Main / Fatigue

Chapter 3 - Chapter 4


Fatigue CategoryEffect
FreshNo Effect
Fatigued+1 encumbrance category
Exhausted+2 encumbrance categories

note: At this time KloOge does not take all of these factors automatically into account. The player will have to ensure their character sheets are up to date.

Fighting a prolonged battle can be exhausting. Only the most heroic characters can stand fast against wave after wave of foes without tiring. The various character classes gain a number of fatigue points equal to their base Hit Die value. In other words, a warrior has 10 fatigue points, a thief 6, etc. Warriors gain one additional fatigue point each time they gain a level; nonwarriors gain one fatigue point every two levels. This value is modified by the hit-point bonus or penalty for Fitness.

For monsters, fatigue points are equal to 8 (since monsters use a d8 for their Hit Dice) plus the number of Hit Dice, rounded down. Thus an ogre (4+1 Hit Dice) has 12 fatigue points.

ClassBase FatigueGain per Level

Keeping Track of Fatigue

Characters and monsters start off in a fresh state. Check off one fatigue point every time a character attacks or moves over one third of their movement in a round. When the total reaches 0, the character or creature is fatigued. Reset the fatigue score back to its original value and check off two points as these actions take place. When the score reaches 0 again, the creature is exhausted.

Effects of Fatigue

Characters and monsters who are fatigued move and fight as if they were encumbered one category more than they really are. For example, A character who was moderately encumbered becomes heavily encumbered when he is fatigued.

Exhausted characters move and fight as if they were encumbered two categories more than normal. An exhausted, moderately encumbered character moves and fights as if he were severely encumbered. Usually, exhausted characters are well-advised to catch their breath.

Recovering from Fatigue

If a character or monster spends one round resting, making no moves or attacks of any kind, he gets the chance to recover one category of fatigue (exhausted to fatigued, fatigued to fresh) by rolling a successful saving throw vs. paralyzation. Characters modify the die roll by a cumulative +1 bonus for each consecutive round they spend resting. The character's hit-point bonus for exceptional Fitness is also used as a modifier to the recovery roll.

When a character recovers a fatigue category, his fatigue number is re-set all the way back to its original value. He gets a second wind and can rejoin the fray.

Effects of Force Marching on Fatigue

Whenever characters have failed a Fitness check as a result of force marching and are still in the process of recovering (see Overland Movement), they automatically begin the combat in a fatigued state rather than fresh. Fatigue points are consumed at the doubled rate and all the penalties for being fatigued (as well as the penalties for force marching) apply, until a state of exhaustion is reached. Furthermore, creatures cannot return to a fully fresh state during the battle; only the noncombat recovery period for force marching can remove this restriction.