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Student Loans

Student Loans - Session Summaries List

Wendy the summary goes here

Session 20240301c - 20240301s

Quotes of the Night
Carissa: Well given Vee isn't the empathetic type, she will push you towards the touchy feely ones ;)
Michael: LOL
Carissa: And Alcien was fine, Lemon hated dealing with him too but he's barely a blip on the radar for Vee
Michael: Just super pissed at the priest guy
BOB Vee would push you to being touchy feely around his throat
Michael: LOLOLOL

Michael (Jericho): (Hey guys, I just had a crazy idea! Let's form our own religion, and boss people around if they partake of our food. Imagine the hijinks we could get up to!)
Carissa (Vee Barlett): lol
Lemon (Levi Reed): I'm in

Michael (Jericho): Bob, I don't want to read this entire guide again. Weeps. But I will if you need. Can I tell you stats and we go from there? Might be quicker
Michael (Jericho): (Big .pdf file)
Carissa (Vee Barlett): the rules determine how fast that'll happen
Michael (Jericho): So....let bob figure out the rules and I feed him stats?
Michael (Jericho): :D
Carissa (Vee Barlett): might be on the building dragon fen page
Lemon (Levi Reed): wait are you talking about Math?
Lemon (Levi Reed): Because no thank you
Michael (Jericho): Where's TMO when you need him. He eats these damn problems

Fiolx of Crazy Arrow Tribe: Who the hell cares what fish think? You need to scoop that spawn out
Vee Barlett: Sure but whatcha gonna do with it?
Michael (Jericho): So, that is the story of how Fiolx, was found dead in a pool of blood, being nibbled by fish
wyjyoon (Temperance): "Here lies Fiolx, shanked to death and sleeping with the fishes"

BOB and so Vee and Temperance are there with the fish
BOB Ratbone is cleaning cages
BOB Lirt is baking tonight's bread
BOB and the rest are doing math
Carissa (Vee Barlett): HAHAHA SUCKERS

BOB Levi earn another WP at 4th level
Lemon (Levi Reed): Oh, then I want knives
Lemon (Levi Reed): All I have for close up is punching and I want something a little bit sharper. After that I think I'm just going to hoard them until something good comes along
wyjyoon (Temperance): More people that can shank, yay
TMO (Rothuss Carder): We are .... The Shankers!
Michael (Jericho): The Dragon Shanker Society™ (putting ™ because I feel like it :D - Wendy)

Session 20231208c - 20231208s

Quotes of the Night
This one is out of context, but still so good
Michael: You know I hadn't really thought about it. I guess they maybe drank themselves into a Blackout as the next best substitution?
Spring: Crap, I still need to do that. Thanks for reminding.

I included this one because TOO REAL BOB This is the first time the group has gone out without any help from the church
Carissa (Vee Barlett): what help did they offer with the goblins????
Shislif (MeLange): they were helping?

BOB Buy now pay later
BOB The Church's interest rate is just heavenly
Michael (Jericho): God, you really are leaning into Student Loans. You offering 8.1 percent interest too? Want a kidney while you are at it bob????
BOB Your kidneys are shot Michael, you need to bring me a new fresh one

MeLange: haven't we all, at one or point or another, thrown our poop at a person?
Jericho: You didn't? Did you/
Jericho: Looks at MeLange.
MeLange: let the person who is poop free throw the first poop, i say

Rothuss Carder: I think we can push on for a little bit longer. I'm not tired, any of you?
Matthias Crowtooth: I'm a little tired from watching Vee carry her canoe, but I am okay to carry on.
BOB 'no canoe
Carissa (Vee Barlett): (she doesn't have it, sadly)
Matthias Crowtooth: I'm a little tired from watching Vee carry her massive ego, but I'm okay to carry on.

Vee Barlett: What house?
MeLange: I say we go for it, house looks nice
Vee Barlett: Oh. How long that been there?
Jericho: mean the creepy ruined house MeLange? In the middle of a stream?
MeLange: yea it's not creepy... just misunderstood

BOB Spring are you there to answer for Parry?
Spring (Parry the Mule): Uh yeah, you guys are waking her up?
Shislif (MeLange): apparently
Shislif (MeLange): lol
Shislif (MeLange): we wanna wake her up and ask her how she's doing
Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): I do the same thing with my wife. Wake her up, talk to her for a few minutes until I can go to sleep, and let her stay up for another four hours.

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): I'm a man, and I don't need a bathroom when I am outside
Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): I'm a man, and that means I don't need a bathroom, rather
Lemon (Levi Reed): But there's one RIGHT THERE
Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): Next you will be asking me not to pee on the toilet seat....
Carissa (Vee Barlett): you better put the seat down or so help me
Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): How else will I pee on it?
Lemon (Levi Reed): It doesn't look like this one has a seat
Shislif (MeLange): haha someone else peeing on stuff for once

Session 20231201c - 20231201s

Quotes of the Night

BOB So just to make sure that everyone understands the gravity of the new Story Arc - the name is.........
BOB Student Loans
JtomTMO (Lirtimya): Oh great, well, we won't be out of this arc for another couple decades

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): Ignore the screaming mafia princess right behind us
TMO (Rothuss Carder): is it safe to ignore screaming mafia princesses?
wyjyoon (Temperance): She might try to shank you
Carissa: she will
Carissa: better bled clean or she'll be mad
Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): We'll hear her coming. It is fine.
wyjyoon (Temperance): How does one "bleed clean"?
Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): You bleed them out and then sanitize the stab wounds
Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): With Vee, it might take a while because she be stab-happy
wyjyoon (Temperance): Ah, understandable
wyjyoon (Temperance): Shanking sounds like her specialty
Michael (Jericho): Is there a NWP for "Shanking?"
Carissa: there??
TMO (Rothuss Carder): it involves using a weapon
Michael (Jericho): Is there a weapon speciality called "Shanking?"
Michael (Jericho): semantics
Michael (Jericho): Don't you come back and say small blades
Lemon (Levi Reed): Is shanking a specific weapon?
Lemon (Levi Reed): Because shiv could definitely be "weaponsmithing, crude"
Lemon (Levi Reed): Not sure about shank though
BOB Broard Group Blades will give you dozens of options in shanking
Michael (Jericho): I knew bob would take shanking and give it a proper term
Carissa: (must rethink if I want broad group blade.s....)
