they're underwater. Kinda the whole point of submarines, no?" - Ilero

Quotes of the Night:

Miranda Paige (JohnA)] (do you have Comprehend languages Carissa?)
[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Don't think so. To speak to them?)
[Indigo (Lisa)] (ohh that would be fun!)
[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (You want the bloodthirsty elf to speak to the orcs?)
[Indigo (Lisa)] (yes please)

Ilero (TMO)] Indigo. T'is boat sinkable and refloatable?
Indigo (Lisa) looks at Ilero like he is insane
[Ilero]] (TMO) grins. "Was t'inking boat easier hide if most of it under water."

Ilero (TMO)] T'ree orcs rowing under white flag. Anybody speak orc?
[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] I do.
Shi'Nynze (Carissa) knocks arrow

[Orc (Master)] WE SEEK PARLEY
[Kel (MarioCS)] Parsley?, for the children?

[Ilero]] (TMO) shrugs. "Mebbe. Hye not know boats as well."
[Indigo (Lisa)] Ships
[Ilero]] (TMO)] Floaty wood bowls.

[Indigo (Lisa)] We don't just take people's boats because we like them
[Indigo (Lisa)] Ships!
[Indigo (Lisa)] Now you've got me saying it

Ilero (TMO)] (any idea how many orcs on each ship?)
[Master] looks to be at least 36 per ship
[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Oh come on! The 32 orc thing was a joke! And you added 3!)
Ilero (TMO)] (durn. so much for backstabbing all of them)

Session: Dec2917

Thank you to Lisa again for quotes this week! Summary writing should resume to normal schedule and writing by next session. Which is not this session. Even though it may actually be the last for this leg of the trip. Hmm, well, it is what it is. So here is a shorter summary for the holidays:

Quotes of the Night:

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] (What causes one HP of damage in real life?)
Hoffman (JohnA)] (in real life you have no hit points)

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] (What causes one HP of damage in real life?)
[Kel (MarioCS)] Listening to JIlly for one five-minute session
[Kel (MarioCS)] most of it is self-inflicted, as you slowly rock, until you eventually bang your head into a wall

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] (What causes one HP of damage in real life?)
[Master] a sprained ankle or a cut finger while chopping veggies would be 1 hp
[Master] something that slows you a bit but it is not life threatening
[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] I just imagine that you’re on deaths door, and then someone gives you a flat tire on your shoe and then you collapse dead
[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] but I digress

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] Row Me Bully Boys, were in a hurry boys
[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] we’ve got a long way to go
[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] row me bully boys, were in a hurry boys on way to England we go
[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] so we'll sing and we'll dance
[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] and bid farewell to France
[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] so row me bully boys row

Hoffman (JohnA)] Yea, maybe give them a few, we had our alone time, but taking the wolves sound strange even for elves

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Wu? Would you like to do first watch with me?
[Wu Sen Cho (Master)] of course I would be honored
[Kel (MarioCS)] Shi, Who are doing watch with
[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (E) You never get tired of that joke, do you?
[Kel (MarioCS)] (E) rofl, it’s all I have...

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] so I will do as the priests say and see how to toss them on their teakettles with their own actions

Session: Jan0518

I lied. Personal circumstances have led to another rushed summary. Really hoping for normality to return by the next one. Please feel free to add additional quotes as I've skimped on those this week.

Quotes of the Night

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (But, with luck, maybe Penelope will get rid of the chalices before we return?)
[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Probably not. BOB put too much thought into this, but maybe)
[Master] me?
[Master] planning?
[Master] no

Session: Jan1218

We have reached the end.
By the end, I mean the end of this leg as I see it. As such, it seems only appropriate to end it with this format, even if it doesn't work as well for this summary; however, this is a good spot to note, in terms of the summaries, it is very interesting to me to see the perspective of others in both the guest summary and quote selections. In terms of the game, conversational encounters are sometimes very much preferred.
Also BOB needs to stop taking us literally.

Before we continue, once more, I will state half of the conversation last night did revolve around the Twenty-fifth Anniversary Game. This included logistics, hotels, and all that fun stuff. It may or may not be summarized over on that link, but for now, know that the information you seek is in this chat log.

The evening at the manor continues with the arrival of QuiFon Ruminell in search of Hoffman. As Atribella kindly observes, Qui is not a hafling and has a big nose. We do not know if he eats rocks. While Hoffman and Miranda are not available, Brother Fotopoulos and Indigo know who Qui is and greet him happily. He soon informs them of his airship training and traveling.

I was training on the Airship, thought that would be the way to travel but you miss a lot up there.
I'm sorry. Did you say Airship?
We did that one time. Like a giant bladder.

While Kel finds the thought of an airship intriguing, Kenna remarks that she prefers ships on water which are connect to Earth. As Qui point out, swimming is useless when you're in the air and you can't travel with a heavy load. With all that said, while Qui CAN fly an airship, he doesn't actually have one. Well then. After getting over the surprise of airships, the elves are reminded of how dull and studious those darn dwarves can be. They probably do eat rocks because they're bland and boring. Everyone else seems to like him, even after his 20 month absences, but we'll see. Time for dinner?

How bout a nice Farthorn Salad with chicken?
Are you calling Sam a chicken?

While the elves snicker about the recently departed (as in Farthorn the First, not Sam, and recent to them, not everyone else), Jilly is excited to see Qui. She assures him she'll stock up on rocks just like she had to start gathering more sticks for Kel. Confused Ambassador Joffery is introduced to Jilly who has to be reminded to grab dinner. He briefly thinks Jilly is his cook, but no, sir, she is her own cook and does what she wants which is generally helping Branwyn and saving everyone else.

Ambassador Joffery asks what is being packed and requests to keep some of the history books from the library. During the general chatter, Penelope appears. With Inquisitor Sinthorn. As Jilly pushes past back to the kitchen, Penelope drops the small sack she is carrying where two chalices tumble out. Well then again.

Indigo! I am sorry Inquisitor. It was suppose to be a surprise, but I will let -
I didn't do it!
Yes he did! Do not let him fool you. He single handedly rescued the chalices. He spotted the thieves and boldly took them. We hid them for you until it was safe to return them and now here, with Aunt Jennevive, a trusted member of the church and Kenna, here also, Indigo can present them to you.
We ummm just arrived at the harbor and if you were a thief the harbor would be where you would be, right?

Um, yes! Kenna assures the Inquisitor that Indigo did a quick and effective job getting these chalices back. Based on the glare she gives Penelope, she will learn from Indigo's example and also do a quick and effective job at teaching the real thief a lesson later. So is everyone happy?

Oh no, not at all! Aunt Jennevive seems to recall there being a reward for the return of the chalices? After a bit of back and forth, it is decided that the reward of 200,000 gp will be split with Indigo for which he will give his tithe in the name of all the Kayugan priests and priestesses in the household. This leaves Indigo with 10,000 gp and the Ambassador with 180,000 gp. Very nice! And Penelope's reward? Why it's being with Indigo, of course! Although some of the other have different ideas of what her punishment reward should be. When the Inquisitor leaves, Indigo pulls Penelope aside and Ilero has already had too much to be able to eavesdrop or read lips at the moment.

You have to tell me how this happened! But you saved us. Well us for the new Ambassador. Thank you.

That, uh, wasn't exactly the kind of talk she needed. Perhaps later someone should let Indigo know this relationship might be a bit toxic for him? Anyways, after returning to the table, and hearing the Ambassador will have a party now that he has money, Indigo pitches the idea of the theme of Aclim, where the chalices were stolen. Everyone could wear traveling clothes and things from where they are from with food from all different places. Sounds fun! But it seems we'll be missing it.

Ambassador Joffery is informed that the gold was spent earlier on ships for the Queen for the war effort. This makes him feel better as it is in service to the crown. When will they get there? We don't actually know. He is also informed that Lord Sam learned he was the heir of two thrones, but is not told which thrones. We end up rounding out the dinner conversation with discussion of who will be traveling to Drillian. Yes, it will be a crowded trip back, and yes, Penelope will be joining us.

The morning brings the last morning meeting in the salon. It's a bit of a short meeting, by which I mean it's really Indigo talking to Phillipe and asking if he feels better. Branwyn would never take the household funds. It wasn't her fault (but someone else). Phillipe tells Indigo he will miss them and it was a pleasure to serve them.

As for Penelope? She still insists that Indigo keep his reward; however, she is slightly annoyed that Aunt Jennevive actually took most of the reward and gave it to the new ambassador. It could have all been for Indigo.

That's because she took his gold from the house when we left before.
So? I thought she was not nice? That you did not like her?
Bah! I like her well enough. Other people don't like her more than me. She has always been nice to me. She likes to cause trouble with people that have things to hide. I don't have anything to hide so she can't bother me. You like her, right?

Penelope tells Indigo she does, but we're pretty sure she doesn't like Aunt Jennevive. And so, unless there is anything else to do in The City? Besides leaving Joffery some books and Ilero sharing some of his contacts with the new ambassador? No? Perhaps an aquatic member to add to Shi's growing diverse army of animals? Well then this is the end of this leg as we continue on to Drillian next session. How will that trip go? As always, we'll find out one way or another. See you on the next page!

Quotes of the Night

[Ithil (TMO)] Celebrate return of chalices mebbe?
[Ithil (TMO)] (who tf is Ithil?)
[Indigo (Lisa)] (the wolf speaks!)

Ilero (TMO)] (losing a hand builds character)
QuiFon Ruminell (JohnA)] (getting a hand is dangerous)
[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] (i changed my mind, she loses a hand)
[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (It can get out of hand quickly)
QuiFon Ruminell (JohnA)] (on the other hand, it worked out for me)
[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Thumbs up for that one)
QuiFon Ruminell (JohnA)] (I am not so handiy with the puns)

[Androp Ilkep (Master)] so a gnome, a dwarf, two elves and two halfings
[JohnA] (walk into a bar)