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Bear Went Over the Mountain - Session Summaries List

Session 20240628c - 20240628s?

Session 20240621c - 20240621s

Quotes of the Night.

Powering down...mental batteries 2%

Session 20240614c - 20240614s

Quotes of the Night.

Coming soon to theatres near you!

Session 20240607c - 20240607s

Quotes of the Night.

Rothuss Carder: Lirt! You okay over there?
Lirtimya: Dying to urchin sounds

Rothuss Carder: Lirt's down!! Lirt's down!
Rothuss Carder: drag drag drag

Vee Barlett: [SKILL] Swimming [MOD:STR] (vs. Target 14) [SUCCESS by 12] [d20 = 2]
Shislif (MeLange): Nice swimming!
Carissa (Vee Barlett): lol
JtomTMO (Lirtimya): Nice roll!
wyjyoon (Temperance): She wants to be where the mermaids are
Carissa (Vee Barlett): yuuup

BOB TMO are you going to carry Lirt with blood all over her into the water to get over to the rock there?
JtomTMO (Lirtimya): Gonna feed me to the fish now TMO?

TMO (Rothuss Carder): maybe I can drop Lirt over the side and knock the Gar out? :D
wyjyoon (Temperance): LOL TMO
Shislif (MeLange): lol please do it
wyjyoon (Temperance): With her consent, ideally
Carissa (Vee Barlett): lmao
Shislif (MeLange): lol
Shislif (MeLange): ideally
Vee Barlett: [ATTACK (M)] [THACO(17)] [d20+2 = 11]
Attack [11] ->[ATTACK (M)] (Trident) [at Fish, Giant Gar 1] [Hit-AC: 6 vs. 3 ] [AC: 6 ] [MISS]
Carissa (Vee Barlett): well....maybe you do need to drop her
JtomTMO (Lirtimya): As I said he's going to feed me to the fish
Carissa (Vee Barlett): lol
Shislif (MeLange): some crazy fish
wyjyoon (Temperance): Crazy giant fish
Shislif (MeLange): so like dolphins?

BOB So can Mel swim?
MeLange: abandon the urchin and heads for the water
Shislif (MeLange): of course
BOB Make that check
MeLange: [SKILL] Swimming [MOD:STR] (vs. Target 18) [FAILURE by 1] [d20 = 19]
Shislif (MeLange): how dare you sir
Shislif (MeLange): doh
Carissa (Vee Barlett): SERIOUSLY?!
Shislif (MeLange): you cursed us Bob!
BOB chuckles

Session 20240531c - 20240531s

Quotes of the Night.

BOB Also I did a very cool mask with water effects and varying light for the shipwreck map but it made it quadrupled in size so I did something wrong
BOB So you have a normal dark map to work with that is easy to load
'Lemon' connected
BOB Lemon will light the way

Lemon: I'm just typing and assuming y'all can read this and I will catch up eventually
Lemon: But maybe I'm yelling into the void
Lemon: Oh heeeeey, there's the chat
Lemon: Hello friends!
BOB Wonderful
JtomTMO (Lirtimya): If you yell into the void long enough the void may yell back
BOB VoidScreamsBack

Lemon: You could always punish him by sending him to public school
Carissa (Vee Barlett): no continual light?
BOB There is no light in public school

TMO (Rothuss Carder): it would be the sphere. you're high enough level for Light
wyjyoon (Temperance): Ah, is it because I don't have sun sphere
TMO (Rothuss Carder): yes
wyjyoon (Temperance): : ( Bran doesn't give me enough vitamin d.

Rothuss Carder: Huh. slipperyer than I expected. Gonna be hell crossing this at a run.
Levi Reed: Then make sure you don't have to
Vee Barlett: Make friends, not foes.

Rothuss Carder: Hello. Does anyone speak my language?
Levi Reed: Wow, I think this giant has met Rothuss before
Rothuss Carder: Terribly sorry, friend. I'm afraid they didn't teach us civilized languages to herd goats.
Rothuss Carder: But how will I ever learn if I don't go out and meet more civilized folk?

Levi Reed: How about urchins and some honest conversation?
Berte Lonerider: YOU ARE NOT A WARRIOR
Levi Reed: I'd like to get to know you better
Berte Lonerider: HE IS
Levi Reed: Wow, rude but ok
Levi Reed: It's important to set boundaries I guess

Temperance: Welcome back! Er.. did you all have fun?
Levi Reed: We gave them Rothuss in exchange for the treasure
Levi Reed: Giant lady wants to keep him and we said sure
Levi Reed: I think he's her pet now

Rothuss Carder: is grinning like a loon the whole way across the lake.
Temperance: Looks like someone had quite an adventure.
Levi Reed: He thinks every lady is an adventure
Temperance: Ah, were the two giants won over by his... er...
Temperance: frowns as she thinks to herself.
Levi Reed: His skill as a warrior
Levi Reed: laughs

Session 20240517c - 20240517s

Quotes of the Night.

'Lemon' connected
BOB Finally here Lemon is
wyjyoon: Life gave us Lemon

Carissa: bob is on a different wavelength than me tonight at least
BOB chuckles
wyjyoon (Temperance): Eh, I don't know if I'm ever on the same wavelength as he is
Carissa: lol
BOB It is a safety thing
wyjyoon (Temperance): My brain noodles are often too tangled :D
BOB Or not tangled enough

Rothuss Carder: I don't let it bother me. Have you tried not caring?
Temperance: About being alive?
Rothuss Carder: About being threatened.
Carissa (Vee Barlett): don't threaten him with a good time then

wyjyoon (Temperance): I mean.. are any children "fit for society" at this point?
Carissa (Vee Barlett): nope
Carissa (Vee Barlett): none of us but that's because none of us have two moms! my point stands!!

Levi Reed: We've been in a pickle ever since we met Jericho
Carissa (Vee Barlett): lmao
wyjyoon (Temperance): Oof shots fired

Levi Reed: Not where I thought my life was going
Levi Reed: I just wanted free drinks

Levi Reed: If they're so dumb, why can't you show your face there yet?
Rothuss Carder: sniffs.
Rothuss Carder: They blame me for their stupidity.
Rothuss Carder: You know... a scapegoat.

Rothuss Carder: Maybe we should mark your hair.
Rothuss Carder: Just so we can keep an eye on you.
Levi Reed: Not the worst idea I've ever heard.
Carissa (Vee Barlett): yessssss
BOB hah

BOB It is miles across, and many more long so it is a big lake and feel free to name it if you like
Carissa (Vee Barlett): Eerie
Carissa (Vee Barlett): not to be confused with erie
BOB and the small one further up is Ontario?
Carissa (Vee Barlett): OH!
Carissa (Vee Barlett): Or we just... go with the same naming scheme
Carissa (Vee Barlett): Oontario
Carissa (Vee Barlett): Oontario into Eerie
wyjyoon (Temperance): Thus she goes with the flow of naming : )
Carissa (Vee Barlett): people like their double vowels up here

Session 20240510c - 20240510s

Quotes of the Night.

To be posted soon!

Session 20240503c - 20240503s

  1. He wanders around a lot and takes care of flowers.
  2. There are some giant flowers ‘round these parts that smell super sweet, and if you’re not careful you could be its next meal. “Like sirens [ that lure you ] but with smell”, as Levi put it.
  3. He also mentioned that there are smaller plants that could bite off your fingers, but that wasn’t explored in conversation. Yay, more plants that decide photosynthesis isn’t enough :D
  4. He isn’t too familiar with ghost monkeys and pirate ship crashes.
  5. There are sirens and selkies in “deeper waters”, which I guess means you can find them in the lakes?

Quotes of the Night.

Violette Snipes: So what sort of other mythical creatures have you found? Doppelgangers, Chupacabra, Mountain Men
Levi Reed: Does a dolphin attack force count?
Violette Snipes: Dolphins are just big fish
Levi Reed: Vee you gonna let her talk about dolphins like that?

Vee Barlett: Rather just get me that magic ring I want. Or find a way to be a mermaid. That'd be nice. Like that old tale, Thirteenth Year? Yeah, I loved hearin' that one.
Violette Snipes: But then you would not be a woman. You would lose your .... legs
Vee Barlett: I hear some of 'em can walk on land so there's gotta be a way to live in both worlds, yeah?
Violette Snipes: To be part of their world
Vee Barlett: Exactly.
Vee Barlett: I wanna be where the mermaids are. And the people. Gotta still visit my family time to time.

Levi Reed: tries to throw some food over to the monkey
Levi Reed: Hey buddy!
Levi Reed: Where... what
Levi Reed: No!
BOB Sitting on Vee's shoulder
Levi Reed: Don't go by her, she's a witch! She doesn't even like you!
Vee Barlett: Says who? I respect its autonomy. Or hers. Or his.
Levi Reed: Well that's a bit more respectable
Vee Barlett: Yer just full of jealousy Levi. Ain't a good look on you. But it is a hilarious one.
Levi Reed: Nah, I just don't like to see you happy is all

MeLange: I sure wish you guys got along better
Levi Reed: What are you talking about, she's my best friend
Vee Barlett: I'd let him drown. But I'd feel bad about it eventually.

Levi Reed: Hey Tempe
Temperance: Yes?
Levi Reed: Can you do seances?

Rothuss Carder: mutters to Temperance, "Maybe he can find a ghost banana?"

Session 20240426c - 20240426s

Quotes of the Night.

Levi Reed: So what's up with the otters? We gotta get past them but none of us wants to disturb them if we don't have to. Got any tips?
Falk Honig: Don't go near them. At least four males, with two females in heat.
Levi Reed: Are they violent?
Falk Honig: What would you do if you had a female in heat?
Levi Reed: Ignore her and find a nice man.
Falk Honig: Otters are not like that. At least none that I have seen.

Carissa (Vee Barlett): (so I looked to see if there were any gay otters in zoos to correct him only to discover otter is a term for a certain gay guy physic so... yes, otters ARE like that)
Lemon (Levi Reed): science has no place in this world but LGBT+ sure does
BOB 100%
wyjyoon (Temperance): "Otters are like that"

BOB ALexa play dueling banjoes
wyjyoon (Temperance): So question
TMO (Rothuss Carder): Alexa play Dueling Banjos as covered by Judas Priest
wyjyoon (Temperance): Multiple questions
BOB hah

Session 20240419c - 20240419s

  1. Rothuss and Ratbone get some help on their thief skills and Escape NWP.
  2. Ghost Monkey casually watches us. Not that we can see it.
  3. Everybody makes an effort to not ruin a kid’s dreams.
  4. Lord and Lady of the Manor host dinner. We ask some questions. I think we get some answers?
  5. Lirt passes on her wisdom about magic to future-generation mages.
  6. We decide to go on an adventure so that Snow Man owes us a favor instead, which is very new.
  7. That adventure involves sea caves and…uh, finding pearls?
  8. Hey look, there are conversations about falling and imprinting and parents and, as always, Vee’s Legitimate Family Business with casual threats of murder on the side.

This Evening’s Edition of Ratbone Rhymes

Ronly Bonly Jones! Showing you his bones.
a jones is a craving and you are stark raving.
Ronly Bonly Jones.
Ronly Bonly Jones. Nothing that he owns.
Farmland is flatter, he's mad as a hatter, Ronly Bonly Jones.

Quotes of the Night.

Vera Rindborg: It is boring being an investigator.
Temperance: How so?
Vee Barlett: Oh, you part of the church? My condolences.
Vera Rindborg: You watch people. You track things. You look at things…
Levi Reed: When you're an adventurer, you get to take stuff from the bad guys and keep it for the good guys. We're basically serving justice
Vera Rindborg: See, that sounds fun.
Lirtimya: Not gonna pop her bubble of adventuring being a way to get away from investigation

Snow Man: Perhaps you can examine our children to see if any of them show a propensity for spell use, they may be suitable to send to further training for the church
Temperance: I've... never been around a lot of children, but I will try my best.
Rothuss Carder: No casting Fireball at the kiddies!
Vee Barlett: Ruin the fun, Rothuss.

Levi Reed: It's just that the last place had me hauling heavy rocks for hours, and the place before that sent us out on a wild orange chase... if there's something a little less stressful I can help you out with, I'm in
Snow Man: Less stressful than rocks and oranges
Levi Reed: The Orange was a man, but yeah
Rothuss Carder: That's ... one way of putting it, I guess.
Levi Reed: He was pretty stressful. And the rocks were stressful on my back. I'm too young to be in that kind of pain.
Snow Man: You are too young to be in pain over a few rocks and oranges.

Rothuss Carder: To the Editor: At this point, all of Rothuss is OOC. :D
Carissa (Vee Barlett): editor gives you the finger

Carissa (Vee Barlett): but it's fineee, I'm not the mathmotologist here

Vee Barlett: That's a nightmare. Bad enough what my dads DID know. Glad it was a big city so they didn't hear everythin' I got up to.
Levi Reed: I'm sure they heard everything. They have informants everywhere
Vee Barlett: looks at Levi like he grew a second head
Vee Barlett: What nonsense you speakin'?
Temperance: raises an eyebrow.
Levi Reed: You don't remember that time they thought I was trying to court you? Back in the beginning? They knew everything about me for WEEKS
Temperance: raises her second eyebrow.
Vee Barlett: 'Cause they overprotective. Ain;t like they'd be the kind who'd have informants. Who you think they is?
Levi Reed: They told you my small bladder was abnormal and I wasn't fit for giving you children!
Rothuss Carder: waits to see if a third eyebrow goes up
Vee Barlett: laughs

wyjyoon (Temperance): LOL
JtomTMO (Lirtimya): lol
wyjyoon (Temperance): How many eyes does she have?
JtomTMO (Lirtimya): 7
Carissa (Vee Barlett): currently at 10
wyjyoon (Temperance): Many eyes to see things with
JtomTMO (Lirtimya): Bibically accurate Temperance
wyjyoon (Temperance): She's just hiding all her eyes with her curly hair
Carissa (Vee Barlett): as a curly haired person, this is accurate

Vee Barlett: Hey Lirt, if I stuff their mouth with boiled eggs before I shank them, that count?
Vee Barlett: Or they gotta swallow first?
Levi Reed: You're always jumping to conclusions, thinking people are out to besmirch your familys SUPER LEGIT business
Levi Reed: It's not always like that
Lirtimya: Hmm, I'll have to read the fine print on the murdering laws

Temperance: We already have a high enough chance of getting murdered while traveling, let's not increase that chance.
Vee Barlett: Killjoy.
Temperance: I didn't say you couldn't, I just wanted you to know that people could be killed without getting your hands dirty.

Session 20240412c - 20240412s

  1. What wishes do we want this Snow Man to grant?
  2. Is it the wind in the trees or did that ghost monkey actually talk?
  3. A Wildling appeared! Does anybody speak Mother Nature?
  4. Snow Man gets upsetti-spaghetti about us trespassing on his property. Whoops.
  5. Does Toddler Boy require a protection squad?
  6. Carder Siblings are put on the judgment block.
  7. Snow Man plays Host of the Manor like he didn’t sass everyone out moments prior.
  8. Some BOB observations about important inquiries before Dinner with Forest Guests (listed below).

BOB’s Observations that We Should Take Note For Next Time.

  1. You never asked about his wife (to which Carissa said I DID ASK ABOUT HIS WIEF)
  2. You never asked what his real name is.
  3. You never asked why he has other people living there.
  4. You never asked why he is living here.
  5. You never asked his association to the Church.
  6. You never asked / got an answer to why he’s taking in orphans.

Quotes of the Night.

Temperance: On a serious note, nobody needs to earn healing. I don't mind using spells I have available to heal when necessary.
Vee Barlett: And that gives us incentive to keep ya alive.
Rothuss Carder: But it's so fun to make them beg.
Vee Barlett: Says the one who keeps flirtin' with death....
Rothuss Carder: I flirt a lot anyways, if you hadn't noticed.
Vee Barlett: I try not to notice you.
Vee Barlett: Works 'til ya get yer blood on my boots.

Spring (Ratbone Carder): Hey Death. Lookin good.
Spring (Ratbone Carder): Nice scythe you got there.

Mammal, Small, Monkey 1: I am watching you

Rothuss Carder: That's a change. I thought you were the 'you have to know exactly what you want 10 years in advance' person?
Vee Barlett: Problem is ya thought.
Rothuss Carder: Zing. Pow.
Rothuss Carder: grins at Vee.
Vee Barlett: does not grace him with a smile.

Vee Barlett: You talkin' better now too.
Thuskar: I have been practicing under my breath
Vee Barlett: Oh that what I'm hearin'? Thought it was Jericho muttering not to trip.
Thuskar: I have repeated what Vee and Claudius, and Temperance, and Rothuss have been saying
Thuskar: I did not want to talk like Jericho

Snow Man: Which do you want to do?
Levi Reed: I'll take the kid
Claudius : Wait wait wait
Vee Barlett: How ya gonna slice and dice??
Levi Reed: I'm done slicing and dicing, I'm a dad now

Vee Barlett: You can SEE what Snow Dude gonna do before ya commit to dadhood. Ya know ya can't un-dad yerself, yeah?
Vee Barlett: Like a tattoo. It's forever.

Vee Barlett: You know ain't easy findin' dates as a single dad.
Vee Barlett: And I ain't at ALL a fan of travelin' with a kid.
Levi Reed: Never stopped your dad

Lemon (Levi Reed): This is literally the only thing Levi will ever care about, probably
Carissa (Vee Barlett): bob better not introduce another kid anytime soon or I will strangle you both

Session 20240405c - 20240405s

  1. Second Watch - Vee converses with Ratbone and Ms. Mirny about life.
  2. Third Watch - Claudius and Levi witness the ghost of a monkey and fight Forest Frogs.
  3. Morning comes, and huzzah! Everyone is mostly healed.
  4. We all decide to travel uphill some more and discuss whether Levi and Claudius had any marbles to lose.

Quotes of the Night

Claudius : Hey there little...ghost monkey...want something to eat?
Claudius : Tosses cracker at it
Levi Reed: Do ghosts eat?
BOB Weakly tosses it at the wagon and it falls a few feet from his hand
Claudius : Nailed it.

Lemon (Levi Reed): We have REALLY bad luck figuring out wtf is goign on with the ghosts in this game

Levi Reed spent 1 CP on donation to the ghost monkey

Claudius : Oh that little shit
Claudius : Checks pockets
Levi Reed: smiles
Levi Reed: I like this ghost monkey
BOB Claudius does not have anything so he is not missing anything
e2wolfe (Claudius ): Yes to poverty

Levi Reed: [SKILL] Alertness [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 15) [SUCCESS by 14] [d20 = 1]
wyjyoon (Temperance): That's some crazy level of alertness
Lemon (Levi Reed): I mean, he wants a pet ghost REAL BAD
Lemon (Levi Reed): Even if it is a monkey
Carissa (Vee Barlett): he doesn't slack around monkeys
Lemon (Levi Reed): lol
Spring (Ratbone Carder): hahahah
Carissa (Vee Barlett): where's Indigo when you need him??
Carissa (Vee Barlett): who will they eat??
BOB LOL quote for Lisa

Session 20240329c - 20240329s

  1. Owlbear’s dead, the wagon is mostly usable, and it has stuff! Let’s take it!
  2. Levi and Melange go off exploring Owlbear lair as a pair. Hey look, more corpses and more stuff! Let’s take it! (2)
  3. Rothuss’ Animal Handling 16 malfunctions, but hey, detached arm + claws is better than no claws, so… Let’s take it! (3)
  4. Owlbear Lair Pair returns in one piece, so everyone gets a move on with Parry and the Wagon.
  5. Hey, a campsite! With sword slashes in the tents. Let’s move a bit further to a different campsite.
  6. Melange gets Temperance to engage in campfire conversations before monkeys steal his hand axe.
  7. Levi and Rothuss are awake and a bit more alive for Second Watch.

Quotes of the Night

BOB Not so dumb just a little dumb right now
Shislif (MeLange): wait are we doing something dumb?
Lemon (Levi Reed): Probably, but would that stop us?
Shislif (MeLange): i mean maybe :)
Lemon (Levi Reed): Nah, the only thing that holds Levi back from doing dumb stuff is Vee
Lemon (Levi Reed): And she didn't do it
Shislif (MeLange): lol

BOB No one can hear you scream now
BOB You are off into the woods

Carissa (Vee Barlett): this is becoming a lot to carry
TMO (Rothuss Carder): You're a pirate, bury it and make a map.
wyjyoon (Temperance): LOL TMO
Carissa (Vee Barlett): :P
BOB But can she spell?
BOB How will she draw an X
Lemon (Levi Reed): Excuse you, Vee is super legit and from a super legit family with a super legit business!
BOB They use an O not an X
Carissa (Vee Barlett): wow
Shislif (MeLange): lol
wyjyoon (Temperance): Mark O on that super legit map :D
wyjyoon (Temperance): Coincidentally listening to that song rn

Session 20240322c - 20240322s

  1. We approach ruins and smash a gargoyle to pieces.
  2. We walk uphill and start fighting hobgoblins stationed near a presumably abandoned wagon.
  3. AAAAAHHH! What the heckin’ flip, an Owlbear??? Let’s kill it for those nice claws.
  4. No one dies, but some are pretty darn close.

Quotes of the Night
Lemon (Levi Reed): How do you even hurt stone?
Michael (Jericho): Hit it with a sledgehammer
Carissa (Vee Barlett): be without sin

BOB The punch and martial arts buttons apparently are not working
BOB I just remembered that from last week and I never reported it
Shislif (MeLange): now you're an accomplice
Lemon (Levi Reed): lol

TMO (Rothuss Carder): Magic Fist!
Michael (Jericho): Behold,...the Fist of Fury!
wyjyoon (Temperance): *dramatic music plays in the background*
Shislif (MeLange): so we can punch this thing?
BOB Fixed
Carissa (Vee Barlett): looks like no, Bob fixed it
Carissa (Vee Barlett): BOOOOO
Michael (Jericho): He who giveth, taketh away

BOB Mel will just be punching people with his buckler from now on
wyjyoon (Temperance): Master of Magical Shield Punching
Carissa (Vee Barlett): lol
Shislif (MeLange): does seem to work pretty good lol
BOB 7-9 points of damage every time you hit

Lemon (Levi Reed): I just thought the idea of getting a baby as a henchman was funny
Shislif (MeLange): henchbaby
wyjyoon (Temperance): Boss Henchbaby
e2wolfe (Claudius ): lol
wyjyoon (Temperance): It'll scream at the top of its lungs to intimidate

TMO (Rothuss Carder): HEH - can he use Animal Rending to know the weak spots for an attack on it? (sorry, just being silly now)
BOB grins
Carissa (Vee Barlett): to be fair...
Carissa (Vee Barlett): you cut up enough animals you do know a good way to roll them
Carissa (Vee Barlett): speaking from experience
Lemon (Levi Reed): Well that's a nightmare fuel sentence lol
Carissa (Vee Barlett): I have not necropsied an owlbear yet to know
BOB not necropsied enough owlbears to know

Temperance: [CAST] Cause Light Wounds
wyjyoon (Temperance): Wrong one sorry
e2wolfe: lol
BOB grins
wyjyoon (Temperance): Just letting you know that I didn't want to give you more wounds :)
TMO (Rothuss Carder): And thus did Claudius die at the hands of his friends...
BOB Here let me heal you WHAM with the hammer
Lemon (Levi Reed): In a crazy twist, Temperance finishes off Claudius while being surrounded by hobgoblins
wyjyoon (Temperance): LOLOL
e2wolfe: LOL
wyjyoon (Temperance): Good riddance, take your toddler with you :)
Lemon (Levi Reed): hahahahahaha
e2wolfe: lol
TMO (Rothuss Carder): She tried to grab the Healing Shiv, but accidentally grabbed a regular Shiv instead

wyjyoon (Temperance): Individualist is dead to my knowledge?
BOB lolol
Lemon (Levi Reed): On the leotard specifically.

Carissa (Vee Barlett): maybe Lirt can roast it too
Lemon (Levi Reed): yum, roast owl for dinner
Lemon (Levi Reed): owl kebob?
wyjyoon (Temperance): Mm owl kebob

Carissa (Vee Barlett): did you crit yourself?
BOB yes he did
Lemon (Levi Reed): ...
Carissa (Vee Barlett): that feels VERY rothuss appropriate
TMO (Rothuss Carder): why waste a Crit on an owlbear?
e2wolfe: lol
Carissa (Vee Barlett): lol
BOB hah

Session 20240315c - 20240315s

Quotes of the Night
Michael (Jericho): What is a Priest Sea?
BOB chuckles, Sea Priest, Sea Mage,
Carissa (Vee Barlett): C Bass
BOB See Mage swim, Swim mage Swim
Spring (Ratbone Carder): C sell C shells
Michael (Jericho): lol
TMO: C sells C spells

Carissa (Vee Barlett): I mean yes, the church absolutely can and might but, well, they ARE in charge and we're still nobodies so kinda expected
Michael (Jericho): One day, we shall be bodies
Carissa (Vee Barlett): lol
Michael (Jericho): important and respected bodies
wyjyoon (Temperance): Let's hope we don't become cadavers before then
Michael (Jericho): Or only temporary cadavers
Lemon (Levi Reed): I love the optimism going on tonight
Michael (Jericho): but then we'll owe funeral home loans, rather then student loans
Michael (Jericho): Seriously, what a racket for a coffin. Just throw me in the fire and call it good
Carissa (Vee Barlett): that costs money too
Carissa (Vee Barlett): and pollution
Michael (Jericho): 100 vs. 10,000
Carissa (Vee Barlett): 100? I highly recommend you don't get your cremation off Craiglist. It ain't gonna go well.

Michael (Jericho): (But at what cost)
Michael (Jericho): (As Czarissa would point out :) )
Michael (Jericho): (Carissa)
Michael (Jericho): (sorry)
Carissa (Vee Barlett): Zarissa
Lemon (Levi Reed): Czar-issa isn't wrong, exactly... lol
Carissa (Vee Barlett): Czar of Issa
Michael (Jericho): Shes the Czar of the Issa warship
Carissa (Vee Barlett): lol

Adhita Vegne: If I serve the church faithfully I have been told that I will be blessed if they see me worthwhile
Michael (Jericho): So...cult
Michael (Jericho): this is a cult
BOB A cult that Jericho and Temperance are part of, they were blessed, Vee, Levi, etc were not they were shunned by the gods
Carissa (Vee Barlett): think Vee shunned them first :P
BOB If you look at it from that point of view
Lemon (Levi Reed): Well thank the gods they shunned me, I don't want to be in this cult