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Mushroom Man

Mushroom Man - Session Summaries List

Session 20240217c - 20240217s

Half-birthday Bonus Game!
Carissa, how do I make that text a little big bigger or fancy or something? Thanks. As repayment for your kind formatting help, I will neglect to mention (deleted).

Quotes of the Night/Day
Vee Barlett: And the staff? Any insight?
Vee Barlett: hands it back to Temperance
Temperance: holds it and attempts to rummage through her thoughts
Levi Reed: Temperance, hit me with the staff! Lightly
Temperance: furrows her eyebrows and tilts her head
Vee Barlett: Er, why not a wall instead?
Levi Reed: Oh
Vee Barlett: I'm hopin' it grows fungus.
Temperance: If I kill you, it'd be a pain to try and resurrect. And I'd rather it not turn you into a pod

Levi Reed: Ok, now hit the wall with it. Gently
Levi Reed: And if that doesn't do anything, then me
Vee Barlett: Yeah, so maybe don't hit Levi first. I mean, he deserves it, but not until we're outta the cave.
Levi Reed: God, Vee, why are you such a fun killer
Rothuss Carder: Big swing!
Vee Barlett: I'd vote Rothuss, actually, but whatever.
Vee Barlett: Or we wait until we find a corpse to smack it with?
Temperance: brightens at the thought of experimenting the effects of said staff on a corpse

Lemon (Levi Reed): Does the burning hands thing spread? Could we burn all the babies with it?
BOB chuckles
BOB only if they are flammable

Shislif (MeLange): that's so funny a crazy man runs across their room and they just go about their day
wyjyoon (Temperance): He was too fast and furious

Vee Barlett: so we take what proof we can from the desk and get to the church
Carissa (Vee Barlett): because they will barely believe us otherwise
TMO (Rothuss Carder): bring back a pod baby and a pod man head?
Lemon (Levi Reed): Yesssss, let's bring back a baby. We've done murder and theft, why not add kidnapping?

Ratbone Carder: This is a song about how awesome we are!
Ratbone Carder: We've been through so much crap, we have come so far!
Ratbone Carder: Several times, just this week, we have nearly died
Ratbone Carder: Here we are, kicking ass, and we haven't fried!
Ratbone Carder: WE ARE THE BEST! Now let's loot the room!
Ratbone Carder: WE ARE THE BEST! We have no time for gloom!
Ratbone Carder: You can say we're on the way to a horrific end
Ratbone Carder: BUT WE ARE THE BEST! And only better with our friends!
Ratbone Carder: Did you know? Did you know I dropped my rations
Ratbone Carder: Did you know? I'll sing it from the bastions
Ratbone Carder: I really loved the oatmeal bars, I'll miss pemmican
Ratbone Carder: The raisins and the nuts were great to eat, who knows when I can again!
Ratbone Carder: How I love and miss my rations!
Ratbone Carder: And yet, and yet, and yetty yet yet! WE ARE THE BEST!

Ratbone Carder: well this is fun
Jericho: I'm sorry what?
Jericho: Define fun?
Jericho: chuckles darkly
Ratbone Carder: it's sarcasm, weener

Ratbone Carder: And we are mighty too! Mighty me and mighty you!
Ratbone Carder: Together we can vanquich most anything! (that is sufficiently low level)
Ratbone Carder: We are mighty! And our smiles are brighty!
Ratbone Carder: We outshine the sun! This time we don't have to run. Credit where it's due! To mighty me and you!'

Spring (Ratbone Carder): dunno about rocks
JtomTMO (Lirtimya): Anything I need to roll?

Aien Mountainbane: Hello travellers
MeLange: Hello
MeLange waves
Aien Mountainbane: I am Aien Mountainbane, 3rd circle, depths of the mountain trout
Temperance: nods in silent greeting
Vee Barlett: Vee.
Levi Reed: Levi
Spring (Ratbone Carder): mmmmm trout
MeLange: hey good for you
MeLange: Oh I'm MeLange

Aien Mountainbane: Looks over Temperance, How is the church served by these people?
Temperance: thinks carefully over the question
Levi Reed: Reluctantly

Session 20240216c - 20240216s

Quotes of the Night
Michael (Jericho): THROW A ROCK!
BOB you all four can throw rocks at the one attacking Levi
TMO (Rothuss Carder): We are without sin! We will throw the first stones!

Carissa (Vee Barlett): why is it -5?
Spring (Ratbone Carder): because my backpack is still on
Spring (Ratbone Carder): for some reason that counts against only me
BOB Because she is carrying things, and only has a strength of 5
Carissa (Vee Barlett): ouch why are we having you carry things??
BOB She has rations at 17.5 pounds
BOB and bagpipes at 8 pounds
BOB she could drop both or either of those
Carissa (Vee Barlett): welp
Carissa (Vee Barlett): make your brother carry your stuff, that's what I do
TMO (Rothuss Carder): lol, I am a wee bit stronger. I'd be game
Spring (Ratbone Carder): i dunno why the quiet bagpipes are 8 pounds
Michael (Jericho): The muffler

Lemon (Levi Reed): Guessing I can't squeeze through that gap between 15 and 7?
Carissa (Vee Barlett): yes I was going to ask if you could
Carissa (Vee Barlett): this same wavelength thing is freaky I don't know if I like it
Carissa (Vee Barlett): it's like I have ESPN or something
wyjyoon (Temperance): Great minds think alike?
Lemon (Levi Reed): sandwiches

wyjyoon (Temperance): Well, hopefully they'll be ugly pod pancakes by the end of whatever this is : )
Lemon (Levi Reed): podcakes. panmen.
wyjyoon (Temperance): Pan-fried podcakes : )
Lemon (Levi Reed): that actually sounds good, I must be hungry

Rothuss Carder: Why are you leaving Ratbone by herself over there?
Vee Barlett: You got two options, mate.
Vee Barlett: You die 'cause I ain't letting that happen to Lirt OR I go after yer sister who has Melange and Levi with her.
Ratbone Carder: Shut up and just bleed over there. I've got this!

Carissa (Vee Barlett): oh wait question
BOB yes?
Carissa (Vee Barlett): it keeps going at +1 instead of +2, also because of emcumberance? and if so, can she drop her rations so she gets her +2 back?
Carissa (Vee Barlett): guessing that's why?
BOB throw the soup cans at it
wyjyoon (Temperance): And say "welcome to the soup kitchen"

Carissa (Vee Barlett): it's okay two hits I believe in you
Temperance: [ATTACK (R)] [THACO(20)] [d20 = 15]
Attack [15] ->[ATTACK (R)] (Shortbow) [at Pod man 16] [Hit-AC: 5 vs. 9 ] [AC: 5 ] [HIT]
Carissa (Vee Barlett): BELIEF

Session 20240209c - 20240209s

Quotes of the Night

(After encountering the large Podman at the door)
Jericho: Hello Sir, can I introduce you to our lord and savior?

Shislif (MeLange): Can I run into the door before it closes?
BOB No you are there at the door. You attacked to try to stop it, but you were not able to
Rothuss Carder: Golly. We'll never be able to open a Door. *sigh* Guess we go home now.

MeLange: It's like a pod sausage fest in there!
Rothuss Carder: that sounds either disgusting or delicious
Rothuss Carder: Disglicious?

MeLange: uhhh Vee? kinda blocking the exit there
MeLange: plus I just farted so they're gonna be pissed

Lemon (Levi Reed): Melange Melange Melange. Everyone knows that in an emergency, you have to designate SPECIFIC people for tasks. Otherwise everyone stands around freaking out and doesn't know who's doing what. And when I say "everyone knows" I mean "everyone who's been forced to take first aid training knows"

BOB So that dagger is gone
wyjyoon (Temperance): Oh I was throwing rocks
BOB Oh sorry
wyjyoon (Temperance): Is that not the thing to use?
BOB Ok yes. That is a good thing to use.
TMO (Rothuss Carder): So that rock is gone
BOB That was her lucky rock too
BOB sad
Carissa (Vee Barlett): at least it isn't the pet rock.

BOB Melange is still locked up by the two of them and is being dragged away
MeLange: Yaaarghhh!!!!
Levi Reed: Noooo, baby!!!! Nobody pulls baby in the corner!!!!

Vee Barlett: Don't hug 'em without consent or I'll stab ya!
MeLange: No! No consent!

Lemon (Levi Reed): Also, can we please bring back the name extension? It gives me so much joy.
Carissa (Vee Barlett): Huh, good point. Where ARE their names??
Carissa (Vee Barlett): Who has the chaps? The weird giggle? The odd leg???

Spring (Ratbone Carder): sometimes rules make no sense

Session 20240202c - 20240202s

Quotes of the Night
(There were so many parts I laughed out loud at while summarizing so I couldn’t include them all, sorry.)

Spring (Ratbone Carder): cheery wave, still in a cave.

Michael (Jericho): If you have the flu, I’d offer some probably unwanted advice not to eat anything at all, and start pounding coke like it was shots.
Michael (Jericho): COKE COLA. Not the other one.
TMO (Rothuss Carder): They don’t sell Coke Cola anymore. Haven’t for decades. They figured out drugs were bad, mmkay?

JtomTMO (Lirtimya): I return, but I have no idea how long. company is over and I may need to go socialize.
Michael (Jericho): Pff. Kiddo, we ARE the company. of HEROES.
BOB You do not need anyone but US JTom.

BOB I did jokingly look at that years ago, to qualify as a church for tax purposes.
Michael (Jericho): I mean....they turned you down? We're all the proof you need. Hell, you even have decades of paperwork on the site.
BOB You need regular meetings, in a specific regular space with a set number of attendees.
Michael (Jericho): HEY NOW, if Weird churches can form REMOTELY due to Covid, I want you to recheck that crap. Cause I'd laugh
JtomTMO (Lirtimya): "The churhc of the dragonslayers". With the typo, obviously.
Michael (Jericho): snort

TMO (Rothuss Carder): who needs fighters when we have wizards with sharp knives?
Michael (Jericho): Why Lisa had a dagger collection
JtomTMO (Lirtimya): Who needs to use fancy magic when you can stab things?
Michael (Jericho): You. You need fancy magic LOL
wyjyoon (Temperance): I can see why Vee likes shanking so much
Michael (Jericho): Stabbing is a side bonus.
Michael (Jericho): Vee should be taking pointers from Lirt
wyjyoon (Temperance): Maybe that's why Vee likes Lirt too.

TMO (Rothuss Carder): *GASP!*
BOB and falls over dead. THUNK.
Lemon (Levi Reed): Rothuss is dead?
BOB I am
Lemon (Levi Reed): oh, whew
(For the record, Rothuss hitting something happens multiple times this session. It’s not a drill!)

[INIT] 9 : Knife
Michael (Jericho): Wait
Michael (Jericho): A knife had initiative?
Michael (Jericho): How did that happen?
TMO (Rothuss Carder): a very ambitious knife
BOB What are you talking about? grins

Michael (Jericho): And for a pacifist priest, he's burning things down left and right. Pacifist in Nature, but Pyro at heart. A new Shirt Slogan
JtomTMO (Lirtimya): "I am an arsonistic pacifist"

JtomTMO (Lirtimya): It is however too existence for me to stab
Michael (Jericho): I too like Existence for Stabs
Michael (Jericho): Shirt slogans all around tonight :)
wyjyoon (Temperance): I misread that as “existential stab”.

Michael (Jericho): What the fuck is that thing
Michael (Jericho): Oh, just a Chuthulu pod Creature
wyjyoon (Temperance): Looked like an electrocuted hairball for a second

TMO (Rothuss Carder): Temperance unloads her Tommy Gun on the pod person.
JtomTMO (Lirtimya): Temperance at that point is just ance TMO.
TMO (Rothuss Carder): what?
JtomTMO (Lirtimya): take away the temper. Now the joke is no fun TMO.

TMO (Rothuss Carder): and from long experience, backstab doesn't work in melee combat, only by surprise.
Michael (Jericho): I can probably survive one hit from you
BOB THAT sounds like a challenge

Carissa (Vee Barlett): is there one for me to stab??
BOB Nothing for Vee to stab but there is a ledge up there with loot on it
Shislif (MeLange): there's been a lot of stabbing in your honor
Carissa (Vee Barlett): I appreciate you all stabbing things in my absence
Carissa (Vee Barlett): Wait. Rothuss is right there....
TMO (Rothuss Carder): Back off, Vee! I Stabbed Tonight!

Session 20240126c - 20240126s

Quotes of the Night
MeLange: Hope you plants are ready to rock!

BOB The objects hanging from the ceiling are pod-like plant growth hanging by short, thick stems. There are 20 of these man-sized pods, each measuring about six feet from top to bottom and about four feet in circumference. All but two of them seem to have split open from top to bottom along a seam, revealing a slime-coated interior. The entire room smells unpleasantly of rotting fish.
Levi Reed: ... anyone got a rock?
Rothuss Carder: Anyone else nervous about those?
MeLange: raises hand
Levi Reed: Should I try to hit one with a rock or...? Anyone got any better ideas?
Rothuss Carder: Skirt along the edges of the cave and just get through it without bothering anyone?
Levi Reed: I mean, yeah, sure, there's always the boring way

Rothuss Carder: Left/east, or follow the water south?
Levi Reed: I mean, I feel like let's just go left until we can no longer go left
Levi Reed: Whether because of dead ends or dead friends

Levi Reed: Oh yeah, agree. I'm not giving up on this course until Vee catches up and tells me to stop being an idiot
Temperance: cracks a small smile at the comment
Rothuss Carder: Why do you listen to her? Be the idiot you want to be.

BOB Rothuss disapeared
Shislif (MeLange): probably just like a fun slide
BOB You hear a slight startled sound then nothing
Levi Reed: Well
Levi Reed: I mean
Levi Reed: We can't just leave him
Levi Reed: probably
MeLange: Well it would be quite rude to leave him
Levi Reed: So we... um... follow?
MeLange: go on Levi, we're right behind ya
Temperance: looks a bit conflicted, but nods in assent nonetheless
Levi Reed: Or... find a safer way to wherever he is?
MeLange: that would take time, he could be in trouble now
Levi Reed: Sure but so could we all if we fall down there...
MeLange: at least Rothuss would break our fall
MeLange: chuckles
Levi Reed: You make a good point... ok, you go first, and shout back up to us if you land ok
Temperance: I don't particularly want him to break our fall by breaking his back
MeLange: Ok
MeLange: I'll yell first just in case
MeLange: make way Levi
Rothuss Carder: shouts back, "Long drop. deep pool!"
MeLange: Coming down Rothuss!!! Make way!

Vee Barlett: Ya know, the dried blood on yer face kinda makes a cool lookin' tattoo, Levi.
Levi Reed: You know what would look good on you? A few more leeches
Vee Barlett: You can keep 'em. Might keep the blood rushin' the wrong places.

Vee Barlett: pokes the leech on Rothuss with her knife
Rothuss Carder: Do your worst to it Vee. Pretend it's me
Vee Barlett: If I pretend it's your, I'm gonna go straight for your face.
Vee Barlett: At least the fish are happier.
Rothuss Carder: ITS face. Pretend IT is me. Not me is me.

Session 20240119c - 20240119s

Session 20240112c - 20240112s

Quotes of the Night
Vee Barlett: Yer still too broad.
Rothuss Carder: See? You do it too. "What do you want?" "No, not that answer, give me a better one."
Vee Barlett: What ya want when ya want ain't a concrete answer. It ain't tell me anything at all about you or what you cherish except a lack of structure. Don't tell me if you love yer family or friends, if ya like water or sea, if you care about rum more than wine. It's a cheap answer.
Rothuss Carder: holds up a hand between them.
Vee Barlett: Everyone wants to do what they want whenever they want, but more to it than that.
Rothuss Carder: Hold on, let's not start a fight over this. Yet.
Vee Barlett: Ain't a fight. Just pointin' out why yer wrong.

Rothuss Carder: But one day, a sheep falls into a small crevasse. He'd never seen it before. And at the bottom, under a bush, a small clay pot with a wax stopper.
Vee Barlett: nods slowly
Rothuss Carder: He pulls the stopper... WOOSSHHHH... a gray cloud starts billowing forth, all around him.
BOB The sheep pulls the stopper? or the shepherd?
TMO (Rothuss Carder): *puts the stopper in Bob*

Vee Barlett: Sounds like them idiots who go to Pa.
Vee Barlett: At least he has better things to invest in even if he's able to get whoever he wants.
Rothuss Carder: He's traded one hell for another.
Parry the Mule: neigh... neigh
Parry the Mule: farts

Rothuss Carder: Nope, just keepign things simple, not making anything complicated until it needs to be.
Vee Barlett: Smart.
Rothuss Carder: picks up his saber.
Rothuss Carder: You're not Vee, you're an imposter!
Rothuss Carder: That was a compliment!


Session 20231229c - 20231229s

Quotes of the Night
TMO (Rothuss Carder): Right. Tumbling is basically Parkour, without the training to go up walls. Rothuss has a basic 50% chance to climb walls. Expeditious Retreat cast on himself adds 5' to his vertical leap *and* triples his movement rate. Backing up, casting Expeditious Retreat on himself, and then desperately attempting to Tumble *up* the waterfall against the flow.
Spring (Ratbone Carder): Well that sounds complicated
Shislif (MeLange): tumble up the waterfall you say?
TMO (Rothuss Carder): that is what I say
Shislif (MeLange): ballsy!
TMO (Rothuss Carder): it sounds *exceedingly* complicated
Lemon (Levi Reed): I like it
TMO (Rothuss Carder): and should be an entertaining failure
Shislif (MeLange): it's crazy enough... it just might work :)
Michael (Jericho): I picutre Link from Ocarina of Time doing a forward roll up a waterfall
Spring (Ratbone Carder): sounds like a fancy way to get a concussion

Session 20231222c - 20231222s

Quotes of the Night
Rothuss Carder: drapes his plant fronds as gracefully around his shoulders as best he can for best balance.
Michael (Jericho): (Rothuss weaves them into a beautiful fashion statement)

Michael (Jericho): It's so frustrating that I just would rather never goes in caves
Lemon (Levi Reed): I mean it's fine. Everyone else delays, worst that happens is Levi gets hit before he can move
BOB Some people move faster than other in Int, some people are up front or in the rear and need to wait to react on their number
BOB Why is that Michael?
Shislif (MeLange): cause farts have no place to go

Rothuss Carder: What's the problem? They're just mushrooms, right? How dangerous could they be? *adjusts the 40lb plant hanging deadweight around him to a more comfortable position*

Jericho: Fuck no
MeLange: whoa language
MeLange: I don't like what these mushrooms are doing to you
Rothuss Carder: it's not fungus, it's angrygus.
Rothuss Carder: OO! Cussgus!

Lemon (Levi Reed): Can I please have a "panic" skill. I would like to roll to see if I panic.

MeLange: Hey Levi! You should get down here, think I may hear something!
MeLange: Levi you there?!
Levi Reed: Or you should get back up here so you don't die alone
MeLange: so we can die together?!
Levi Reed: I mean, if we gotta die, I want to be with you when it happens
MeLange: awww me too!
MeLange: I hope I get to watch you die first!
Levi Reed: That's creepy
Levi Reed: But same... because I don't really want to watch you die
MeLange: No it's sweet! I don't want you to have to watch me suffer, I'll take that burden for you buddy!
Levi Reed: I want us to both kick it at the exact same moment
MeLange: alright I'm coming

Michael (Jericho): I'm hurrying, please I'm trying to read fast
BOB Temperance is still on the CT because when it is her turn she bleeds one point
Lemon (Levi Reed): Take your time
BOB when she gets to negative 10 she is dead dead
BOB Relax Michael
BOB go slow and do it right is better
wyjyoon (Temperance): It's alright, Michael, don't rush! I'm having fun : )
Lemon (Levi Reed): That's what she said

Rothuss Carder: *sing song* Stand firm! Stand fast! Hit that sucker, hit it fast! Defend your friend! Make it last!
Lemon (Levi Reed): This shamble is bananas! b-a-n-a-n-a-s!
(A few times I've been around that track
So it's not just gonna happen like that)

MeLange: V...V...Vee?
Vee Barlett: What's goin' on? Y'all passed that bug onto me. It wasn't pretty.
Jericho: In here Vee!
MeLange: Well you look great
Vee Barlett: Thanks. I usually do. So stab this thing?

Lemon (Levi Reed): I mean, we haven't had any issues with blockage tonight. We're doing fine
Lemon (Levi Reed): Other than dying I mean

Vee Barlett: Ugh, I think that thing slimmed my fingers.
Levi Reed: Nah, your fingers are still as fat as they ever were

Vee Barlett: It'd be nice if we could make this like... a shiplock, ya know? Force the water to dam up and lift us up...
Rothuss Carder: that sounds like drowning with extra steps

Session 20231215c - 20231215s

Quotes of the Night
Rothuss Carder: *desperate hug* I MISSED YOU SO MUCH!!!
BOB I promise never to leave again..... for the length of time that Michael can remember to be quiet

[250 XP] -> Levi Reed
'Levi Reed' applied '380' experience to Ranger.
Lemon (Levi Reed): What was that for?
BOB We need to check the XP later
BOB For starting off with just the two of you, Bonus XP
BOB but it might be doing somethign funky with your 10% bonus
Lemon (Levi Reed): Ooooh, fancy
Lemon (Levi Reed): Take that, Carissa!
BOB so we can test that later
TMO (Rothuss Carder): if we leave and come back, maybe we'll get more xp?

Rothuss Carder: Either of you got a rope I can tie around my waist?
Vee Barlett: Always got rope, that a real question? Come here.
Rothuss Carder: Tie me up, Cap'n!
Rothuss Carder: Oof, not so tight. We're not dating.
Vee Barlett: There. Good and tight, but ya can release it easier this way.
Vee Barlett: laughs
Vee Barlett: Gotta give me 50 year old rum to get to that kinda rope tying.
Rothuss Carder: Maybe some other time.
Rothuss Carder: Unless there's a bottle down there

Levi Reed: [SKILL] Botany [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 13) [SUCCESS by 3] [d20 = 10]
Carissa (Vee Barlett): yay!
Lemon (Levi Reed): I rolled it up top for the fungus and failed. Then smelted. Because obviously.
Vee Barlett: yup
Vee Barlett: ooc me
TMO (Rothuss Carder): oocs Carissa

Plant tendril (Attractively lank): [ATTACK (M)] [THACO(20)] [d20 = 3]
Lemon (Levi Reed): Well, since Sharif isn't here, I'll do it
Levi Reed: That plant is attractively lank

Levi Reed: This thing is HEAVY Vee
Levi Reed: Maybe we should go back up and get MeLange to carry me
Vee Barlett: How ya gonna climb back up?
Levi Reed: Well, by "we" I meant "you"