Main / CarissaBraun

Players & Characters - Roll Call - Character Stories

Carissa Braun
Writer of Summaries and Pun Connoisseur

Carissa came to our group and hit the ground running when she started in the middle of the Diplomatic Entanglements era and participated in several of the story arcs starting with the War by Art adventure.

Player Comments

(or collection of notable wordplay and puns)

Current Favorites:

Bovine Valley: a town made of cow puns.
This does not mean Shorndal Smaragus has any such alliance with any such creature that we are aware of, but anyone worth their salt would likely have such a service. Get it? Worth their salt? Because Saltus clan? Oh, don’t be so salty! These are good puns here by a seasoned punster, and now these puns shall forever be preserved on this page! These are the pinnacle of puns! Okay, okay, I get it. I won’t assault you with more puns. Let’s get this saltie saline along now… (from Gal-SUM).

Honorable Mentions:

Knarr's No Place Like Home, Just Mist, The Call of the Mist, For the Love of Fog (from Title Suggestions).
[TMO] (you people and your hedge issues)
[TMO] (I don't understand what the problem is)
Shi'Nynze (Carissa) shrubs "Got me."
[Kel (MarioCS)] (pun master 3 for 3)
[Master] and LOL at Carissa, will give you that unintentional pun
[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Woo! And that actually was intentional :) )
[Master] HAH
[Kel (MarioCS)] ( i bet totally intentional)
[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Ha! Always!)
[TMO] (nice - I actually had read right past it. Nice!)....(from Oct0617)

Quotes of Relevance:

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] might consider a dogpile to protect her no pun intended
[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Pun should always be intended!) (from Jul1417)
[Master] That is how you summon Carissa, she comes where she hears puns (from Jul2117)








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