Main / EvilTide-SUM

Blood Mother

Evil Tide - Session Summaries List

Session 2025-01-24c - 2025-01-24s?

Hey there, welcome back to a new episode of… Rolling New Characters. Kidding. Some of us are medicated, some of us are sleepy, and January just put the general collective on the Struggle Bus to God-Knows-Where.

P.S. This could be one of those sessions where the quotes might be longer than the summary.

Highlighting Bob’s Vote of Confidence (1): “I expected some Death but congratulations, none of you died!” Thanks Bob, glad we’re still alive too.

Highlighting Bob’s Vote of Confidence (2):

HAH. Suck it Bob! Kidding, we appreciate ya very much.

Intermission for Diggy Diggy Hole. Wendy is partial to the Orchestral Version.

Quotes of the Night

TMO: sorry I'm late, hope nobody died as a result
Lisa: everyone died
TMO (Rothuss Carder): oh. time to roll new?

Inv Zora Polasis: takes a long gulp of the wine and holds it out for anyone that wants some

Lisa (Inv Zora Polasis): why did you do that?
JtomTMO (Lirtimya): I didn't mean to post the whole thing, I thought it would be a link
JtomTMO (Lirtimya): TMO was trying to go read it
Lisa: oh I thought it was bob :)
BOB lol

TMO (Rothuss Carder): more blood! more blood! more blood!
BOB If you sleep and relax you get 1 point back overnight. If you are treated by a healer during the night you get 2 points back... but your healer gets zero points back and does not re-learn spells
TMO (Rothuss Carder): we'd rather have the spells thankyouverymuch
wyjyoon (Temperance): spells and some blood transfusions would be nice

Effect ['LIGHT: 60/0 continual light'] -> [EXPIRED] [on Rothuss Carder]
TMO (Rothuss Carder): it must not be so continual after all

BOB You did great to get to this point with so little damage
wyjyoon (Temperance): lol bob u sure
wyjyoon (Temperance): it was so little damage
BOB I expected at least 1 death
Spring (Ratbone Carder): 8-O
Carissa (Vee Barlett): .......glad you blieve in us
JtomTMO (Lirtimya): Bob wanted to kill one of us, who's becoming too powerful?

Inv Zora Polasis: Not sure why a bard is leading anyway.
Temperance: Because he gets into things.
Inv Zora Polasis: And rocks fall on his head.
Temperance: Somehow, not an unexpected consequence.

TMO (Rothuss Carder): u go glimbs!
Lisa (Glimber Silvernose): he's on the slope stuff now :)
Carissa (Vee Barlett): all downhill from here!

BOB It will take a total of 19 hours without equipment to dig out and up to the surface
BOB 19 man hours to be clear
Lisa (Glimber Silvernose): that's okay the ladies would like to rest :P
BOB Unless Roth wants to explore down inside of that whirlpool
Lisa (Glimber Silvernose): no
TMO (Rothuss Carder): YES
TMO (Rothuss Carder): ...okay
TMO (Rothuss Carder): no

BOB Wendy will have a new brain
BOB the TMOs will be fully moved
TMO (Rothuss Carder): NO
BOB grins
wyjyoon (Temperance): not brand spankin new
wyjyoon (Temperance): just workin a lil faster
wyjyoon (Temperance): hopefully

Session 2025-01-17c - 2025-01-17s?

Hello hello, welcome back to the Salty Caves. Tonight’s vibe is ‘Mm, Chuvor’ which turns into Crit Hit galore. And heads up, most of them aren’t even ours. All I can say is, I will kindly request Carissa to send Bob some lovely glitter bomb cards on my behalf, too.

P.S. Disclaimer, this one’s very lengthy.

  1. Gigantic sleep net fitting for sharkmen.
  2. 24 Giant Octopi Ink Bladders.



Intermission: Lots of fluctuation with our dice. They’re indecisive about whether to form a union and go on strike or work on a sugar high.


A moment to breathe as we count:

[ROUND 10]

[ROUND 11]

Intermission to highlight Bob attempting to make us feel better by saying you’re almost hitting! Emphasis on almost. As if we can do anything to control the dice. LOL Thanks Bob for the positive vibes.

Intermission to honorably mention the accidental re-murder of the already murdered #3.

A moment to breathe as we count (2):

[ROUND 12]

[ROUND 13]

A moment to breathe as we count (3):

[ROUND 14]

[ROUND 15]

[ROUND 16]

Intermission for internal scream session + headcount (4):

[ROUND 17]

[ROUND 18]

[ROUND 19]

Intermission for final headcount (5):

Ratbone Rhymes

Will return when not busy trying to survive.

Quotes of the Night

Lisa (Inv Zora Polasis): can I fight with my eyes closed so I don't get blinded?
TMO (Rothuss Carder): can you blind yourself so you don't get blinded?

Shislif (MeLange): ok I'm off to vegas yall
BOB Carissa you brought in an amazing string of luck
Shislif (MeLange): Carissa let's go to Vegas :)

Lisa (Inv Zora Polasis): can tempe do a str check to escape? BOB Bend Bars check
wyjyoon (Temperance): um
Lisa (Inv Zora Polasis): low odds or stab
wyjyoon (Temperance): i have no bend bars
wyjyoon (Temperance): so stab
BOB Technically you have a 2% bend bars
wyjyoon (Temperance): like i said
wyjyoon (Temperance): i have no bend bars

TMO (Rothuss Carder): UUUNdead Shark dooo doo doodoo

Rothuss Carder: I think we need to back them up...
Ratbone Carder: I think you need to shut up and metabolize or something
Rothuss Carder: Am I delirious, or did you say 'metabolize'?
Ratbone Carder: You need to keep the blood IN your body, doofus
Rothuss Carder: Well, it's floating all around me, so I'm in my blood instead of it being in me..
Ratbone Carder: I know it's in the water, I've got cooties now

TMO (Rothuss Carder): Be undigestable Tempe!
wyjyoon (Temperance): am trying!

Carissa (Vee Barlett): how is it not dead yet???????????????????????????

TMO (Rothuss Carder): IMMortal SHARK doo doo dodoo

TMO (Rothuss Carder): throws his InkBlot Bladder at Bob. RUN FRIENDS, WHILE HE CAN'T SEE THE KEYBOARD!

Carissa (Vee Barlett): if you jinx us I swear to all things holy

Lisa (Inv Zora Polasis): thank you!
wyjyoon (Temperance): rest in pieces
Carissa (Vee Barlett): yarrr
TMO (Rothuss Carder): HUZZAH

Session 2025-01-10c - 2025-01-10s

Hey there, welcome back to A Rise in Sodium Content! We are marinating in salt, both physically and emotionally, as a soul-crushing remix of Baby Shark plays in the background. Disclaimer, this one’s gonna be pretty lengthy. Why do anthropomorphic sharks take so long to kill anyway?

  1. the Water Breathing Potions do allow spell casting.
  2. the Water Breathing Potions do NOT affect other underwater things, which means that we can breathe and talk and cast and all that, but we don’t get any enhancements with swimming, ability to ignore high pressure, etc. Bob discusses the mechanics behind all that, please reference back to chat log, ty.
  3. the Sea Devils are totally ok with 2000 feet under the sea.
  4. Gnomes/Halflings can handle 200 feet.
  1. Full name Elasmobranchuvor, which is not enough alphabet letters for a magical item that won’t let you physically or mentally crack under pressure.
  2. 1 pouch ≈ 2 doses. 1 dose = 12 hours. So 1 pouch ≈ 24 hours. We have 7 humans + 1 gnome. This is too much math, bye. I tried.
  3. Not all pouches are going to guarantee Chuvor. You could get lucky and find 2 doses full, or it could be empty.
  1. Have some protection (AC)
  2. Have some sort of Conversion magic for breathing

Due to limited space, lots of holding is involved which results in confusion of who goes when etc.

  • Vee’s the only one in the water, which is great! She loves to stab. But she also likes sharks, so she parries it and hopes it eats the Shark Mob behind it.
  • Tempe, Zora, Glimber, and Lirt observe from afar.
  • Rothuss jumps in the water as backup and waits for a good time to actually do the stabbing. He does not turn into a Sea Elf.

[ROUND 19]

  • Tempe and Zora both realize that Abyss is a pathway for Evil. Tempe is like heck that, I have Holy Water and casts Protection of Evil on herself.
  • Vee moves back a little and shanks Shark 3 with her Trident. Wow, look at all the shark blood.
  • Zora bides her time to strike like the wise brain cell she is.
  • Rothuss takes his sabre to Shark 3 and… trips over Vee’s foot.
  • Ratbone takes her knife and shanky-shanks Shark 3 from the shore.
  • Lirt decides to think twice about using her own knife.
  • Rothuss switches to double trouble and thankfully, one hits Sharkman 14! Somehow it’s always his Main-gauche for the water caves, dunno how much of a coincidence that is.
  • Vee and Sharkman 8 both attack Shark 3. They both miss.
  • Sharkman 20 and 12 also attack Shark 3, probably to yeet him outta the way, but they MISS. Excuse me Shark, could you give us some of your luck before you run away or perish? Thanks.

The time is 11:20 AM

[ROUND 20]

  • Ratbone judges that being close to the jaws of a shark + tridents of Shark Mobsters is No Bueno. She tells Olmes to back the heck up and together they move away a safe distance.
  • Tempe jumps into the water to be the holy wall for the abyss. Her eyeballs don’t notice much.
  • Glimber gets enough space to do some SHANKing on Sharkman 8. It’s some good quality shanking. Vee would be proud.
  • Vee follows suit and shanks Sharkman 14. Got a nice shanking duo goin!
  • Zora decides to watch the Abyss with Tempe. Her instincts tingle, telling her the Universe might take an easy way in via some unknown loophole.
  • Sharkman 14 gets mad and shanks Vee back.
  • Rothuss backs Vee up and stabs Sharkman 14 with his more awake Sabre. Rest in pieces, Sharkman.
  • Sharkman 12 thinks Shark is in the way of getting him to his delectable human morsels. Rest in peace, shark. Vee, in typical Vee fashion, swears vengeance in the name of Shark Blood.
  • Sharkman 8 works his way in on Glimber.
  • Sharkman 20 dives “around the dead one and then just furiously CLAW CLAW BITE CLAW CLAW at Rothuss”. Yeah... not gonna elaborate on this.
  • Tempe is on the other end, guarding the Abyss. So far it’s peaceful for her.
  • Glimber takes his Pick shanks again to Sharkman 8. This time it’s only a smol shank.

[ROUND 21]

  • 14 is Dead (1).
  • Vee switches over her revenge plan to Sharkman 20. Ready, aim, Shank! Solid, 8/10.
  • Mel swings his Axe, which goes SWISH through the water.
  • Zora scooches to the tip of the ledge and stretches as far as her stretchy self will go for Sharkman 8. Rapier says it’s too far.
  • Lirt tries her hand at Cantrip. Magic says office hours are closed.
  • Rothuss can’t tell if the blood floating in the water is his, the shark’s, or the Sharkmen’s. Probably all three. He cartwheels over to Tempe and asks for healing. #20 is focused on other morsels.

[ROUND 22]

  • Sharkman 8 goes for Glimber again. Oof, Glimber will be next in line for healing.
  • Tempe doesn’t see Rothuss coming, but reaches over with one hand behind her to try and not have him bleed so much. Apparently she can’t protect and heal effectively at the same time.
  • Glimber gets angry and SHANKS Sharkman 8 back TWICE. Not dead yet, but that one’s a heckin 9/10. Don’t mess with gnomes.
  • Vee gets annoyed at all the sharkman crowding her space. Her Trident SHANK SHANKs through Sharkman 20. It is now past tense.
  • Mel goes over to attack Sharkman 8 and accidentally steps on Glimber in all the chaos. His little whoopsie distracts him a little, but his second strike is enough. Bye bye Shark, doo doo doo-to-doo…
  • Zora cannot reach from her ledge, so she saves up her energy.
  • Lirt’s Cantrip distracts Sharkman 12. I imagine it summons a glitter-filled howler and explodes glitter as it screams. Kidding.
  • Rothuss swims over back to the rest to help with the last of them. Ratbone gives him the judgmental side eye.
  • 14 is dead (2)

[ROUND 23]

  • Ratbone’s judgmental side eye (and facepalm) is correct. Blood loss doesn’t do well for Rothuss. Neither are dead yet, but the 12 he attacks Reverse Unos him and nets him instead.
  • Tempe looks back, lets out a long sigh, and hopes everyone else with sharp thingamajigs will help.
  • Glimber uses his Pick and stabs Sharkman 12.
  • Vee definitely withholds a lot of snarky quips and puts Sharkman 12 out of its misery with her trident.







Ratbone Rhymes

None to be found, too busy killing sharks on steroids. Will return soon.

Quotes of the Night

wyjyoon: so sadly vee will not turn into a mermaid, got it :)
Carissa: :(
TMO: Rothuss can try stapling a fish tail on her after taking her legs off
Carissa: he wouldn't get past the first cut before she shanked him
TMO: nonono - she'd *volunteer*! It's her best chance to become a mermaid!
Carissa: *stab*

BOB so the next portion is a combo of hating caves and hating the potential to drown AND hating the idea of being crushed by pressure
BOB and as always yes you can go away and never come back leaving the poor Potentate to her fate

Carissa: I'm going to include one of those confetti filled never shuts up joke cards when I send bob wine for this
wyjyoon: i just imagined one of those howlers from harry potter just screaming at bob with maximum enthusiasm
Carissa: that PLUS glitter

Spring (Ratbone Carder): great big shark doo doo doo-to-doo

BOB Lisa is hogging all the brain cells tonight

Spring (Ratbone Carder): lucky shark doo doo doo-to-doo

Lisa (Glimber Silvernose): bob is making me paranoid - zora will hold to see how it goes
Carissa (Vee Barlett): bob? make us paranoid? neverrrr
wyjyoon (Temperance): he makes sure we have proper survival / overthinking skills up to par :)
Carissa (Vee Barlett): my anxiety does that enough already, I don't need his help

BOB 14 is dead
Lisa (Glimber Silvernose): 14 is dead
BOB 14 is dead
Lisa (Inv Zora Polasis): why does everyone think 14 is alive?

Carissa (Vee Barlett): no the other 20

Vee Barlett: Go help Glimbs, Mel
MeLange: where is he?!?!
Vee Barlett: Right under ya

Vee Barlett: Now don't let the one behind find Glimbs. Block 'em with those hard abs of yers!
MeLange: That's what they're there for!

wyjyoon (Temperance): whoa
Lisa (Glimber Silvernose): hey!
BOB chuckles
Carissa (Vee Barlett): and now you get to fix that too! yay!
TMO (Rothuss Carder): RUDE
Lisa (Glimber Silvernose): LOL


Session 2025-01-03c - 2025-01-03s

It’s 2025… in the cAAAAves! Courtesy of Ratbone / Spring from last session. Happy New Year, everyone! Is the moral of the story ‘be careful what you wish for in case you accidentally drown’ or ‘don’t test your GM when he builds the Plans™’?

  1. Ooo, look at them pretty mushrooms! Plus that pretty green wall.
  2. Shark Mob! (1)
  3. Oh, hello. Those are lonely bones. And mollusks? And that pretty green wall.
  4. Shark Mob! (2)
  5. Hello, that’s a survivor.
  6. Into the Abyss?

Note: Lots of holding is involved due to limited space.

Ratbone Rhymes

Poor sad old bones, lonely old bones
Poor sad lonely bones far from home

My fine, fine friend, how fine to see you again
What time we'll spend, my fine fine friend
Let's wine, my friend, let time never end
Let's dine my friend, we have the time to spend

Quotes of the Night

BOB Sorry for that, "don't you want to come eat with us? " NO I have a game
Carissa (Vee Barlett): who is us? I'll come eat with you nyrma!

Glimber Silvernose: swims away from Vee so mushrooms don't fall on his head with all her poking
BOB Vee make that check
Carissa (Vee Barlett): what check?
Lisa (Glimber Silvernose): poking check
Lisa (Glimber Silvernose): fungal poking

BOB Very well
Lisa (Inv Zora Polasis): i so hate very well
Lisa (Inv Zora Polasis): my least favorite bob phrase
Carissa (Vee Barlett): mine is OK followed by Very Well followed by "Sorry quick who wants to go first?"
Lisa (Inv Zora Polasis): yes the allcap OK is generally bad news

Rothuss Carder: [d20 = 20]
BOB No guards swim through the area
TMO (Rothuss Carder): gold falls from the sky
Lisa (Inv Zora Polasis): so high all the enemies died of fright

Carissa (Vee Barlett): she yars so much she got confused with her words

TMO (Rothuss Carder): MeLange drops from the ceiling onto the sahuagin and breaks its neck…

BOB and no to Melange being spiderman

Carissa (Vee Barlett): glad walls aren't yelling at me

Session 20241227c - 20241227s

Welcome back to another round of Derailing The Builder’s Plans™! The last one of 2024, as I am now realizing. Which means next week we’re entering the new year with HAVE WE NOT CAVED ENOUGH? Courtesy of TMO. Loving the all caps vibe.

Also as a P.S., thank you to Lisa for catching that thing about the Deep Mother and the Throne of Teeth, whatever terrifying prophetic riddle that is. Because Wendy absolutely did not.

  1. Seaquake → Chasm opens
  2. Lots of fish, hooray!
  3. Salvager / Scavenger Lychelle goes into the chasm with a team and brings back some figurine of a sea snake? Which could be Very Important to the Sharkman, fyi.
  4. Oh no, the Sharkman Mob!
  a.) Uh, give back the figurine, maybe?
  b.) Capture one alive and talk?

Inserting Wendy Bird Note (01/09): TMO made a pretty good point in Discord about the fact that we also loot as a party. And yes, we DID sell most of it, but that doesn’t cancel out the fact that was all loot from people / creatures that have gone to Rest in Peace. And the profit doesn’t go back to the people / creatures that we got the stuff off of, which... I dunno, gets me thinking too deep about it. Is looting a common thing? If it is, then maybe it IS common sense that we touch whatever isn’t ours. Maybe the vibe’s gotta be mi casa es su casa, except with... stuff? I have to keep reminding myself that Bob’s universe plays by different rules. And that I would also take the knife off of a trout if a trout somehow developed opposable thumbs to grip said knife. Anyways, super great mini discussion! Back to the summary! :)

Ratbone Rhymes

Vee needs rum!
In her tummy tum tum.
Because it's no fun.
In the caaaaAAAAAAAaaaves!

We don't wanna die,
but we'll give it a try.
It's not like we can fly.
In the caaaaaAAAAAAAAaaaves!

Quotes of the Night

Spring: Silly cat
Spring: They act like they have multiple lives or something

Lisa: ”The larger creature responded, 'As the Deep Mother commands, The Stone Which Abides shall be returned to the Throne of Teeth.'
Lisa: game of teeth thrones
Shislif (MeLange): Throne of teeth doesn't sound fun
Lisa: no

Spring (Ratbone Carder): maybe we respectfully take the statue, hurl it into the sea, and shove off from port?

Inv Zora Polasis: nods at Nod
Nod (Human): Nods, slight smile

Vee Barlett: Heroism ain't worth shit. You better hope them pearls are.

Vee Barlett: It has caves. Why ain't it open sea or somethin' fun? Why do caves be my curse?
Temperance: Who knows, maybe you were destined for caves, Vee.
Temperance: shrugs.
Vee Barlett: Well I am gonna ask Pa or Dad if they made some damned deal that cursed me as such.
Inv Zora Polasis: laughs

Lisa (Inv Zora Polasis): we're off to see the wizard!
wyjyoon (Temperance): the wonderful wizard of...

BOB I will say she does NOT cast to keep things simple for later
Carissa (Vee Barlett): ....why do we need her to save spells Bob? Huh? Why??

Shislif (MeLange): oh otters are different they adorable :)
BOB Melange has selective memories of the otters from the river in the mountains
wyjyoon (Temperance): shh let him think that otters are cute
wyjyoon (Temperance): they usually are
BOB Oh look how cute! as it is hanging off of his arm chewing on his wrist
Shislif (MeLange): lol
Shislif (MeLange): wrist probably had it comin

wyjyoon (Temperance): dolphins are so intelligent they can be salty when they want
wyjyoon (Temperance): that's my take
Carissa (Vee Barlett): and why vee loves them
Carissa (Vee Barlett): she might be a teeny tiny salty herself
wyjyoon (Temperance): *very salty

Shislif (MeLange): we're trying to find a way into the caves down below?
Lisa (Inv Zora Polasis): we're going into caverns to look for a lost expedition leader named Lychelle and try to stop the saughin attacks
BOB and yes
BOB and yes
Carissa (Vee Barlett): EXACTLY THANK YOU

Rothuss Carder: What's the password?
Vee Barlett: I'll knock yer teeth out

Rothuss Carder: It'd help if that wasn't your answer to everything, Vee. “Where shall we go for lunch?” “TO SEA!”

Session 20241220c - 20241220s

Welcome back to another round of Derailing The Builder’s Plans™! Wendy is equipped with tea and migraines to a less painful degree, but brain buffers will still happen. If I don’t see y’all next session, Happy Holidays and Merry New Years!

This one’s a long one, so for the sake of my sanity, it is made more digestible by divisions + intermission. You’re welcome.

Intermission: Commotion has spread to the docks.

  • Glimber might need a detangling brush for that net.
  • Zora follows Ratbone’s She-Hulk example and she’s free!
  • Rothuss wants revenge on Sharkman 5 for trying to net him. His blade is buffering.

Intermission 2: It’s supposed to be a light wound, but that trident has poison or venom, so she falls to the deck unconscious. Like Sleeping Beauty pricking her finger and falling asleep.

  • Sharkman 5’s like “it’s better down where it’s wetter, PEACE” and tries to yeet itself out into the water.
    • Rothuss tries to deliver the last blow to Sharkman 5 but his blade doesn’t want violence… yet.
    • Lirt helps out and makes it past tense before it makes it back to the sea. Talk about fast reflexes, man.
  • Sharkman 2 tries to stab Zora. But his buddy dying probably threw a wrench into his concentration.
  • Sharkman 1 decides Glimber is enough for a parking fee and drags him under water.

Intermission 3: Welcome Carissa to the “We Like to Breathe" portion of the night.

Intermission 4: Tempe’s brain might be heckin great, but Wendy’s brain is buffering, so…

Ratbone Rambles

Hmmph. Hm. No. No, FIVE loons. Chuffleturkey.
Ummmmmmm. Mmmm. Blibbons. Blibbbbbbons. Like the frooly.
Chutney prints. Prints. Prince? Thank you, darling.
Which urchin? Mmm hmm.
No the corn is fraudulent
Mmmmm hmm gift boogers

Quotes of the Night

BOB So does anyone have any questions about what is happening?
wyjyoon (Temperance): creatures attacking?
TMO (Rothuss Carder): who invited the flash mob?
Lisa: they said we parked in their spot and fighting ensued
wyjyoon (Temperance): is the fine for the parking one of our limbs?
wyjyoon (Temperance): because that's pretty steep

Spring (Ratbone Carder): everybody was KUNG FU fighTIN'!
wyjyoon (Temperance): HAH!
BOB Those cats were fast as lighting
Spring (Ratbone Carder): HUH!

JtomTMO (Lirtimya): I think he's getting away from me, since I hit him in the face with a missile, and Rothuss is drunk

TMO (Rothuss Carder): when in doubt, blame Bob

Lisa (Inv Zora Polasis): cries for Rothuss
wyjyoon (Temperance): cheers for Lirt
TMO (Rothuss Carder): I'm glad one of the TMOs is effective
TMO (Rothuss Carder): 3 cheers for Effective TMO!
wyjyoon (Temperance): *pops confetti for both TMOs*
Rothuss Carder: is blinded by the confetti

wyjyoon (Temperance): hm... thinking
TMO (Rothuss Carder): cast Slay All Enemies

TMO (Rothuss Carder): then we will do that, and try to protect both Ratbone and Tempe with my presence (for what it's worth)
BOB OOO what did you get them?
TMO (Rothuss Carder): we will have to see!

BOB Ahhh
BOB so it just dies

BOB Checking with Lisa on breathing
Lisa (Inv Zora Polasis): I would like to
wyjyoon (Temperance): we would like her to as well
TMO (Rothuss Carder): one of my favorite activities. highly recommend it
Spring (Ratbone Carder): please do some
wyjyoon (Temperance): great for brain activity and circulating blood around
BOB and Welcome Carissa to the "we like to breath" portion of the night

Temperance: [CHECK] Intelligence (vs. Target 13) [SUCCESS by 7] [d20 = 6]
wyjyoon (Temperance): thank you tempe's brain
TMO (Rothuss Carder): "This program has been sponsored by ... Tempe's Brain. For all your Braining Needs."