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Session: 20211119c

Quotes of the Night

[Master] The Seven Skies of the Universe spell book contains Wriuen by Cas;mur, his spell book contains gust ofwi"d. whbpering wind. rainbow pattern, precipi/( liion. c/olulbut'St. and wind wall.
[Master] sigh
[Talwin (Michael)] (Uh)
[Lisa] how freaking drunk are you?
[Master] that is the drunk level of Adove
[Master] Adobe
[Lisa] adove

[TMO] Craigh: Bookbinding check: (d20) [1d20=10] 10 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 13!! [Lemon] Oh hey, I have bookbinding too! Can we stack our efforts?
[TMO] At last! An apprentice of my very own!
[Craigh (TMO)] (Come Apprentice Bixi! To the Book Cave!)
[Lemon] Bixi Fizzlebang: Bookbinding check: (d20) [1d20=8] 8 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 15!!
[Lemon] Bookbinding PROS!
[Carissa] (I think your apprentice is already better than you...)
[Craigh (TMO)] (Hush Carissa)

[Lemon] But our usual strategy of "try to talk to everything first" might not work as well
[Michael] A note that says "cool things?" or "Come here"
[Lemon] We'll just make notecards for things that could potentially attack that say "Do you like us? yes/no/maybe Circle one"

[Raelynn (Carissa)] Oh and a book on tulips. I mean they ARE nice, but roses are a better symbol of love, I think.
[Branwyn (Lisa)] I'll bet they discuss the Lyon Estates in the tulip book
[Bixi Fizzlebang (Lemon)] Oooh, that sounds interesting!
[Raelynn (Carissa)] I'm sure no one minds if you read it when we get a chance.
[Branwyn (Lisa)] You should take it and read it
[Branwyn (Lisa)] (I wish once I would type faster than Carissa)
[Branwyn (Lisa)] :)

[Master] remember the cloth only has so many uses
[Lisa] does it?
[Carissa] It does?
[Lisa] :)
[Carissa] ooh faster than me this time!

Complicated Emotions Summary (Short)

Session: 20220114s

Quotes of the Night

Gerry the barkeep: You went to bring back someone to keep cats?
Gerry the barkeep: and brought back cats too?
Craigh: You can never get just *one* cat.

N'laea: Although I am certain that purple worm eats rocks. Whether or not it is an animal is a different discussion.
Johan: A purple worm? isn't that what swallowed Brer?
Johan: and Brer is not a rock
Johan: Well Brer might have rocks for brains

Bixi Fizzlebang: Oh, a stream! They probably ate weird fish
Johan: Why weird fish? why not normal fish?
Bixi Fizzlebang: You think there are NORMAL fish in Pandemonium?

BOB and I hope Lisa and TMO and Carissa smile at that idea of Dragon Fen stretching from a southern border north
BOB you built that
Lisa (Branwyn): we did!
TMO (Craigh): on rock and roll!

Lisa: based on Carissa's elf weight thing I don't think they will weigh more than 100 lbs. each
Carissa (Raelynn): looking it up, I'd say most average around 95-95 lbs.
BOB Really tight average
Carissa (Raelynn): ....*85

Session: 20220121s - 20220121c

Quotes of the Night

Branwyn: It cannot be much harder than for those that work in the kilns here. Manual labor is hard for everyone that must do it I imagine
Lisa (Branwyn): at the kilns - I hope no one works inside a kiln

Bixi Fizzlebang: calls out to N'laea; Maybe one of the cats is a cursed ghost! Used to be a human or something!
N'laea: No...
Bixi Fizzlebang: shrugs and takes a note about ghost cats anyway

Bixi Fizzlebang: shrugs. "I just think if I was a ghost cat that could talk, I'd hold out for a better bribe."
Bixi Fizzlebang: Although it IS ghost cheese so maybe that's different

Branwyn: Namsut knows the Inn out of the Mist. That is the best way
Lisa (Branwyn): that's what we should rename it
Carissa (Raelynn): (I approve)
Carissa (Raelynn): (or would it be Inn And Out Of The Mist?)
Lisa (Branwyn): Yes!
Carissa (Raelynn): (Perfect)

Branwyn: Yes we need to return a library book
Talwin: He does know what Hell entails right?
Lorie: (they speak GM in Hell AFAIK ) ;o)
Carissa (N'laea): (hell if he knows)
Youtargim: A library book
Youtargim: How mean is that librarian?
Craigh: Devilishly mean.
Talwin: Is to die for

Session: 20220128s - 20220128c

Quotes of the Night

BOB Lorie and Lisa and Lemon how far into the future do you want to advance things?
Lisa: as little as possible?
Lisa: we keep advancing time - we will be elderly adventurers before long
Lisa: well not the elves

Bixi Fizzlebang: Elves are confusing
Tiberius Branadarus: Yes they are
Clinks glasses with Bixi
Tiberius Branadarus: Women are confusing enough, then you make them an Elf?
Bixi Fizzlebang: Hey!
Bixi Fizzlebang: I rescind my clink!

Indigo: That's not gonna happen. Shi has a new boyfriend
Tiberius Branadarus: WHAT!!!!!
Tiberius Branadarus: Does he know?
Tiberius Branadarus: WOW
Indigo: Yeah he's lucky Kel hasn't killed him but then Shi would kill Kel so maybe it's okay

Craigh: She makes a good apprentice.
Bixi Fizzlebang: laughs
Bixi Fizzlebang: Ok, so when Craigh leaves the room, I want to cast an illusion of a disembodied arm holding a note that says,
Bixi Fizzlebang: that says "I miss you"

Bixi Fizzlebang: From the sounds of things, Jilly, we might be gone for a long time, and Tiberius might get us in trouble with some goddesses.
Bixi Fizzlebang: I don't think you'd want to risk that with the baby so young still
Carissa (Raelynn): (and the gods might believe us once when we say "we're not with him!" but not twice)

Carissa: I think at this point, N'laea is tempted to talk Branwyn into them both stealing away into the night and leaving everyone else behind

Raelynn: Well we DO know Hanali is more beautiful than you can ever imagine!
Tiberius Branadarus: I don't know I can imagine quite a lot
Bixi Fizzlebang: Us specifically or everyone?

Tiberius Branadarus: I will rely on you and Indigo to guard me Bixi
Bixi Fizzlebang: Hey, I don't think I can help you much if you upset a goddess

Raelynn: Your version of quick isn't the same as... other people.
Bixi Fizzlebang: Oh no, is there a time traveling half ghost in elf god lands?
Raelynn: No no no. It's just.... elves can be... elves.

After Cloak Check and six years later...

Session: 20220513s - 20220513c

Unfortunately, unlike some authors, Lemon knows when to call it quits before she writes her stories into the ground. For now... Anyways, as she refuses, here is the novella she could have written:

Quotes of the Night

Noble with horse : I am Lord Goplin
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Ganis Goplin?

Carissa: Got your tissues ready for Gerry's funeral, Lemon?
Lemon: The one NPC I really liked
Lemon: This feels malicious
Lisa: He could have died years ago
Lemon: He also could have been made immortal, after being caught in the smashing of the sands of time. But noooo, not with OUR DM
Carissa: Maybe he's having an identity crisis. The possibilities!
Lisa: Maybe he accidentally made a peanut butter and honey sandwich and time traveled somewhere

Craigh: Huh. I wonder if I've outlived any of my enemies?
Raelynn: You had enemies?
Bixi Fizzlebang: How many enemies did you have?
Craigh gives Bixi a 'later' gesture.

BOB The rest staying back to help the elves make it back at a slower pace?
Lisa (Indigo): yes sure
Lisa (Indigo): since apparently you can't leave a wagon for 6 years and expect to find it again

Session: 20220520s? - 20220520c

Quotes of the Night

Lisa: going to ruin my library book stealing plan
Lisa: I was just going to pop in and ask to look and then snatch it and teleport out
Lisa: like the good person that she is

Lorie: "The easiest way into hell is to die with an alignment of Lawful Evil" -- easy peasy
Carissa: I'd say find someone with good intentions. They'll pave a road for you.

Bixi Fizzlebang: Goodnight anyone who is still here!
BOB just you and me
Bixi Fizzlebang: Oh
Bixi Fizzlebang: Awkward
Bixi Fizzlebang: lol, goodnight Bob