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She Said Yes! - Out of Character Discussions


A little knowledge or a little DnD is a bad thing. I thought we were there to save the oracle, so when I was asking about freeing the dragon, I did not think of releasing an evil on the world. I only hope I did not stear anyone in that direction. As far as Miranda's alter ego, at least it is clear Christina will not be playing her any more and I can work on getting her back on task. BTW I believe BOB misspoke when saying Christina was introducing an NPC. I look forward to meeting a Christina PC original.


--- 6/26

Good gravy, life has been overwhelming. Fathers day, Interviews, and now Hardware Problems at work. I don't know that I'll make Friday, and if I do, it'll be the last hour of game for the night. BUT I'LL TRY!

>You say that now.

I mean it!

>No you don't, you never do.


/me Forcably grabs the voice in his head and stuffs a chloroform rag in its mouth.

I promise! I'll try!

~ Devin


I'm way too sleep-deprived to make the game today. Sorry about that, guys. Maslow is just going to have to win this round. . . for now.

- Christina


Yeah, sorry about that, John. I think I've mentioned this to a few people, but playing a pre-existing character with history that used to belong to another player is a little bit like being asked to go up on stage opening night for a play without a script. Everyone else knows what's going on, and you have to grimly hang on and try and guess what you should be doing at any given point in time.

I was pretty sure that she'd have to object to leaving everyone behind, given what little I know of her. I couldn't figure out which way to pull it off. It came out as hurt/defiant, since Branwyn doesn't seem to be all that keen on the idea of trying to help the townspeople. If you could give me more pointers (and maybe fix it), I'd be much obliged.

(And I still blame Bob for this one.)

-- Christina

6/7 Christina got "BOB'd" Great to see the role playing away from Friday but I would say Miranda was a little out of character, but maybe she feels desperate. The rest I will post in character.


Being BOB'd is being nudged like a Jedi mind trick to do something that makes the campaign or story more interesting but not necessarily in yours or your character's best interest.


Just a quick note to clarify - Branwyn and Miranda are the only two still alive from the original group of characters that formed the Fledgling Squad of the Dragonslayers Company which was on 17-4-338 SKR and it is now 27-10-342 SKR. So they have been together for just over four years now.

Born in Fire



I blame Bob specifically directing me to the In-Character Discussions page while on skype. (LOL)


Very good conversations on the In Character Discussions page.

A couple of points to clear up on details.

Guy/Barnabas said he was speaking "one night" to Branwyn. This entire adventure from finding out about it to the current time has only been 48 hours or so. You have only gone a couple of hours after teleporting to here, most of that was taken up in digging out the tunnel that was collapsed when crossing the bridge.

Lisa/Branwyn mentioned that it "is at least 50 miles" for the idea of evacuation. No one knows exactly where you are (in character at least but it is on the Google Earth plug in for the players to look at) but you do understand that you are on the Arctic Circle and heading south would be at least 400-500 miles through the Northern Wastes to get to the northern edges of Terraguard. Tristan would understand that from his basic understanding of geography of Terraguard.

Just to make sure everyone understands the general facts during their discussions about what to do.


Thanks Devin for the thought. I need to get my spells together and will be re-visiting when we get back home. But I do hope that Bob does not plan on sending me a pack of worms. It wouldn't be very nice.

Guy - please set your alarm for Friday :-)

Lisa - 5/27/13

Guy, they did not need to make the dex checks when moving slowly because of the crampons. Without them it would have been dex checks every move no matter what. It was a good thing everyone had them on.

To refresh: 1/3 move no checks 1/2 move Bal check full move Bal check with modifiers


hey bob they didnt need to make dex checks, thats why we had gotten the crampons for walking on ice. sorry i missed out i completely forgot it was friday. hopefully if i remember ill be in this friday.


A thought for Lisa

With your library growing, and your love of all things spell-like, you might want to look at Bigsby's Bookwork Bane as an addition to your abilities. Its title is somewhat self-explanatory, but I figure it gives Bob one less chance at catastrophe.

Devin, may 24, 2013

For guidelines on dealing with Heat & Cold see Chapter 4.