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Court of Thanes - Session Summaries

Session: 20190823c

So, in the Court of Thanes, after the resurrecting, the Priestess tells a story of an ambush, where lots of Orcs took her daughter and a deeply powerful holy relic, a scallop shell given by Aphrodite. It's pure white and a foot across. The party was bringing it back after taking it to be cleansed in pure water.

The party that was ambushed included the priestess herself, her daughter, and others to form a group of 20. Only three of whom made it back to the temple. The rest are presumed kidnapped or dead. The orcs took off into the Old Forest in the Gold Hills, near or in the Central Mountains.

Dark Elves were also involved, providing magic support to the orcs.

The Dragonslayers agree to search for the daughter and the shell, though the shell seems more significant somehow. To secure the promise, Bran allows the priestess to place a geas on her head. The shell is due back for summer services in 24 days, so if it's not back, Branwyn will lose one level of spell power each month until it is returned.

After bringing Tiberius up to speed, the group departs with horses and a wagon and two guards on loan from the priestess. The members of the group get to know one another better on the trip.

When they make camp, some flying lizards appear and spook the horses. One of the acolytes, Gerard, gets the horses while the other party members dispatch the lizards, taking on some damage in the process.

Session: 20190830c

Thanks again to everyone who has been doing the summaries. See, it's not that bad, right? Really, feel free to offer to do them anytime. But for now...

Quotes of the Night

[Master] watches and are you doing any healing before heading into the watches
[Branwyn (Lisa)] (kenna and mara)
[Branwyn (Lisa)] (since lizards hate the sounds of chants and prayers)

[Indigo (Lisa)] Ummm ... did you have all your ... parts?
Lord Tiberius (Master) grins at Indigo and winks
[Lord Tiberius (Master)] yeap
[Talwin (Michael)] (OOC Rolling my eyes)
[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (I can hear Michael's eyes scraping against the bone, he is rolling them so hard)

[Rhibosi (MarioHome)] it is my focus
[Rhibosi (MarioHome)] i fell the energy, i hearthe sound, i see myself
[Acolyte Gerard (Corvus)] Focus? You some mage or something? Fwoop fwoop and throw balls of fire?
[Talwin (Michael)] (Did he just say Fwoop Fwoop???)
Shurkural (TMO)] (yup)
Shurkural (TMO)] (the Fwoop is strong with this one)

[Acolyte Gerard (Corvus)] Disciple? So you are a priest then? I see. So less fire balls and more lights from the sky then.

[Acolyte Gerard (Corvus)] woo action for everyone! Is it cuthulhu in power armor?
[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Worse: Oregon Trail: D&D edition)
[Master] and the ford is flooded
[Master] and LOL at Carissa
[Branwyn (Lisa)] (so we take the buick)
[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Maybe we can just Dodge this?)
[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Or Ram right through. Either or)
[Michael] Jeepers. What are we going to do

Ilero (TMO)] Can somebody strong just t'row Indigo?
Ilero (TMO)] And Kenna
[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] And if they miss?
[Skarphedin (Ryan)] glares at Ilero, waiting for his name to come up.
Ilero (TMO)] Just don't miss.
Skarphedin (Ryan) glares at Ilero, daring him to mention dwarf-tossing.
Ilero (TMO)] Not you Skarphedin. You dwarves is heavy.
Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew) looking at Ilero with fiery dare
Skarphedin (Ryan) mutters, "Festively plump."

Session: 20190906c

You thought I was back writing summaries, didn’t you? We’ll see where the next few weeks take me before we know if I’m really back at it again.

Weird Sisters, Virago, Erichtho, and Canidia will do their best to present you with their prophecy and you will follow the dwarves.

Quotes of the Night

[Indigo (Lisa)] Good morning!
[Withered Crone #1 (Master)] What is good about it?
[Indigo (Lisa)] The sun is shining and we are all alive?
[Indigo (Lisa)] Do you need help with anything? Cooking breakfast?
[Withered Crone #1 (Master)] grumbles you are happy the sun is out? no pleasant clouds to hide the glare?
Skarphedin (Ryan) mutters, "Help with cooking little children?"

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] Can. Can I stab people if they harm any of your trees?
[Talwin (mharm-95433)] Is that normal?
[Man in cloak #6 (Master)] yes stab people who harm trees
[Man in cloak #6 (Master)] that is my new mantra
[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Not a bad one to have.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Can we tell him you sent us?
[Farmer (Master)] Of course
[Farmer (Master)] tell him old Indigo sent you
[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] So many Indigos…
[Indigo (Lisa)] That's my name too!
[Farmer (Master)] Really?
[Farmer (Master)] wow
[Indigo (Lisa)] There are a lot of Indigo's in this world

Session: 20190913c

Having defeated the trolls, the group approached Bree’s gate in the hopes of entrance, a roof over our heads and a warm bed for the night. How should we approach the situation? The discussion is leaning towards having Gerard negotiating with the guards when Penelope chimes in that she could take care of the guards and open the gates for us. Really? That’s an idea. Let’s try that. Then Penelope adds that we should run for the gates when we see the fire. Fire? Let’s not do that. Gerard, you’re up!

Gerard is friendly and polite. The guards are polite as guards go, but they aren’t budging. No entrance at night. Killed trolls? That’s nice. Thanks. No entrance. Indigo sent you? We don’t care. He owes us money. No entrance.

While all of this is happening, Ilero sneaks over the wall and perches on top of the guard shack. He drops 3 gold coins in front of the guards which confuse them and in turn confuses the rest of the group. When we figure out Ilero is on a mission, Penelope gets miffed that everyone allows Ilero to enable his plans, but we all shut hers down. Maybe it’s because Penelope’s a woman. Branwyn suggests that it’s more that she announces her plans whereas Ilero just does his. Do we now owe Penelope a whacky scheme of her own?

In turns out bribery doesn’t work either. How about Indigo Captain of the Bounders? If he is really the real Indigo of the Bounders. Maybe. Just him. Wait, there’s a guy on the roof. He dropped the coins and he’s with Indigo? All right, all right. Let everyone in.

Our guide, Melody, takes us to an inn that serves Big Folk, but only Indigo is allowed inside after dark. Everyone else goes to the area by the stables. Not only is there a curfew at the gate, there is a curfew across the whole town. Not a light on in the place and so no other sleeping options. Better make the best of it. All the injured get some healing.

In the morning, everyone gets breakfast and many plorkins to put in our pockets for later. (Plorkins are tasty pocket sandwiches full of meat and vegetables. A Hin favorite recommended by Kenna) The breakfast discussion included the age old question of what dwarves eat. Children. No, but people say rocks. Rocks? I thought it was mushrooms. Yes, mushrooms, that’s it.

Back on the road, we tried very hard to get an encounter so Mara could shine her sunscorch down and smite the next attacker. But alas, we spent an uneventful day on the road. Kenna meets a Hin farmer and secures us a place to camp for the night in exchange for blessings on his crops. He warns us that two lambs have recently been stolen as we are told we can camp right next to the sheep pen.

Rhibosi and Kenna set up for the first watch of the night ready for some pleasant conversation.

I recommend going to the chat log and reading this yourselves as it is much better to read the whole thing and won’t take long.

They begin to talk. They begin to insult each other. It’s a good thing that it’s Bosi and Kenna. They know that these nasty words could never escape their lips. So why are they talking to each other this way? Nothing came to attack. They could see nothing. Time passes.

Kenna wakes Branwyn for second watch with a rousing, “Get your lazy ass up.” As they start to explain what’s happening, Branwyn thinks maybe she was dreaming. Maybe they are just tired until … oops! It happened to Branwyn too. Branwyn thinks hard about the elements and suddenly remembers a somewhat similar kind of incident back at Orchard House where the culprit was a mischievous gremlin terrorizing the household.

She would have to make this thing visible. Telling Bosi to wake someone in case she blinds herself, Branwyn casts a dose of glitter dust all around her. She and Bosi make their saves and can see, but unfortunately so does the gremlin, who remains invisible. Bosi, who wants to sleep, wakes Tiberius in much the same fashion as Kenna waking Branwyn. It was probably for the best since it seemed to be a bit more difficult for Bosi to tell when the gremlin was speaking for Branwyn than when it spoke for Kenna.

As Branwyn and Tiberius begin their conversation, Branwyn suddenly thinks of another spell to bring forth the menacing gremlin. Without warning she casts a sleep spell and in a moment she hears the gremlin fall to the ground.

She thinks about its last words about daggers and stabbing, how much trouble he could cause in the area and kills the gremlin in its sleep with an apology.

We end the session with a new morning where we will resume our trek. Next stop Frogmorton.

Quotes of the Night

[Acolyte Gerard (Corvus)] Words cannot describe the mysteries I have witnessed with this group...

[Old man (Master)] No one just wanders off on adventures
[Old man (Master)] without planning for a year or two

[Lord Tiberius (Master)] You should sleep now
[Lord Tiberius (Master)] we will find danger soon enough
[Lord Tiberius (Master)] Branwyn will take us there
[Lord Tiberius (Master)] and then we will have fun

Session: 20190927c

Quotes of the Night:

BOB: as the Elf with Speak with Animals is negotiating with a Badger
[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (Shi, can you also include interpretive dance while you negotiate so we know what is going on?)

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] Moradin's beard, lad....
[Indigo (Lisa)] He works in a temple?
[Mara (MarioHome)] (you spelled temper wrong)
[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] Drayven, maybe you should have less coffee .....

[Master] are you searching for a Halfling who is in search of adventure?
Ilero (TMO)] (so, an insane halfling)
[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] (hey, kids! are you sick of Halflings making fun of you for your grotesque size? sign up now and Adventure!)

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] Excuse me good sir. Might I enquire where I could find someone who would be seeking gainful employment?
[Locksmith (Master)] Why would you want that?
[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] (he needs to hire. a squire. who will not be a liar. won't set things on fire.)
[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] (a doer and a tryer)

Session: 20190928c

Session: 20191004c

Quotes of the Night

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Shi'Nynze casts a spell against : Produce Fire: A 12' square of flame erupts from the ground, dealing (1d4+9) [1d4=3] 12 points of damage and lighting any combustibles on fire.
[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Reverse of that quenches)
[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Anyone have some buckets of water? I can only do this once more...
Indigo (Lisa) whispers "Probably a good idea [Penelope] didn't set the fire at the city gates..."

[John AA] [Miranda Paige]] casts a spell against Branwyn: Orison: I can create minor effects. (d0+8) [1d0=] 8
[Master] Branwyn's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 14 (-8) - Heavily Wounded
[Indigo (Lisa)] (that was not supposed to reverse her)
[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Miranda is a vampire)
[Indigo (Lisa)] (no kidding)

[Mara (MarioHome)] peaches make my skin glow
[Mara (MarioHome)] I think I’m slightly allergic

[Mara (MarioHome)] oh run down home, you offer so much
[Mara (MarioHome)] a stable, a house, and fruits and such
[Mara (MarioHome)] the silo is doomed burnt to a cinder
[Mara (MarioHome)] a fire like that is better appreciated in winter
[Mara (MarioHome)] the ants were a pest and hurt us real bad
[Mara (MarioHome)] and now more of you is damaged and that makes me sad

Talwin (Michael) What about you Ilero? What drives you?
[Talwin (Michael)] You are very mysterious
[Ilero]] (TMO) blinks.
Ilero (TMO)] No, she Branwyn t'e Mysterious. Hye just Ilero.

Session: 20191018c

Quotes of the Night

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] Woa...woa...woa....Ha!!!
[Master] So the mole collapses the ground around Dray and he stumbles then correct and manages to straddle the hole created under him
Drayven Starmantle (Fritz) checks Cod piece as he straddles hole

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] Grabs body and hurls it towards oncoming orcs and yells "COME ON THEN I'M THE BABAYAGA OF BUBBA GUNOOSHES"

Ilero (TMO)] (you pansies are using weapons... how prosaic)
Ilero (TMO)] (/me goes to look up what prosaic means)
Ilero (TMO)] (lacking poetic beauty - close enough)

Miranda Paige (Temp JAA)] (my mind is my greatest weapon)
[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] [Damn that is so sad]
Miranda Paige (Temp JAA)] (my character)
[Indigo (Lisa)] (lol)
Ilero (TMO)] (John has an automatic rifle as his greatest weapon)
Miranda Paige (Temp JAA)] (Ha!)
Ilero (TMO)] (I've just got a sword)
Ilero (TMO)] (and a whackbonk)
Miranda Paige (Temp JAA)] (We have a Wife)

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] I punch it in the nose
Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew) rolling eyes
Ilero (TMO)] Hye t'ink t'at how t'ey say hello

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] When it reaings consciousness I hit it again in the nose
[Indigo (Lisa)] STOP IT!
Ilero (TMO)] He really like saying Hi

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] She wouldn't waste a spell unless it was worthwhile.
[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Is it? What use is talking to this felasil?
[Ilero]] (TMO) shrugs. "Always wort' try."
[Indigo (Lisa)] I dunno. He's still almost dead. We have to convince him to talk or Kenna's spell won't do any good
[Ilero]] (TMO) stands up and pulls his knife and walks toward the orc.
[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] I already healed him because I expect us to speak to him
[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] so if we do not try, I’m angry at THAT waste
[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] yes that is what I thought we were going to do ... so on with the tongues spell
[Indigo (Lisa)] If you were an almost dead orc surrounded by us, what would get you to talk?
[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] what do we offer in exchange for information? what exactly do we ask?
[Ilero]] (TMO) taps the orc on the lips with the point of the dagger. Then holds the point against its throat.
[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] They only respond to violence. It's what they are.
Ilero (TMO)] (trying to mime 'talk or die')
Indigo (Lisa) tries to give him some water
[Indigo (Lisa)] Think he knows he's going to die
[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] well nobody is going to want to live in captivity
[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] so do we offer to let him go?
[Ilero]] (TMO) shrugs. "Easy enough to do."
[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] tongues
Ilero (TMO)] Hit probly not believe us if we say t'at.
[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] No. We kill him.
Ilero (TMO)] Orcs lie lots, expect ot'ers lie too.
[Indigo (Lisa)] If we tell him where we're going and then let him go, well ...
Indigo (Lisa) scratches his head "This is hard"
[Ilero]] (TMO) shrugs. "Not really."
Ilero (TMO)] Edge very sharp.
[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] So unless we are going to use the tongues spell this is not really worth it.
[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] other way around
Shi'Nynze (Carissa) loads arrow, "So we kill it?"
Indigo (Lisa) looks at Kenna
[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] if we do not know what to say or ask, the tongues spell is not worth it
[Indigo (Lisa)] What do you think?
[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] I will not cast for no good reason
[Ilero]] (TMO) nods and coups the orc
[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] Give him a dagger
[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] so decide. what do we say, what do we ask
[Master] Orc #2's Current Hit Points: adjusted to -9 (-10) - Dying
[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] throws up hands
Ilero (TMO)] Hokay. Done.
[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] and I'll fight it in honorable least let me do that
[Indigo (Lisa)] We want to know where the ...
[Ilero]] (TMO) wipes the dagger off on the orc and sheathes it and goes back to his bread and water.
[Indigo (Lisa)] Ohh ....
[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] well I hope you do not later need a cure spell that I no longer have
Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew) stomps off
Indigo (Lisa) sighs and unties the orc
[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] (next time Ilero needs healing, she's goonna make it hurt. a lot)
Ilero (TMO)] (Oh, no doubt)
Indigo (Lisa) pulls it off the wagon and drags it off the road

Session: 20191025c

Quotes of the Night:

Indigo (Lisa) looks at Skarp "Do you know anyone that lives in Scary, Skarp?"
[Indigo (Lisa)] To vouch for us
[Skarphedin (Ryan)] No
[Indigo (Lisa)] Can you make someone up?
[Skarphedin (Ryan)] We bypassed this area when we came here....
Skarphedin (Ryan) glances at him sharply. "You ask me to lie?"
[Indigo (Lisa)] No, well, maybe

[Carissa] (So few for watches... so I expect lots of talking, folks)
[Ilero]] (TMO) recites the Magna Carta to the tune of The Whistling Barman
Penelope (Master) crosses her arms. LOTS of talking?
[Indigo (Lisa)] Yeah. We talk a lot

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Do dwarves get talkative or quiet when they are drunk...?
Ilero (TMO)] (singy)
[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (D) Supposh it dependsh on the dwarf.
[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Would you rather sleep that off? I can stay up for some time still.
[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Especially if you are the singing kind of drunk...
Skarphedin (Ryan) carefully enunciating each word. "No, I am fine."
[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (On that note, my daughter is asking me to help her go to sleep and my eye is still burning, so I think I am going to turn in. Sorry.)
[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (Good night all)
Shi'Nynze (Carissa) sees Skarp already passed out
Ryan has left the game on Fri Oct 25 22:21:22 EDT 2019
[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] So a sleepy drunk. Good to know.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] You are a good man Ilero.
[Ilero]] (TMO) taps himself on the chest. "Hye soul already stained. Hers not yet."
[Branwyn (Lisa)] Ehhh maybe just a little smudged. It gives you character
Ilero (TMO)] Heh. Not good man. Good man find way t'at not involve murder.

[Talwin (Michael)] I've slept well so far this night since I took the first sleep. You mind if I keep you company? Or do you prefer to be left alone?
Penelope (Master) looks at Shur
[Penelope (Master)] You think he can entertain both of us?
[Talwin (Michael)] I uh
[Talwin (Michael)] I meant nothing like that
Talwin (Michael) Clearly un comfortable
[Talwin (Michael)] I'll uh
[Talwin (Michael)] Yeah
[Shurkural]] (TMO) smiles at Penelope. "I think we'd break him pretty quick."
[Talwin (Michael)] I'll turn in
[Shurkural]] (TMO) turns to watch Talwin retreat.
[Penelope (Master)] OH I know I can, how fast do you think you can?
[Shurkural]] (TMO) smiles. "Depends on how hard I try."

Session: 20191101c

Quotes of the Night:

[Lipson Diggle (Master)] I am Lipson Diggle
[MarioHome] (ask to speak to his brother Shitz en Giggles)

[Lipson Diggle (Master)] Thank you I do hope your smuggler friends do not bring you too much danger
[Indigo (Lisa)] They're not smugglers. They're just ... big.

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (WIDE path around... but really, most boars are so focused on each other they ignore you, IRL)
[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] Unless you're female...and a bore...I mean a boar
[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (That would be a sow :) )
[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Or a gilt)
[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] (I'm sowwey)
[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] (But I don't feel Gilty)

Session: 20191108c

Three centuries and ten can Ire· member well. Within that time I have seen hours dreadful and things strange, but in all of my years I have not seen tragedies this dark. "Thane Duncan believed that dark elf and light should live together in Birnam. The source of this peace is the strength of our wood, as it was strong when Duncan and I arrived as lads in our first century. This is the land of the Great Stand, when our Elven ancestors held fast against an otherworldly invasion from the underground portal millennia ago. Our ancestors bound the ancient warriors' spirits to the forest before the entrance to the underdark, and the warriors stand ready to protect us again if they are needed. "But our foes today are no hellions; indeed, we call our foes friends. Thane Duncan trusted our dark-skinned brethren, even hateful Macbeth. Now Duncan lies under stones, and we face the worst. My path to eternity is clear, but I must honor Duncan's wish to see Birnam reunited. He left this for those that would make good of bad and friends of foes. The gods' benison go with you:' He hands you an ornate scroll case.

Quotes of the Night:

[Lisa] I got it from the chat log
[Michael] Well, can't argue with the log. But, I could have sworn I made every parry. Huh
[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (You can argue with the log. In fact, I would like you to argue with the log.)
[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (Let's get that quote of the session in early)

[Lisa] In a nutshell - we get the shell
[Lisa] scallop shell not nut shell

[Master (to Carissa only)] Shi can tell this is a scroll of Dispel Magic (which is why Branwyn did not recognize it) and it is usable by either a Mage or a Priest

Session: 20191115c

So a week somehow already went by? Time for the shortest of summaries as of this moment.

Quotes of the Night:

(Will add some, eventually, unless someone else is bored).

[Indigo (Lisa)] (I'd be worried about Ilero except he wants to live in a dark fog now so who are we to try to rescue him?)
[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (And, sitting in the dark fog with murderous giants all around him, Ilero felt... for the first time in his life, at peace)

[SpringyDew] it's dangerous to be on a battlefield when you are already mostly dead

Technically not during the session, I'm going to put this here because it should have been:
Response to Ilero asking for a seeing:
Erichtho says, "Should MacBeth fall, Your future you may see. Should Cawdor fall, Your future unknown will be."

Session: 20191122c

A little late, but better than never, right? While I'll split them up, next two summaries will be quick ones again. Life happens. We'll see about quotes as I write, but they may be few and/or dependent on someone else to add.

Quotes of the Night

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] Yes, we are entering the safe area.
[Master] TO short cut this a bit for Ryan's time crunch after about a mile underground you find several T junctions
Ilero (TMO)] (left, right, left, left, double-back, right, right, left)
[MarioHome] (I know that secret code)
[MarioHome] (if done correctly, we should all be invincible)
[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (I thought it was Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A)
[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (Up down up down left right left right A B Select Start. Good old Contra)

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] Well, I suppose we should say hello.
[Acolyte Gerard (JohnA)] what is the protocol Skarphedin?
Skarphedin (Ryan) raps against the door with his hand.
[Acolyte Gerard (JohnA)] Is there a secret knock?
[Skarphedin (Ryan)] Knock.
[Acolyte Gerard (JohnA)] Ah

[Master] So Indigo moves forward
[Master] no lights in the group
Indigo (Lisa) hands Shur his buckle before he moves out about 30 feet and looks around
Indigo (Lisa) trying to be quiet
[Shurkural]] (TMO) whispers, "Put your pants back on! This is not the time for that."

Session: 20191129c

Quotes of the Night

[Indigo (Lisa)] (so we are down to 81 shadows?)
[Shi'Nynze (Carissa (LP))] (on the wall...)

Session: 20191206c

Quotes of the Night

[TMO] I have a plan!
[mharm-95433] What what
[mharm-95433] ???
[TMO] We need one volunteer
[mharm-95433] I volunter
[Carissa] Haha before you hear it? Nice.
[mharm-95433] TMO's ideas are usually at least somewhat sane
[TMO] Good. You stay logged in and play tonight. The rest of us will log off and be one round behind, then come back in next week after the danger has passed
[SpringyDew] all i can see now is Hunger Games i VOLUNTEER!
[Lisa] LOL
[mharm-95433] HAH
[mharm-95433] I mean
[SpringyDew] hahaha TMO
[mharm-95433] I mean
[mharm-95433] It is a legitimate strategy
[TMO] Your noble sacrifice will be long remembered
[Fritz] No it won't...But we can always look it up in the chat logs

[Master] when you are ready we click to 15

[Acolyte Gerard (JohnA)] I SAID COME TO ME, EVERYONE!
[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] coming to you is going to be stupid because we are all blind
[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] tripping over things!
[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] colliding with trees!
[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] do you realize there are sharp objects everywhere?

Session: 20191213c

Quotes of the Night

[Carissa] So.... small group.
[Master] yes
[Carissa] It's fine, Lisa! We got this! So reverse TMO plan. Shi and Branwyn decide they're tired of this and leave the others to go on their own adventure THEN when the others log in, they can deal with it!
[Lisa] LOL!!
[Carissa] A good kind of party split :D
[Master] laughs
[Lisa] for us anyway

Talwin (mharm-95433)] I didn’t like you much woman. But you had spunk
Talwin (mharm-95433) Carefully folds clothes
Talwin (mharm-95433) Tears in eyes
[Talwin (mharm-95433)] "Mouthy beyond all get out"
[Talwin (mharm-95433)] " I don't know what he saw in you."
Talwin (mharm-95433) "But you were a hell of a companion to him. So I’ll give you that."

[Macduff (Master)] You said no Shadows reached the village?
Ilero (TMO)] None we saw.
[Macduff (Master)] (I keep looking at that 3 clear words, something must be wrong)
Ilero (TMO)] (those are words he says normally. Sorry!)
Ilero (TMO)] (at least, normally enough to spell correctly)
[Indigo (Lisa)] (Hye saw none)
[Indigo (Lisa)] (T'ey not be seen)
[Indigo (Lisa)] (better?)
[Macduff (Master)] (grins Lisa is as good as TMO at that)
[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Lisa speaks Ilero better than TMO right now, huh)
Ilero (TMO)] (trade characters Lisa? ;) )
[Indigo (Lisa)] (nah he is Master TMO!)
[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Well there's your blackwater solution, Bob. Make Lisa run that adventure ;) )

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] A drow, a snake, a dragon.... they know not which is his real form.
Ilero (TMO)] Mebbe snail?
[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Er...I think snails are only in Ghostwood, but I could be wrong...
Ilero (TMO)] Make sense to me. Somehow...

[Carissa] If anyone complains we do more RP than combat or some such in the next year, I might smack them.

Session: 20191220c

Quote of the Night

[Carissa] (Shell goes to whoever is playing a lady, so Kenna or Mara)
[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (Racist. I will have you know that Skarp's beard shows her to be a lady of refinement)

Session: 20191227c

Quotes of the Night

Shurkural (TMO)] [Shurkural]]: Damage v L: Arrow; Flight: ((1d6)-1) [1d6=4] 3 [MODIFIED (-1)] added to: Peyton
[Master] Peyton's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 97 (-3) - Lightly Wounded
Shurkural (TMO)] (I'm killing the dragon!!!)
[Shi'Nynze (Carissa (LP))] (lol one prick at a time!)
Shurkural (TMO)] (Shur's life motto)

[Master] Peyton: Damage v SM: Bite: (3d8+6) [3d8=2,3,5] 16
[Master] Peyton: Damage v SM: Claw: (3d4+6) [3d4=3,3,2] 14
[Master] Peyton: Damage v SM: Claw: (3d4+6) [3d4=4,4,3] 17
[Master] Peyton: Damage v SM: Constriction: (3d8) [3d8=6,7,1] 14
[Shi'Nynze (Carissa (LP))] (Oh well....yes he can do other things, I guess...)
[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (I mean, if he wants to be a cheating cheater who cheats, yeah)

[TMO] Ilero wants his witch visit
[Carissa (LP)] See? You can be the master of your own destiny!
[TMO] Maybe. Depends on what they say
[TMO] They could say he's going to have a heart attack at the end of their stanza
[Carissa (LP)] Maybe he's already dead and we're seeing ghost.
[TMO] ooo... possible!
[TMO] He's a ghost possessing his own body!
[Lisa] His father's ghost
[Carissa (LP)] Yup!
[Carissa (LP)] Wait... I thought this was Macbeth not Hamlet.

Session: 20200103c

Quotes of the Night

[Carissa] Shi'Nynze casts a spell against : Reincarnate: The target corpse comes back to life as a (1d100) [1d100=97] 97 -- DM's choice!
[Master] yeah I have a different chart
[Carissa] Oooh to be fair, your choice would be fun.
[Master] Hmmm John Miranda comes back as a Gelatinous Cube
[Carissa] LOL
[Carissa] Poor thing.
[Lisa] There's always room for Jell-O

[Carissa] Wait so is John at Disney instead?
[Master] providing that people live through the end of this

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (stabs herself in the leg)
[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (on the bright side, the pain from your leg wound convinces you that this is not a dream)
[TMO] (hits artery, bleeds out, comes back as shadow thanks to dagger. Nice fumble chart)
[Branwyn (Lisa)] (I was just saying that - not sure she actually stabbed herself)
[TMO] (probably not, but this is fun)
[Master] no to stabbing your self
[Branwyn (Lisa)] (thank you)
[TMO] (unless you really want to...)
[Branwyn (Lisa)] (not with that dagger)
[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (killjoy. Let the lady stab herself if she wants to)

[Master (to Lisa only)] Branwyn spots a spider on the ceiling dropping down on the two of you, you are not surprised, you can attack the spider or try to hit Skarp to knock him out of the way of the attack, or roll out of the way herself
[Lisa] Branwyn targets Skarphedin. Distance: 1'09"
Branwyn: Attack: Cold Iron Dagger: (17-(d20+0)) [1d20=14] 3. HITS Skarphedin (AC FINAL: 6)!!!
[Master] Branwyn's Current Hit Points: adjusted to -3 (-23) - Dying

Session: 20200110c

"Prince Ilero Sauscha is a true hero, and all heroes are celebrated. Few heroes survive to go home to be happy, they learn to be content where they are. Heroes rest after deeds, but always listen for the call of duty."

Quotes of the Night

[Lisa] 48 on the mage book chart would have made her a half-orc
[Lisa] Shi would have reincarnated her and then killed her :D

[Master] that does make it lean towards clicking off or Carissa will not have anyone to play... strike that she would pick up Gerard
[Lisa] but we lose Gerard in Loosend
[Lisa] We are not adopting every stray we find
[Carissa] Poor Peyton...
[Lisa] poor evil acid spitting wyrm Peyton