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Dead Dread Pirates - Session Summaries List

Session 20241004c - 20241004s

Quotes of the Night

BOB Every germ is sacred, every germ is good, every germ is needed in your neighborhood
Carissa: like weeds
Carissa: they have a place
Carissa: but my body is not it

Rothuss Carder: Let me know when I can kill this guy, would you?
Rothuss Carder: stalks angrily off.

Lazio Sharpe: Only an evil mage would take some other mages’ books hostage.
Temperance: Only an evil mage would turn someone into wax without consent.

Lazio Sharpe: He did not say no, he says weakly
Temperance: smiles lightly.
Temperance: So as long as you do not say no, does that mean I can cut off your finger?

Inv Zora Polasis: You didn't see him Vee! I don't think you know what you are asking
Inv Zora Polasis: looks at Tempe
Temperance: looks up from her scribbling.
Temperance: I don't think we should bring back a wax figure that didn't consent to being made into one in the first place.
Inv Zora Polasis: Yes that
Lazio Sharpe: I understand your concerns Temperance
Temperance: I'm not sure you do.

wyjyoon (Temperance): taking admiral parts, mage signing legal documents got it
Lisa: the admiral is a ball of wax full of Levi's and Tempe's arrows isn't it?
Carissa (Vee Barlett): ...let's remove the arrows first?
Lisa: lol
BOB You can take parts, not the whole thing
BOB it gets the point across
Carissa (Vee Barlett): well whatever part looks most like the admiral
Lisa: coughs
wyjyoon (Temperance): .... his face?
Carissa (Vee Barlett): lol
Carissa (Vee Barlett): hannibal lecter right?

wyjyoon (Temperance): a symbol? the head? what do we have?
BOB Pieces that a priest can cast on to determine if this is the admiral, yes or no
wyjyoon (Temperance): because i honestly don't want to deal with higher ups trying to find loopholes to pin things on us
Lisa (Inv Zora Polasis): roll a d20 for which part
Inv Zora Polasis: [d20 = 16]
Lisa (Inv Zora Polasis): knee caps
BOB grins
Carissa (Vee Barlett): lmao
wyjyoon (Temperance): how about a femur?
Carissa (Vee Barlett): fitting
Lisa (Inv Zora Polasis): would love a femur
Lisa (Inv Zora Polasis): lol
BOB You can have one

Session 20240927c - 20240927s

Lisa is serving as substitute summary writer as Wendy is away. Better summaries shall resume next week.

The group left off at the end of the Birthday Game at the doorway to the outside with lizardmen, a man in a cage, a rhinoceros looking dinosaur, and only half the group there.

So this Friday with the return of Vee, Lirtimya and Rothuss to the action and the rest time needed by Temperance, everyone backtracked to the kitchen and bedroom to discuss what happened before and make plans for rescuing the man in the cage. Lots of discussion both in and out of character.

We learned that Wax Flour Grinding Man can follow orders and doesn’t like it when you try to burn him with a lit torch. (surprise?) We should take him to the outside and use him to help with a distraction. (But I guess we forgot)

A bit of discussion on how much do we need the cage man to be rescued alive versus dead and people’s self-interests seem to come into play. Zora wants to impress the church with their success. Ruffus wants an alive person to prove that Ruffus is not dead. Vee just wants the loot. Levi was more practical and wanted to find out who he even is first before deciding.

The group makes a rough plan of distraction and quick rescue and heads back outside. This was a long and complicated combat. For a play by play see Story Chat link above. Highlights below:

The group makes it to the door, closes it and is now back in the safety of the bedroom with Zora and Glimber.

Health Status Report: (Breathe, Temperance. It will be okay.)

Everyone collapses in the bedroom and starts raiding the bar and wine racks.

Next week? Interrogation of the man in the cage, aka Lazio Sharpe.

Quotes of the Night

BOB Temp is Hodor
Carissa (Vee Barlett): nice knowing her
Lisa (Inv Zora Polasis): may they not share the same fate

Levi Reed: Maybe you need a bear trap
Ruffus DeOrange: You said they are lizard man, not bears
Ruffus DeOrange: you just leave those around?
Levi Reed: Nah, you put them somewhere strategic when you're trying to catch something
Ruffus DeOrange: So like Vee's bed?

Carissa (Vee Barlett): We also have a potion of Levitation, Amnesia, and Hill Giant Strength
Carissa (Vee Barlett): plus torches
Carissa (Vee Barlett): and ropes
BOB If only we had a wheel barrow

Vee Barlett: Well as the two puttin' yer lives at risk... anything to add? Or we just gonna go for it?
Vee Barlett: 'Cause I hate plannin' for long. It super borin'
Levi Reed: Sure, let's go for it. Now's a good a time to die as any

Carissa (Vee Barlett): wtf is a monoclonus??
Lemon (Levi Reed): It's the Giant Jackelopasaurus
Carissa (Vee Barlett): oh a literal dinosaur, lovely
Carissa (Vee Barlett): but it's a herbovore... right...?
BOB plantasaurous
Lemon (Levi Reed): I wish Mel was here to animal lore that thing
Lemon (Levi Reed): veggiesaurus, Lex

Vee Barlett: Sometimes I think magic be nice to have, but I like stabbin' too much.
Lirtimya: With magic to learn, there is no time for your training needed to stay in stabbing shape
Vee Barlett: That why we got you, Lirt. Between yer magic and my stabbin' ain't no one who can take us.
Lirtimya: And we will only continue to get more powerful over time

Birthday Bonus Game!

Quotes of the Night

Lisa: talk to animals might be interesting here
Lisa: as we try to kill it …
Carissa: lmao
Carissa: like the lizards!
BOB chuckles
Carissa: "I just want to be your friend!" *stab*

Vee Barlett: That's my approach to pigs. Mind you, it is medically approved stabbing with a needle for blood, but same approach nonetheless. Carissa (Vee Barlett): ooc Lemon: With Vee, I would believe it either way
BOB Reminder to not startle Carissa
wyjyoon (Temperance): stab reflex
Carissa (Vee Barlett): lmao

Lemon (Levi Reed): I swear to god, if you let these dogs die, I WILL quit this game
Lemon (Levi Reed): So whatever your plan is for this, BOB, think about it very carefully right now lol
wyjyoon (Temperance): no dying dogs for me
Carissa (Vee Barlett): his plan better be future dog army for us
Carissa (Vee Barlett): rangers befriending dogs unite!

Lisa (Inv Zora Polasis): good wow?
Lisa (Inv Zora Polasis): or she just killed herself wow?

TMO (Rothuss Carder): Who has a torch?
wyjyoon (Temperance): me
Inv Zora Polasis: I'll go check the other door while you look here
Lisa (Inv Zora Polasis): zora and Tempe
Effect ['LIGHT: 15/15 torch'] -> [EXPIRED] [on Inv Zora Polasis] Effect ['LIGHT: 15/15 torch'] -> [EXPIRED] [on Temperance] wyjyoon (Temperance): ohp
Lisa (Inv Zora Polasis): thanks bob
BOB Sorry
Lisa (Inv Zora Polasis): no one mention the lights! lol

Rothuss Carder: Why do you always find trouble when I'm not with you?
Temperance: We find trouble whether you are here or not, Rothuss.

Lemon (Levi Reed): Should we... name the dog? Or is it too soon?
wyjyoon (Temperance): feel free to suggest!
BOB You named one of them and it left you

Temperance: slides the latch to the left.
BOB it moves easily
Temperance: slides it to the right.
BOB it moves easily
wyjyoon (Temperance): ( cha cha real smooth )
BOB take two steps back,
BOB grins
wyjyoon (Temperance): lol i must really be tired if i'm on bob's wavelength
Shislif (MeLange): lol

TMO (Rothuss Carder): he only has a Wisdom of 9... he shouldn't be very intuitive, but that would be boring.
BOB He is not safe but he is smart

Lisa (Inv Zora Polasis): death by boiling wax is kind of cool
wyjyoon (Temperance): sounds like something zora would say
wyjyoon (Temperance): and vee

Lemon (Levi Reed): Motion to shorten his name to Waxio

Session 20240920c - 20240920s

Quotes of the Night

Michael: Did you do something fun for B-Day bob?
BOB This

Lisa: lol Hi Michael :)
Lisa: and everyone with less exclamation points :D

Lisa: It’s uooznanimous

BOB The Graduation story arc
wyjyoon (Temperance): alexa play pomp and circumstance
Lisa (Inv Zora Polasis): lol
BOB On bagpipes

wyjyoon (Temperance): never thought i’d see the word butt used so many times in the span of a conversation.

Ruffus DeOrange: I feel fine
Ruffus DeOrange: you think I have a disease?
mharmon1: (STD if anything)

Inv Zora Polasis: A potion of forgetfulness?
Lemon (Levi Reed): Maybe we should all take a sip of that one and try to block out those pod people
Lisa (Inv Zora Polasis): lol
wyjyoon (Temperance): lol pod people ptsd

Carissa (Vee Barlett): I'll slap him next time I see him for you, Mini.
JtomTMO (Lirtimya): His response "She can't reach my head"
Carissa (Vee Barlett): Wow. Rude. He's getting double slaps now!

Lemon (Levi Reed): (a pasta fish, a pasta fish. come on and take a turn and go a pasta fish)

Lemon (Levi Reed): You can still roll
Lemon (Levi Reed): Don't listen to BOB
Temperance: [INIT] [d10 = 4]
wyjyoon (Temperance): *does not listen to BOB*

JtomTMO (Lirtimya): Roast bat
wyjyoon (Temperance): roast mosquitoes?
Carissa (Vee Barlett): yum
JtomTMO (Lirtimya): Roast Mosquitbat

BOB As they die they fall out of the air and down into the crevice
Carissa (Vee Barlett): splatquitos

Levi Reed: You guys smell that fresh air?
MeLange: not really
Vee Barlett: I've been smellin' it for miles. That why we went upstream.
MeLange: Think he's just farting for rest of us n calling it fresh air
Levi Reed: Nah, did enough of that last night

Session 20240913c - 20240913s

  1. a door to the South
  2. a well to the Northeast

Quotes of the Night

wyjyoon: so far just us for a while until tmo or lemon shows
JtomTMO: TMO should be here soon
JtomTMO: He left the room and now I have no idea where he went
BOB That is very funny
wyjyoon: lol watch your head : P

TMO (Rothuss Carder): my map is pure black too. zooming isn't changing anything
wyjyoon (Temperance): oof they are in the void
BOB Forgot to tell TMO about that trap
BOB So 4d6 drop the lowest, rearanage in the order you like......
Lisa (Inv Zora Polasis): the debris pile is another trap?
BOB no was a joke, a bad one apparently
BOB a dark one
TMO (Rothuss Carder): am I rolling to see if I'm still alive?
Lisa (Inv Zora Polasis): yes lol
BOB no to TMO
Rothuss Carder: [4d6 = 15]
TMO (Rothuss Carder): so... 4 5 5?
wyjyoon (Temperance): why are we rolling again?
BOB because BOB makes bad jokes
wyjyoon (Temperance): oh
TMO (Rothuss Carder): I think he was implying "roll a new character" situation
TMO (Rothuss Carder): but I took it literally. :)
BOB see at least TMO understands
BOB Lisa gets it but ignores me
wyjyoon (Temperance): i need another d&d braincell if i'm going to understand that in time
Lisa (Inv Zora Polasis): yes Ignore you :)

Ruffus DeOrange: [CHECK] Wisdom (vs. Target 4) [FAILURE by 12] [d20 = 16]
wyjyoon (Temperance): going back to carissa's quote: "his wisdom is a four??????"
Carissa (Vee Barlett): Question: why is the target 4? Isn't 12 -6.... 6?
BOB Ruffus RUNS forward, then when he has to decide who to protect (because Vee is one round behind) he stalls out and waits
Lisa (Inv Zora Polasis): don't try to think - you're not good at it
BOB He will need direction until this curse it lifted
Carissa (Vee Barlett): vee loves telling people what to do it's fine
Carissa (Vee Barlett): but back to my question: isn't 12-6 = 6??
BOB I will check that later
wyjyoon (Temperance): i just thought 16 - 4 was 12
wyjyoon (Temperance): maybe my math ain't mathing
BOB She means original Wisdom minus the curse
Lisa (Inv Zora Polasis): what's with all the maths?
wyjyoon (Temperance): ahhh
Carissa (Vee Barlett): his pre-curse wisdom was supposedly 12 (somehow) but now it's -8 rather than -6
Carissa (Vee Barlett): because I do sometimes math
Carissa (Vee Barlett): dunno just one of those days
wyjyoon (Temperance): lemon would be recoiling if she were here

Lisa (Inv Zora Polasis): can she use her rapier to reach it?
BOB yes to Zora
Lisa (Inv Zora Polasis): bonus to hit calm thing?
BOB no
Lisa (Inv Zora Polasis): no fair
wyjyoon (Temperance): aw
BOB hah
Lisa (Inv Zora Polasis): will likely break the calm …
wyjyoon (Temperance): issok
wyjyoon (Temperance): if you want to stab go stab

Lisa (Inv Zora Polasis): think Ruffus think

Lemon (Levi Reed): Look, the last thing that happened was Levi said "I guess you can stab a puddle" so you should all have figured out that he's about to run in there and stab a puddle.

Carissa (Vee Barlett): sorry what does vee need to do?
wyjyoon (Temperance): stab a puddle
BOB and Levi's machete dissolves
wyjyoon (Temperance): never mind don't stab that puddle

TMO (Rothuss Carder): the gnome has a metal nose, why is he vulnerable to the stench?

BOB You know I would not be surprised at all if there was someone behind one of these doors.... that you open next week (Birthday Game)..... planning? nahhhh, who would do that

Ruffus DeOrange: [CHECK] Wisdom (vs. Target 4) [FAILURE by 9] [d20 = 13]
Lisa (Inv Zora Polasis): get that man to stop trying to think!

JtomTMO (Lirtimya): I will become the new bard apparently, I'll just sit back here and cheer
TMO (Rothuss Carder): you can borrow my lute!

BOB There is nowhere for them to retreat to
Carissa (Vee Barlett): the ceiling??
Lemon (Levi Reed): Wherever they came from?
Carissa (Vee Barlett): you live in florida, man
wyjyoon (Temperance): they both gecko waddle to the ceiling
Carissa (Vee Barlett): you know lizards can climb away anywhere

Session 20240906c - 20240906s

Quotes of the Night

Carissa: hi mini!
Carissa: roll low so you can FLAMETHROWER
wyjyoon: lol no pressure
JtomTMO: Yayyy flamethrower

Lisa: too bad we can't see what those rings do
Lisa: protect from undead
Lisa: wishful thinking
wyjyoon (Temperance): that would be nice
Lisa: I know you want them to be merman dating rings
Carissa: lmao
Carissa: just underwater breathing! THEN she can date mermaids


BOB Vee and Temp both see a bright red stain growing on Levi's skin around the wound
Temperance: releases a sigh of relief.
BOB The red is spreading up over Levi's arm
Levi Reed: Well... it was nice knowing you guys
BOB Flaming Hot Levi
Carissa (Vee Barlett): lmao
Levi Reed: If you ever see my almost son again, tell him I said I love him
Temperance: I believe this is only red dye from some rare fish.
Levi Reed: Oh... never mind

Levi Reed: Yeah, I'm not touching that one. Surely that has way more valuable stuff in it
Vee Barlett: But then yer gonna be a lopsided lobster. Gotta dye the other side.
BOB Oh it is spreading
Carissa (Vee Barlett): to his beautiful face?? because that'd be great
BOB over the next half hour all of Levi's skin turns bright red
wyjyoon (Temperance): oh lol so he's just gonna be one whole red bean

Inv Zora Polasis: Perhaps that is another Firebeard signature
Inv Zora Polasis: Red fiery skin
Vee Barlett: Redskin?
Levi Reed: Ooooh, I'm the new firebeard!
Vee Barlett: Hardly.

Ruffus DeOrange: [CHECK] Wisdom (vs. Target 4) [FAILURE by 7] [d20 = 11]
Carissa (Vee Barlett): his wisdom is 4??????
BOB Now it is under the curse
Carissa (Vee Barlett): that explains so much
Carissa (Vee Barlett): what was it before the curse?? 5???
BOB 12
Carissa (Vee Barlett): that seems too high for him but okay

Vee Barlett: Like stabbin' spaghetti 'cause it ain't what you wanted to eat but Pa says if ya don't eat it then ya get to starve so you stab at it angrily.
Levi Reed: Spaghetti is delicious, what's wrong with you?

Levi Reed: They match me
Vee Barlett: Well.... that's.... a look.
Temperance: Red on red.
Vee Barlett: Maybe gotta show Dad it... then he'll never think anything I ever wore was bad in comparison..
Levi Reed: I was just thinking I bet he could do wonders with this shade
Vee Barlett: Dad can work miracles, but even he has limits.

BOB meaning a pile of debris collapsed from the ceiling so you need to climb UP and around OVER etc to get to the other side
Carissa: all these cave collapses and landslides
Carissa: we need to get some dogs to start digging it all out
Lemon: Omggggg yes, a pet doggggggg. But it's never allowed to die. I don't care what happens to Levi, but the dog would have to always escape safely
wyjyoon: no dying dogs for me neither, thank you
BOB and magical dogs are in short supply

Session 20240830c - 20240830s

Quotes of the Night

Lisa (Inv Zora Polasis): yes venomous spider trap
Levi Reed: Uh oh
Carissa (Vee Barlett): eat it then it's only poisonous
Lisa (Inv Zora Polasis): lol

Lisa (Inv Zora Polasis): now I regret telling Mel to drop the elf - could have used him as a club :)
Shislif (MeLange): use the elf as a club? lol
Carissa: mel can just pick up one of us to use as a club
BOB with Lisa and good choice for Carissa

Levi Reed: [ATTACK (M)] [THACO(16)] [-4] [d20-4 = 1]
Attack [1] ->[ATTACK (M)] (Machete) [at Swashbuckler Skeletons 5] [Hit-AC: 15 vs. 7 ] [AC: 15 ] [MISS]
Levi Reed: [ATTACK (M)] [THACO(16)] [-4] [d20-4 = 8]
Attack [8] ->[ATTACK (M)] (Machete) [at Swashbuckler Skeletons 5] [Hit-AC: 8 vs. 7 ] [AC: 8 ] [MISS]
BOB Skeletons are immune to love
Carissa (Vee Barlett): they only want to bone
Carissa (Vee Barlett): i'll see myself out
Lisa (Inv Zora Polasis): lol

Inv Zora Polasis: [DAMAGE (M)] Punch Result:1 [TYPE: bludgeoning (1d0=1)] [d0 = 1]
[1] -> [to Swashbuckler Skeletons 8] [DAMAGE EXCEEDS HIT POINTS] [STATUS: Dying (0)]
Carissa (Vee Barlett): lmao
Carissa (Vee Barlett): from dagger mage to punching thief
BOB Yes you killed it with a punch
wyjyoon (Temperance): whew zora got a fierce punch
Lisa (Inv Zora Polasis): yee haw
wyjyoon (Temperance): that's a story to tell
Carissa (Vee Barlett): lol
wyjyoon (Temperance): "i killed a skeleton with one fist"

Session 20240823c - 20240823s

Quotes of the Night

BOB There is an undead one coming soon too
Lisa: not sure I want zombie dice
Carissa (Vee Barlett): well not planning to BE undead....

Inv Zora Polasis: I wish we had a spyglass
Rothuss Carder: What kind of pirates are you with no spyglass?
Vee Barlett: Yar. Be much easier. That and a compass if'n those were easier to get. I ain't feelin' as pir....sailor-like without them.
Inv Zora Polasis: I'm not a pirate
Rothuss Carder: Oh.. right. Say “Yar” for me real quick, would you?
Vee Barlett: What wrong with yar?
Inv Zora Polasis: Yar?
Rothuss Carder: shakes his head.
Temperance: watches the exchange with mild amusement.
Rothuss Carder: You're right, you're no pirate.
Inv Zora Polasis: Thank you
Vee Barlett: snorts

Lemon (Levi Reed): Did anyone take blood????
Lemon (Levi Reed): because yikes
TMO (Rothuss Carder): Vee, of course
Carissa (Vee Barlett): I tested it by stabbing Rothuss
Carissa (Vee Barlett): wanna see?
TMO (Rothuss Carder): also, of course

Vee Barlett: So then what's yer “presentation” Rothuss?
Vee Barlett: Just feels like stereotypin'....
Ruffus DeOrange: Rothuss likes to shake his tail feather

Inv Zora Polasis: climbs into the rowboat and trips over Ruffus in the process
Lisa (Inv Zora Polasis): oh it rolled twice - probably missed the secret one and landed in Ruffus' crotch

Vee Barlett: grabs some sands and gives it a sniff

Vee Barlett: I think she dead
Inv Zora Polasis: Look! She seems to be breathing
Vee Barlett: Hmm, maybe.
Vee Barlett: Tempe, we got a maybe not dead person here.

Temperance: Ah, there she goes, talking to the piranhas.
Levi Reed: Wait, wait, don't tell me. They're hungry
Temperance: muffles a soft laugh.
Levi Reed: Everything you ever talk to is just hungry
Rothuss Carder: Not like they have the brains for anything else.
Levi Reed: Don't talk about Vee like that Rothuss
Rothuss Carder: flashes a grin at Levi.

Levi Reed: Rothuss always thinks he knows things about magic

Vee Barlett: puts the ring on her own hand.
Vee Barlett: But I got it.
Nothing happens
Vee Barlett: Well my hand looks prettier.
Inv Zora Polasis: Now we set you on fire and see if it is a fire protection ring

Session 20240816c - 20240816s

Quotes of the Night

Ruffus DeOrange: You look a little delicate to use a warhammer
Vee Barlett: She ain't ask for your opinion, now did she?
Temperance: I wouldn't mind having a supposedly oh so strong man carry all my things.
Temperance: My delicate muscles could never.
Temperance: rolls her eyes sarcastically.
Vee Barlett: snorts
Ruffus DeOrange: I suppose if you do not have any friends who can handle it
Vee Barlett: If ya drop yer ego, you'll be able to carry it all.
Ruffus DeOrange: I find it sad she has no friends
Temperance: I find it sad no one believes you're not dead.

Vee Barlett: I ain't seen our bard do that.
Rothuss Carder: I'm full of hidden mysteries.
Vee Barlett: Yer full of shit, Rothuss.
Rothuss Carder: That could be a hidden mystery
Vee Barlett: Please keep it hidden then.

MeLange: realizes he may suddenly have an obligation, and winces

Carissa (Vee Barlett): maybe I'm also too sober
Shislif (MeLange): I'm sorry that's terrible :)

Lisa (Inv Zora Polasis): I want unibrow to answer my other question

BOB 6th day of the 5th month on that calendar
BOB so you can see when the moons are waning and waxing
Lisa (Inv Zora Polasis): easier for me to understand the woman than the calendar

Csharynn Fflannidan: Otrs
Inv Zora Polasis: The ones who see this Firebeard are frightened to death?
Lisa (Inv Zora Polasis): or the otters ...
BOB grins the Ghost Otters
Carissa (Vee Barlett): stupid otters
wyjyoon (Temperance): lol not the otters again

Inv Zora Polasis: I thought sirens stole men and not ships
Vee Barlett: The Duke takes them ships.
Vee Barlett: So we gotta be careful of both.
MeLange: Yup, be careful with us ladies
Vee Barlett: laughs

Ruffus DeOrange: As long as we can prove I am not dead
Inv Zora Polasis: sighs
Inv Zora Polasis: Not everything is about you
Shislif (MeLange): Yea you tell em Zora

Vee Barlett: isn't sure what safely burning things is but doesn't comment
Lemon (Levi Reed): Lol, tempe is going to have a metal drum, out in the middle of a sanded beach, with no plants or anything flammable within a mile, and she's going to stand far away and watch through a spyglass while someone qualified lights a fire and runs away
wyjyoon (Temperance): lol
Lisa (Inv Zora Polasis): lol
wyjyoon (Temperance): firewatching
Carissa (Vee Barlett): don't forget the big bucket of water!

Carissa (Vee Barlett): ughhh why is our boat so slowwwwwwwwww
Lemon (Levi Reed): It's a fishing boat! Quit shaming my boat!


Vee Barlett: Maybe we can catch our culprint tonight.
Lisa (Inv Zora Polasis): culprints' footprints

Lemon (Levi Reed): Hehehe... I hope someone tells Vee that she no longer qualifies as a "boat person"

MeLange: Well sounds like our moral compass is well calibrated
Levi Reed: Maybe the most calibrated there ever was

Levi Reed: Oh, you know. Had to let that go. Can't hold on to stuff like that, it makes you bitter and gives you premature wrinkles
MeLange: hmm yea neither of those are very good
Levi Reed: I want to earn my wrinkles by getting old, not by being worried all the time
Levi Reed: Tempe can have those wrinkles
MeLange: I like that
wyjyoon (Temperance): lol thanks
BOB laughs

MeLange: Besides, I think you have to be asexual to be a librarian right?
Carissa (Vee Barlett): LOL
Shislif (MeLange): :)
Lemon (Levi Reed): lol... I... that's not NOT accurate
Levi Reed: Wouldn't know anything about that
JtomTMO (Lirtimya): No wonder Lirt likes books so much
Levi Reed: I'm a stud
Lemon (Levi Reed): (Isn't a stud)

BOB but Temp and Lirt have ideas for Zora?
BOB or questions
Carissa (Vee Barlett): or gossip?
Carissa (Vee Barlett): burn book stuff?
Carissa (Vee Barlett): pink to wear tomorrow?
wyjyoon (Temperance): yes, gossip from the three most least likely to gossip about anyone except work

Temperance: wrinkles her brows together, most likely gathering more premature wrinkles.

BOB He has made effigies of people that he lit on fire
TMO (Rothuss Carder): that's an interesting hobby
wyjyoon (Temperance): i thought kite-flying was pretty unique, but i guess arson is a lot more
Lemon (Levi Reed): Hey, at least he didn't mix up some sheep
TMO (Rothuss Carder): apparently voodoo dolls aren't a thing here, which is good
BOB Suddenly Levi feels a stabbing pain in his back
Lemon (Levi Reed): lol

Session 20240809c - 20240809s

(organized to prioritize what is easiest to obtain. some are weirdly specific / could be costly so up for discussion on what could be useful for the session)

  • Garlic for “Slow Poison” spell.
  • some incense or a vial of Unholy Water.
  • Some phony gems for “Zone of Truth” spell.
  • a small silver mirror for “Sanctuary” spell.
  • A strip of Blessed Vellum for “Detect Poison” spell.
  • A warhammer for “Spiritual Hammer” spell.

Quotes of the Night

JtomTMO: Hello all
Carissa: hi mini!
wyjyoon: hey JTom!
TMO: hi son! *slaps head*
JtomTMO: He actually slapped me, rude, rude old man

Levi Reed: Why does my head need to be slapped?
Lemon (Levi Reed): ooc
Lemon (Levi Reed): But kinda works lol

→ Temperance: Wait a minute.... those are large, moving very slowly, and they are.... undead... they are ZOMBIE Crocodiles
wyjyoon (Temperance): OH heck no
Carissa (Vee Barlett): werecroc?
Carissa (Vee Barlett): but also don't wear croc(s)
Carissa (Vee Barlett): they still don't look good

Temperance: Chupacabras can turn things into undead? Interesting.
Vee Barlett: The chupacabra has a suspiciously manly boot print.
Levi Reed: It probably ate whatever made the boot print
Rothuss Carder: Maybe it goes to the Chupa Cobbler's?

Vee Barlett: If we help ya, because it aligns with what we already doin' then you behave or I'm gonna shank ya, got it?
Ruffus DeOrange: Thinks
Temperance: I would encourage you to think faster.

Ruffus DeOrange: I told him that he needed to prove it was an official request so he should send his Ducal Key
Vee Barlett: Why he listen to you?
Ruffus DeOrange: Because I brought his son back from the permaids
Ruffus DeOrange: Mermaids
Vee Barlett: tries to keep her obsession from latching on to that
wyjyoon (Temperance): The permaids - mermaids with a nice perm
Carissa (Vee Barlett): lmao
Carissa (Vee Barlett): but you can't get it wet!
Lisa (Inv Zora Polasis): lol
wyjyoon (Temperance): They use sorcery to keep it curled : P
Carissa (Vee Barlett): or a good lawyer

BOB any last minute adjustments with this new twist before your meeting with the Duke
wyjyoon (Temperance): Vee sharpening her knife?
Carissa (Vee Barlett): lure him down a side alley, stab him, leave him for dead then visit the duke?
wyjyoon (Temperance): lol
TMO (Rothuss Carder): plot payback?
Carissa (Vee Barlett): lol
JtomTMO (Lirtimya): I agree lol
BOB Here is your Dead Dread Pirate, story arc over

TMO (Rothuss Carder): a noble named Bluebleeder??/ REALLY?
BOB grins, thank you TMO

Session 20240802c - 20240802s

Quotes of the Night
BOB So the Birthday Game 2025 will be hosted by.....
BOB depending on what her Internet speed is
Carissa: wait what? lemon? awesome, look forward to it lemon!
BOB grins

Lisa: how do you peep a leaf?
BOB You make your move silently roll
Carissa: Carefully. With one eye squinty and the other wide open. I guess.

Lisa: whines, but Zora wants to sleeeeeeeeeeep
Carissa (Vee Barlett): lol
BOB Then you should have been a spell caster :P
Lisa: LOL
wyjyoon (Temperance): sleep - a privilege for spellcasters

Lemon: I'm sure someone as invisible as Zora didn't know EVERYONE in the Cathedral

Rothuss Carder: Yo ho ho and a Dead Pirate's Chest Hair!
Vee Barlett: Even a dead one got more chair hair than you, I bet.
Vee Barlett: I just to know how to get glowin' footprints.
Rothuss Carder: Am I supposed to be offended that I don't have a fur coat like a goat? 'Cuz you're yapping at the wrong guy for that.
Temperance: Perhaps through some sort of magic?
Temperance: The glowing footprints I mean. Not the chest hair.
Vee Barlett: Glowin chest hair sounds.... concernin

Inv Zora Polasis: Stuffy! Humph! Stuffy people punch water elementals? I think not
Vee Barlett: barks a laugh
Vee Barlett: Man I pressed yer button with that comment! Good. Makes ya want more to prove me wrong.

Rothuss Carder: saunters over to the water bucket and starts washing up.
MeLange: don't you saunter
Rothuss Carder: saunters even harder

Session 20240726c - 20240726s

Quotes of the Night
MeLange: that a dragon?
MeLange: Levi, your girlfriend is here!
Levi Reed: I don't have a girlfriend!
Vee Barlett: I didn't think so...
MeLange: I think the dragon would beg to differ

Inv Zora Polasis: Shark!
Rothuss Carder: Doo-doo-doo!
Vee Barlett: suddenly wants to stab Rothuss

Vee Barlett : [Translation] That's all we got! Carry on 'cause I don't want ya hurt.
Fish, Shark 1 LUNGES at Mel and bites him, moderately wounding him.
Vee Barlett : [Translation] BAD SHARK!

Inv Zora Polasis: Perhaps an accident could happen to him?
Vee Barlett: One can certainly hope...
Vee Barlett: Or he better find a real good way to make it up to me and be worth stringin' along more.
Vee Barlett: THEN have an accident.

Session 20240719c - 20240719s