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Adventures in the Wastes - Session Summaries Valoris Wood Adventures

Home Stories

The timeline for these adventures is often unknown, but they are Home Stories that take place in the Craniate Wastes.

Home at last - Narrative roleplay of arriving at home back at The Tree

Special Session: 20200325c

Starting Cast of This Adventure
Sqald Squirrel as played by TMO (squirrel).Dare In Munk as played by John (chipmunk).
Capt. Jack Sparrow as played by Fritz (sparrow).Horatio as played by Lisa (mouse).
Soarkin Sparrow as played by Mario (sparrow).Sniffikins as played by Spring (mouse).
Alvin the Arcanist as played by Ryan (chipmunk).Miss Bianca as played by Carissa (mouse).

Quotes of the Night

Sqald Squirrel (TMO) puffs up again. "Squirrels are all smart! Great Ones are just extra geniuser!"
[Sqald Squirrel (TMO)] No bird brains among the squirrels!
[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Yeah...Right!!! Extra....Do you spell Geniuser with an "X"?
[Sqald Squirrel (TMO)] Of course not! Only a bird would think there was an x in Geniuser.

Special Session: 20200408c

Quotes of the Night:

[Dandelion (Master)] have any of you ever been to the Stone Mountain?
Horatio (Lisa) looks around at the ground
[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] I haven't been past that tree!
[Horatio (Lisa)] (LOL)
[Horatio (Lisa)] (this is too funny)

Special Session: 20200415c

Quotes of the Night:

[Buck (Master)] SNORT
Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz) flies over and lands on the antlers of the Buck
[Buck (Master)] SHAKES
[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] He's so big!
[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Look at his rack!

Special Session: 20200422c

Quotes of the Night

[Spring] I am back at the keyboard.
[Master] so then when Spring returns morning comes

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] I saw...
[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Rocks!
[Horatio (Lisa)] Seeds!
Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz) pauses for effect and looks around the burrow
[Horatio (Lisa)] Berries?
[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] dragons!
[Horatio (Lisa)] No, dragons would be bad surprise
[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Dragonflies!
[Horatio (Lisa)] Berries would be really good surprise!
[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] A FERRY TOWN built by MICE!!!!!
[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Ferriers?
[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] a WHOLE TOWN?!?!?!?!
[Horatio (Lisa)] Fairies?
[Horatio (Lisa)] I didn't think there were things like fairies
[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Can you believe it? Well maybe a small hamlet...Yes they have a ferry
[Horatio (Lisa)] Is she pretty?
[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] it might not be a girl fairy
[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Well how else would some creatures be able to cross?
[Horatio (Lisa)] I like Hamlets

Session: 20200506c

Quotes of the Night

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] but if sarkle ate the invisible fish, wouldn't sarkel go invisible too?
[Horatio (Lisa)] Hmmm ... thinking
[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] But Sarkle has to caught it first and not eat it right away.
[Sarkle (Master)] Fish are food
[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] you could be invisible until you pooped

Session: 20200520c

Quotes of the Night

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] yay a seed!!!
[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] omnomnnomnom
[Horatio (Lisa)] Is it better than our seeds back home?
[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] nah, it's ordinary
[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] but I haven't had a lot of luck finding them
[Horatio (Lisa)] It's not worse though. That's good
[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] true, it coulda been moldy or under a poop or something

Session: 20200603c

Quotes of the Night

[Master] so the plan is?
[Carissa] So plan is reeds, drop to bottom and/or have a lure and watch for a fish
[Carissa] Otherwise I say we jump to it. Planning is mostly for Fridays :)

Session: 20200610c

Quotes of the Night

[Horatio (Lisa)] Say hello to Fievel, Sarkle
[Sarkle (Master)] CLACK
[Sarkle (Master)] Do you taste good?
[Fievel (Jamie)] But what are you doing out here? I didn't think anyone was out collecting bedding at this time
[Fievel (Jamie)] NO NO I DO NOT
[Sarkle (Master)] (if someone asks if you are a god..... )

[Master] but Jamie can make her roll now
[Fievel (Jamie)] Fievel: Foraging check: (d20) [1d20=20] 20 - ROLL FAILED against 8!!
[Horatio (Lisa)] (rolls like us - welcome :) )
(Note: she actually had great rolls later unlike us...)

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] An otter? Do they carry seeds?
[Fievel (Jamie)] They eat you!
[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] But we don't taste good!
[Horatio (Lisa)] I taste good!
[Horatio (Lisa)] I checked

Session: 20200624c

Quotes of the Night

[Lisa] a whole era devoted to hell?
[Master] yeap
[Carissa] Isn't that 2020?

Session: 20200701c

Quotes of the Night

Master] and also Valerie we are going easy with the rules during these sessions, we would have done something like click off round by round, who goes first, second, etc. but we are trying to keep this light and fun
[Horatio (Lisa)] (because blood in the water and near death by fishes is light and fun!)

Session: 20200708c

Quotes of the Night

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Oooh it all smells good here. What do we get him?
[Gruyere (valma-73412)] is there...Gruyere?
[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] You're right here?
[Gruyere (valma-73412)] not me, cheese!
[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Oooh... wait you're cheese? Or it's a cheese?
[Gruyere (valma-73412)] I'm named after my mom's favorite cheese

Session: 20200722c

Quotes of the Night

[Master] the rat boat is in the stream that comes out of the wood
[Lisa] we left it on the other side of the portcullis
[Carissa] ohh grate

[Horatio (Lisa)] Horatio: STR check: (d20) [1d20=1] 1 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 11!!
[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Miss Bianca: STR check: (d20) [1d20=1] 1 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 13!!
[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] (niceee)
[Horatio (Lisa)] (sweet!)
[Master] Well then you just pick up the boat and THROW it across the stream, grins

Session: 20200819c?

Home at Last, a narrative of arriving back home at The Tree.

{BOB} The group arrives at the clearing. They see The Tree up ahead. Home is within sight. Bianca, Sniffikins, and Horatio cheer and point out The Tree to Gruyere. Dandelion kicks up his heels and sprints across the clearing towards his burrow. Suddenly out of the side comes a striking snake head that barely misses his right haunch. Dandelion spins and sprints back to the mice.